The goal of scramble turns is that the first encounter isn't trivial if the player just approaches from the side or whatever, and makes enemies unable to hide.I don't get why devs have to invent random shit to fix problems that aren't problems.
And since people are all doing XCOM combat now, the second encounter would be you on the defense, set up in Overwatch, waiting for enemies to run into your trap.
XCOM 2 itself, in addition to scramble turns, did timers and other shenanigans to force players to move forward and not just clear the first encounter and sit in Overwatch behind cover.
But yeah, I don't feel strongly against this. I don't mind it, I wouldn't mind it not being used. Just a different way to set up the encounter.
For yet another way to do it, try this demo
Its literally just an arena, an enemies reinforce through the sides, and you can't tell which direction, so sitting behind cover isn't the play.