Sir, in the original quote I literally say "during the Czech National Revival".
We are discussing the game, yes? I'm not sure how two centuries old perception of an event is relevant to anything.
They were a bunch of raiders, pillagers, thieves, and rapists. They destroyed many monuments - monasteries, churches, and commited not just one massacre. Their military might is commendable.
Again, if you want to admire them for brute strength and cunning, ok. I don't think that's the idea most people who admire them have, however.
It's literally the same situation as with vikings. Were they all the things you described? Yes. Does that stop people from thinking of them as massive Chads? No.
Alright, do you sincerely believe you do not have German ancestors in the last 200 years? That's a bit delusional, especially since you say you live in Sudetenland. Literally every third person living in Bohemia used to be German. It's next to impossible to avoid partial ancestry in a land like that, all the more so since both peoples look the same, and people often spoke both languages.
Not to mention that language isn't a good way of measuring someone's ancestry. People adapt their family names all the time. One could marry Ethopian neggresses for generations and retain the original family name in the line.
The genetic makeup of what is today the Czech population has obviously been impacted by the 800 years or so of living with Germans.
My family colonized Sudetes once the Germans were gone, and people didn't intermary with Germans nearly as much as you seem to think. I know my family tree for about two centuries back and there wasn't a single German there, nor a person with a slavicized German name. As I noted earlier, however, even if there were any, what'd it matter? If you discovered that your great-grandfather was Russian, would it impact your opinion of Russia?
Some my ancestors served dutifully under the emperors of old as they did under the Führer, including the Slavic ones. For me, sensible and positive Czech nationalism is that of "Reich Nationalism" as it used to be called, or the "Austro-Slavism" of František Palacký.
We both know that the foreigners in Germany today are biologically not exactly on the same level as Germans and Czechs, so no, I do not appreciate them. I wouldn't mind a Czech in Germany just as I wouldn't mind a German in Czechia.
Austro-Slavism would just result in gradual germanization and erasure of the Czech people - that it was happening was literally the reason for the Czech national revival.
You are right, I believe that more cultures in Europe should be subordinated under a unified vision that actually has the power to resist the global forces of egalitarianism, democracy, and materialism.
Then you are a globalist. Perhaps globalist-lite as you extend this vision only to Europe rather than the whole world, but a globalist nonetheless. Its many cultures are Europe's greatest wealth, and if you erase them in the name of being stronger, then you also remove the one reason for why it's worth fighting for in the first place.
What exactly is this "culture" you speak of? I have spent years living in different European countries. I have yet to find a meanigful cultural difference. Do Czechs paint Easter eggs a little bit different than Germans? Should we wage wars over whether Santa Claus or Baby Jesus brings gifts? Or over how we bake our bread?
Is your way of life not nearly identical to how people live in neighboring countries?
Culture is not just language and traditions, but also a way of life, a set of common values (what is considered virtuous and what isn't), and above all the very identity of a people. And there are large differences between how germans think and czechs do.
Nationalism is a plague not so different from African tribalism. The idea that you cannot bear to live in the same state as someone who speaks a different language as their mother tongue - not even that in the case of Yugoslavia - but is next to identical in every other way is ridiculous.
It's not that you cannot bear to live with someone using a different language, it's that you recognize that being permissive in this area will lead to your cultural death. And the foreigner thinks the same - why else insist on keeping his culture or language? He's just as nationalist.
Feudal nobles were proud of their actual ancestry. Nationalism, on other hand, was the opium for the masses to feel important. Social classes are hereditary: Degenerates breed with degenerates. Do you truly feel a connection with some random dysgenic Czech living in poverty like a gypsy? Don't you have more in common with a healthy and intelligent Pole, German, Austrian?
A "connection"? What is this sentimental crap you speak of? I feel a connection to my family and friends, I certainly don't give a shit about random strangers regardless of their class or nationality. The achievement of nationalism isn't some magical "connection" but rather the preservation of humanity's cultural wealth, as well as being an opposing force to globalism.
You seem to be stuck thinking that One World Government would be a great thing, if only it were German. Would you really be happy with there only being one culture in the world? Same architecture everywhere, same art, same way of thinking? What a dull world you'd craft. Not to mention that without other cultures to define itself against, the German culture would inevitably descent into an idetity crisis. As for more practical concerns, do you really not see the dangers of forming a superstate? Imagine if something akin to the communist revolution came and seized the government - where would you flee to, if it were the only government in existence? That's not to mention the massive corruption and stagnation born from the lack of nations to compete against.
The ideal world is much like the ideal market - split across many, many companies with very different products, engaged in competition against each other. The moment one forms a monopoly, it all goes to shit.