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Fallout Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

Is Fallout: New Vegas a worthy Fallout game?

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Zionist Agent
Mar 5, 2012
the mecanics behind the compagnions is atrocious and the combat gameplay is insipid. Really hard to go beyond that.

So it's just like Fallout 1 and 2, eh?


Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
New Vegas captures the essential parts of Fallout and in many ways actually improves upon them. It has its problems, of course, like the fact that its built on top of the abomination that is FO3, but it's more of a rule than an exception that a good RPG has to be utter shit on some areas, and NV's good things are so good that it manages to redeem itself several times over. It's definitely worthy of being a Fallout game, although I do prefer to think of it as a spinoff of sorts.


Zionist Agent
Mar 5, 2012
You don't have to be a master in the original games since you can pick all the locks with 60/300 skill (and lockpick set) anyway.

And the reason why NV DLCs were so fucked up and made you OP in terms of balance is that Chris Avellone, your god-king, wet dream and game guru, did much of the design.
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Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
That's what Chris Avellone does and pretty much what all RPG fans really want from RPGs. An hour of two of getting eased into it, six hours of challenge, and then forty hours of face rolling everything -- harder and harder!


Apr 2, 2012


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
You don't have to be a master in the original games since you can pick all the locks with 60/300 skill (and lockpick set) anyway.
That was only the case if you used savescumming strategy (same goes for stealing).
If you play for 300 hours with a single character maybe... I never had that problem.
100 hours suffice. Just invest into speech skill and leave lockpick and hacking for later and you will get lots of free experience. Fallout 1 > F2 > FNV


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity
Fallout New Vegas sucked in my opinion, but at least it was a noble effort, now that I think about it pretty much every Obsidian game I have played sucked (NWN and POE in particular).

Severian Silk

FNV was good but felt like an amusement park sometimes because it was confined to a single relatively small map. It didn't feel like a real place located somewhere in the American West, but a Twilight Zone village outside space and time. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. But Fallout 1 & 2 were more expansive.
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dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
New Vegas might have been the best Fallout game... if it wasn't bogged down by the irredeemable, incomprehensible piece of shit engine that is bethbryo. Thus, it is a decent game with some ups (Dead Money, Vegas quests, faction system) and some downs (every combat ever), worse than F1-2, but still a game worth playing.
Apr 27, 2015
Isometric realm
for all of you FO2 haters I have this to say: The first Fallout I played was 2. I was about 14 years old and I really liked it because I saw a friend playing in New Reno when he had the car and I thought it was cool because you could play in cities and be a porn star. Later, when I grow up and played with full understanding of English I found out what Fallout was about: roleplaying, reactivity and a good sense of humor.
When I saw Fallout 1 I was like: this is identical only without a car and aliens.
I played Fallout Tactics but never finish it : I really loved the graphical improvements and combat.
Years later Fallout 3 came out and I puke my intestines out. Thank God for Fallout NV! Puked again at FO4. What will be next?


May 8, 2007
Whenever I think I have the urge to replay NV I'm reminded that I also should get the UI mod, the no bullet sponge enemies mod, the better weather mod and this and that mod. At which point I no longer care and drop it before I picked it up.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Nobody cares what's your "opinion".

And the UI sucks, therefore it's a shit game, no? Oh, right, this probably has a good UI in your "opinion". :lol:

If you don't play New Vegas with mods you are clinically retarded, sorry. There's no sensible excuse not to, and if you play on console, lel.

I never claimed to play New Vegas vanilla, I don't have any interest to do so, not even in a "well at least I'm playing vanilla and I'm the coolest kid in the block" sort of way. This game has so many flaws from a purely technical way that Sawyer had to release a post-release mod to make the game closer to his vision. Interface mods, bugfixes, gameplay changes, and not to mention the graphic mods installed so that this game doesn't look like Fallout 3: The RPG sequel, so many affect my current New Vegas experience to make the rest of the game more in-line with the love and care put into its roleplaying mechanics (which still fail for many reasons, as another user pointed out, one as simple as "skill checks are cool except you end up unlocking a door yourself").

This is why I think New Vegas is fundamentally a worthy Fallout title: almost all flaws I can think of it can be easily fixed with mods, and they can be easily fixed with mods because Obsidian most likely didn't have other choics but to put up with Bethesda's shitty engine and mechanics.

