I really love that the consequences for decisions in this game are so HUGE - and I'm not talking about the scripted events, but about the emergent gameplay that comes from... just doing stuff.
I know, right? Considering that the Logic Arts are Scandinavians, I expected better from them. For example, instead of white Europeans running around and spreading negativity, they could have gone with minority youths rioting against the social injustice of the Indians having all this land and refusing to embrace the diversification.
This one does have a point. I had similar feeling towards this game and also Inquisitor. These may be widely unused settings, but they may be unused for a good reason.
Here is a good comment on that:
This game looks cool and fun gameplay, but as the initial comment states, the setting is of very poor taste. This isn't some war for survival, the spanish went to central American and killed thousands and thousands of people for... gold. Now to play as a white european running around killing natives with superior weaponry, given the real history of GENOCIDE (not a small thing) and finding that fun?
In fact I am disappointed that I can't butcher humans for meat in the game.
I forgot that some people are psychopaths who might enjoy that sort of thing.
Its not a matter of being psychopath , its about getting games for adults in a realistic setting . The Conquest of the new world brought its share of atrocities , so bad it even shocked the clergy with reports of natives being dismembered to feed dogs and pigs,and other unbelievable abominations (read las calas book, brevisima relacion, 1953)the game doesnt go nearly that far, its much much much much tamer than the truth .
Slavery , terrible wounds , disease, you get it all, you cant have an historic setting without it ,but again the game doesnt show anything graphically of it nor condone and glorify any of it.
You get some well written text,for exemple after a slave revolt you have the option to kill all your slaves and your racists(yes its a part of the npc traits) party members may rejoice and the others objects, spare them, or even free them all they dont go overboard .You never get the buckets of bloods splashed on screen like you see in modern games like dragon age 2 .
Yeah, it's fine to shoot ancestors of contemporary Germans in every WW2 game, but fighting natives in 15th century is a big no-no, because they were there first, and Europeans were the evil invaders. :derp:Given that Aztec culture was even more barbaric and "evil" than the most fictionalized accounts of Nazi Germany, I am a little surprised at why anyone would not feel righteous when undertaking a campaign of conquest against them.
And the result
Yeah, it's fine to shoot ancestors of contemporary Germans in every WW2 game, but fighting natives in 15th century is a big no-no, because they were there first, and Europeans were the evil invaders. :derp:Given that Aztec culture was even more barbaric and "evil" than the most fictionalized accounts of Nazi Germany, I am a little surprised at why anyone would not feel righteous when undertaking a campaign of conquest against them.
Negative comments on forums, however unfounded and retarded they are (i have Steam forum in mind) affect sales and therefore have negative effect on ability to further produce quality content. It's the whole "consumer" logic of things that dictates the state of culture we're in. How does that not have declining effect? Games are shit today primarily because gamers are shit, not because there's no quality developers out there.
I sortta get where you're coming from and mostly agree. The most ridiculous example of the "difficulty slider" philosophy is Diablo 3, where you can manually set the HP bloat of monsters. That is pretty fucked up idea of difficulty setting.
It doesn't bother me in strategy games though. For instance modded Civilization games let you set up every little detail in advance. In strategy games I wouldn't even call it a difficulty setting since in many cases it's not about making things more difficult or not. It's just general gameplay setting.
Again, the presets are there specifucally for that reason. If you change any of the sliders, it becomes a 'Custom' difficulty.
Yeah, sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm not specifically criticizing your game (or really criticiizing anything at all, just stating my preference), just the general trend of letting players dictate balance at a whim.
Ahh, fair enough. I haven't played many games that allowed to tweak the balance though, maybe I'm just blind, or unlucky.
I wouldn't exactly call this game an RPG, but it has some strong RPG elements, for sure.a historical themed RPG is holy-shit-man-I-am-so-excited
I still want to go native. I still want to kill all the white people. I don't know yet if that's possible in game.
I wouldn't exactly call this game an RPG, but it has some strong RPG elements, for sure.
(Oh, Aterdux Entertainment, E:C is still more of an RPG than Legends of Eisenwald, although I suspect LoE has still a long way to go, because it is in a pretty rough state at the moment).
I'll try to do that when (or rather: if) I have some time.I wouldn't exactly call this game an RPG, but it has some strong RPG elements, for sure.
(Oh, Aterdux Entertainment, E:C is still more of an RPG than Legends of Eisenwald, although I suspect LoE has still a long way to go, because it is in a pretty rough state at the moment).
Well, you can either provide details
I like seeing how the difficulty will change with each setting, but I agree with you that playing with all of the settings should only be available by editing an .ini file or something.Again, the presets are there specifucally for that reason. If you change any of the sliders, it becomes a 'Custom' difficulty.
Yeah, sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm not specifically criticizing your game (or really criticiizing anything at all, just stating my preference), just the general trend of letting players dictate balance at a whim.
Ahh, fair enough. I haven't played many games that allowed to tweak the balance though, maybe I'm just blind, or unlucky.
It's a pretty standard feature these days. In every FPS (though admittedly it was in FPSes from the beginning, it just got aggressively more silly as time went on), most modern RPGs (Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skryim, yadda yadda). Like most designery responses to criticism about players varying tastes, I find the difficulty slider concept isn't bad in theory, but the way people use it is pretty horrifying. Generally it leads most people to put it on the easiest setting without really thinking about it, figuring they'll go back and play it on a harder setting once they've grown used to the game. Then they play through, find the game feels hollow with little challenge, and never have the itch to play again. This problem crops up a lot in player-centric game design. Players will often tell you they want something, then when it's implemented, they'll discover they don't really like it.
I'm probably just a egotistical dickbag for liking games to slap me in the face in my first hour and say, "Hey, fucker! You're bad. Get better if you want to beat the game." It's what I liked about Age of Decadence. (And new X-COM on Classic + Iron-Man, though that game also goes the difficulty slider route.)
My memory may be playing tricks but I"m pretty damn sure you could zoom out and move around the camera more in the press build. Together with the lack of a centre mouse button mouselook function (or am I an idiot and have not worked it out) it really is pretty annoying, and there are other little things. But that doesn't really take away from the core of the game which is fun.