But I was left dissapointed with the narrative and story. Miquella - Radahn connection was non-existant and came out of nowhere. Did Malenia really go after Radahn just so that Miquella could have his body? I thought she went because she wanted to make the stars move again... which I still think would have been a better reason than this out of nowhere plan. Marika backstory is alright I guess, didn't really think we needed that part explained, and it's about ancient stuff that already happened, nothing concerning the shattering and the base game. Messmer for how he was built up and what a cool character he is, didn't really leave enough impact in the end too, storywise. The NPCS were really well done though, liked all of them.
I think a good chunk of the problem is how barren in terms of story the base game is.
Miquella and Malenia are barely characters in the base game.
Radahn is mentioned only as far as what happened to him in Caelid.
Marika is well... she isn't even really in the base game to begin with.
So when the game serves you a revelation about Marika's motivations it just kind of rings hollow because its a revelation about a character you really know nothing about. Same with Miquella, Malenia and Radahn. The base gives us so little info about them that additional revelations about their relationship and goals do no register as "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WHAT A TWIST" but more like "oh, I guess that is
Compare that to Arthorias from DS1 who was very much a character even in the base game and had a backstory worth exploring as the two versions of his sword you could get told mutually contradictory versions on his story. Then the DLC came and cleared up all that confusion. Same with Dusk and Oolacile. It was all setup ahead of time and therefore had some real impact.
In ER the best we got in terms of setup is the description of the Numen race possibly hinting at Marika not always being a goddess but otherwise nothing. So the revelations about nothing also feel like nothing.