Yup, did the Cragmaw Castle map from Lost Mine of Phandelver module. It's a nice, self-contained map with multiple routes and had a lot of different maps online for me to use as background.If I can interject for one moment, I still think the best way to get a mod scene up and going is to do pre-existing pnp conversions in the KotC2 toolset. The only other sample we have right now is from felipepepe and I believe he worked from the map of a 5E D&D module.
Was extremely easy to make, even while learning the tools the whole process took just 1-2 hours. Biggest obstacles was what makes any conversion hard: adapting GM interactions into short CYOA segments (and figuring out which triggers I can use to set them).
I agree with Dorateen that it's probably the best way to start. Do a small 1-map/level adaptation. You'll learn A LOT. And it's easy to later integrate this level with more levels. My second project was a much larger and more ambitious original campaign, but got too ambitious, I kept changing the design all the time and never went beyond the first two levels. Most of my time was wasted playing with tiny details like this:
Really, if you wanna learn the tool, get something small & just do it at quickly as possible. Then you can iterate it a few times until it's decent, and use that experience to move to something a bit bigger. Don't start with crazy shit like "I'll do an adaptation of Shadows over Bögenhafen!".
Pierre did a nice editor manual, but here's the WIP manual we did when the editor had just come out: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16LKjIU2l-f5nVIqpxypGE3egq9iOO75PoFgm32CNqEQ/edit?usp=sharing