I tried newest version, and I don't like it.
They added a tank and aircraft designer and it's a disaster. It's basically, the same as if player just researched tech, and clicked the selected design.
IIRC they removed modification of design by XP points. Thus, designs are static and there is basically less variability than before.
And there is the problem generals are created by telephones, thus instead of using PP for creating generals, players are using telephones. The trouble is appointing leaders into government reduces max telephones, thus...
Basically it's a mess.
Funnily in my game Germany had civil war, then created EU, and EU attacked Russia. Kinda looks like what's happening now. UK attacked Netherland because Netherland is UK's bitch.
It was (sort of?) this way in HOI1, when the tech tree was like "Here's 4 different types of suspensions with slightly different bonuses that you can pick for your tank, but the meta demands you pick the best one so Christie suspension it is, every game".
They simplified it in HOI2 and it seems are now back full circle because they ran out of ideas/the fans are stupid and wanted it.
I can't believe you are saying that but I guess this is RPG Codex after all...
You can make any type of tank or plane you want in HoI4 now. Want your light tanks to be fast soft attack beasts? Sure. Want them to be armored? Sure. Want super heavy tanks? Why not.
There are so many options to pick from, aiming for high armor to not be penetrated, designing tanks that can pierce enemy armor, cavalry tanks for exploiting breakthroughs, using rare weapons and suspension etc...
Sure some options are clearly worse than others but you certainly are not lacking in opportunity there. Compared to what, predesigned tank models? This system is obviously vastly superior.
As a matter of fact I watched a HoI4 MP tournament recently and it featured plenty of air plane design ideas being used between the players, a few tanks too (due to time allocated the games were fast with rather low IC so there was no chance for more heavy tank action). The way a player designed CAS or fighters was really important, especially when coupled with timing new research for new parts and frames.
It's not a question of whether this specific system is superior or not, but where the player's focus should be while playing, how consistent mechanics are and where the devs should add depth.
HOI4 is a game where you can micro design your own plane, but you can't tell those planes to bomb a specific unit or place, only a region in a macro way. You can minutely detail where state AA guns should physically be placed, but you can't ever have them be used against enemy fighters literally flying overhead, only bombers. You have to keep track of infantry rifles (infantry equipment) you produce since the game launched but fuel was only added as a resource in the Man the Guns DLC, 3 years after release.
It's just all over the place in terms of consistency and 'what's important'.
The plane and ship designer panders to the lowest common denominator. The kind of players that want to micro their designs for a little extra stat goodness but don't mind that Germany never runs out of fuel because trade is messed up and they can import oil from Iran somehow via land even in 1945. Or that diplomacy is so messed up, that the advice on the forums is 'save your game before the peace conference comes up and experiment'.
The player is supposed to be the 'spirit of the nation' or pretending to be Stalin/FDR or whatever, but they can't properly pick out how much of Europe to grab after the war because they're stuck in a cubicle with a slide ruler, adjusting the self-sealing fuel tanks on that newest naval bomber.