When you change:

- How damage is calculated (Vicious Wastes)
- How minigames work (or better said, get rid of them completely) (Immersive Minigames)
- The shooting mechanics (Vicious Wastes, Real Recoil, Realistic Reloading)
- The character development (Vicious Wastes)
- The companion system (Vicious Wastes + Cirosan's Classic Overhaul)
- The armor system (Vicious Wastes)
- The ammo system (Vicious Wastes)
- The interface (DarnUI)
- The Perk system (Vicious Wastes)
- Lots of miscellaneous features and tweaks (Project Nevada)
- Item weight (Mass Recalibration)
- The polish (Yukichigai's Unofficial Patch, Yukichigai's Gameplay Tweaks)

And others work... it really is a brilliant game. All of this, Obsidian could have done if they told Bethesda to suck it. Everything else is way too much to cram into a game that already had a short dev time.


And the UI sucks, therefore it's a shit game, no?

The UI is not perfect, but at least it gets the job done fairly well. It's literally a matter of scaling it down, which is more than I can say about that other game's UI.

tl;dr New Vegas is great and even better with mods, if it's not better it's because of Bethesda and 3D has nothing to do on how New Vegas is awesome, and Arcanum's UI is shit and I hope people who like it never make an RPG.
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Aug 28, 2013
Besides the retarded engine, New Vegas suffered from the bad character development too. You could just be master at almost everything and with expansions, you could easily score 100 in EVERY skill. Older Fallouts was not like that.


Dec 28, 2013
It is a spinoff of the real fallout games. Is that Buffy whatever spinoff a worthy Buffy Series? No, because it isn't Buffy, it is a spinoff of Buffy. I wish people could be less retarded here and think critically about pretty much anything. If you like something doesn't mean you have to be blind to logic or reason.

Could Obsidian have hired Tim Cain to give their spinoff game credibility and make it a real fallout? Yes, but they didn't. They chose to make a game with the same meaningless chargen, and same meaningless chardev in the same shitty spirit of the Bethesda Fallout spin-offs. Is NV closer to FO3 or the real fallouts? FO3 by a mile. So it is actually a FO3 spinoff and not even a real Fallout spinoff.

I'd bet my ballsack that Tim Cain would have ensured that stats mattered and did something, and chardev also did something and mattered. And he would have made the game good. And I'd bet my ballsack and penis he wouldn't allow some travesty console UI to ship on pc games and it would have a working, functional pc GUI and hotkeys and all the whole shebang.

Lastly, I hate you monkey savages so much it hurts.

Would you say the problem is poor execution, or that it is a 3D game? In other words: would you think it is possible to have a 3D Fallout game that lives up to the originals, or isometric (or any other perspective that's better fit for an RPG, based on dicerolls) is a deal breaker for you?

What is a deal breaker for me is mechanics and spirit. I do not the Diablo games, but I respect Diablo 3 for being isometric. No one saw that coming and it kind of paves the way for other games to throw off the 3d yolk of stupid that has been forced on us for over a decade.

By mechanics I mean does it model the mechanics of the orginal, or enhance them, but not lower the standards or strip them or ignore them? No, chargen is 100% meaningless in all the fake FO spinoffs I played. Chardev is the same. Both were huge deals dramatically impacting both real FOs. Both real FOs were TB. There are a million thinsg like this. If Diablo 4 was made by Irontower and was TB would you consider it a worthy successor or a spinoff? What Bethesda has done is basically made Diablo into a first person, full 3d TB, party based crpg with all the crpg traditions and sensibilities that Diablo isn't know for. That is not worthy of a continuation of the series.

By spirit I have two stipulations. If you are going to have the audacity to call a game a Fallout game and the creator and mastermind of the series is not just alive and kicking, but young, handsome, a game design genius, and basically the greatest person alive why would you not hire him? I'm sure he would love lead designer or whatever the title is called salary at the Bethesda corporation. Since FO is and always will be his, he can do whatever he wants with it. He can make it a detective noire set in WW1 with alien rapists and giant penis bombs and no one can really complain that he doesn't have the right.

OR - if you are going to buy the IP at least have the respect to stick to the spirit of the originals. This would mean if someone makes Diablo 4 it should be an isometric view arpg with focus on looting and random dungeons or whatever Diablo is known for. This also means if you are making FO3 you make it mechanically and spiritually significant to the real ones.

Star Wars episode 7 was by someone not George Lucas. Imagine if he made a movie so different than what Lucas has established Star Wars to be, but loosely based on his universe but was all crazy and made no sense and was aimed at toddlers and was more like of those Baby Einstein videos than a Star Wars movie, would that be worthy?

What we have is people who love Baby Einstein saying yes it is worthy. Well, fuck you guys. I could love Baby Einstein and still think a Star Wars baby Einstein movie called Episode 7 is still not really episode 7.

Diablo 3 isn't isometric, you fucktard. It's 3D which makes it shit which is the exact opposite of what you just wrote. Fucking cucked retard.

Btw FNV isn't a worthy Fallout game because as opposed to Fallout 1, it's barely fucking playable because of the shit Gamebryo engine.

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