"We went through a number of design iterations for the EXALT; we tried cobra-style with weird night vision goggles and webbing, urban camp stuff, all of that," Gupta explained. "We said, 'Okay we can ship this...' but it didn't really communicate what we wanted to about EXALT.
"We wanted to communicate two things with how they looked," he said. "One, that these guys fighting for EXALT, they're not soldiers — you are fighting the believers themselves. And two, it's a covert ops system. These guys were sitting in their offices at the bank, at the PR agency, or whatever, and then the call comes ... and they stand up, go to the closet, push the button, put on the bandanas, and go.
"EXALT have day jobs; they fight as part of a secret society. They are like the Illuminati. These are people that you could have been standing next to on the street and you didn't know they were a part of this power-mad group bent on ruling the world."
Pitting humans against their own kind also fits within the "enemy within" narrative. Gupta said that it would make sense that not everyone would react to an alien invasion the same way. XCOM took their route; EXALT is taking their own.
"Some might see it as an opportunity rather than a threat, and we wanted to capture that," he said. "You [XCOM] are the good guys, but not everyone else on earth is the good guys. We wanted to have this shadow war going on at the same time as the alien invasion. It's very cloak-and-dagger with EXALT."