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From Software Lyric Suite's own Sekiro corner

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, i'm playing offline as somebody here suggested to avoid those remnant things and i didn't get an achievement for killing her. Is this normal? Do i have to go online now for boss fights? I didn't have this problem with other FromSoft games.
Weird, I played it offline as well and I have the achievements.

I actually turned my connection off maybe that's what did it. I like to do that since it makes some of the programs i have running in the background shut up. I could close all of them but it's just easier to turn the internet off i guess i shouldn't have done that.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Another reason i actually shut the internet off altoghether is that when the game is online it doesn't actually quit, i have to ctrl+alt+del and usually it quits then, but occassionally also likes to hang so i have to force quit, and i'm afraid of getting my save corrupted with that shit.

Either way, i guess i'll have to deal with that. BTW i just redid her and got the achievement lol. Fuck it. Fight was more or less the same shit so i guess i got her down now.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I just checked if i had missed some other achievement and apparently i missed the one where you meet the merchant that likes crows. The hell with it, i guess i'll get it on NG+.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Wait is the buff you get for redoing bosses permanent? I'm talking about the memory thing.
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Aug 27, 2014
You should only get one memory per main boss, although i never fought them again after beating them. Also, i recently finished this and as a combatfag had a blast. Such a simple combat design but polished to perfection. From soft has zero misses so far:salute:

I think this is the first time that the bosses where i wiped the most were my favorite. Guardian Ape, second Owl fight and Ishin, all masterpieces. Two minor nitpicks, Genichiro before Ishin and Demon of Hatred. It was mentioned many times before, he belongs in Bloodborne or Elden ring, i totally cheesed that fuckers third phase with a whistle.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
You should only get one memory per main boss

Yeah which means i should just do it now or before the next boss. So the attack power bonus you get from it is a permanent upgrade. It has to be if you can't save up or accumulate those things.


Aug 27, 2014
It's permanent, you get attack power after killing main bosses and health upgrades from mini bosses, i think you can buy a few Prayer Beads as well.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
~ A Rotten Affair ~
Thus, i return from the dream. So this is what happened on that "fateful" night. Who was the assassin? Was it Genichiro Ashina, given that he held the Divine Heir captive the first time and has captured him again after my defeat at his hands? Could the grandson of Isshin really be this much of a coward?

Either way, it seems i own my life to the Divine Heir, but now i see the cost. The Sculptor appears to be worse and is now coughing blood. Upon my return from the dream, i see Emma standing by his side, no doubt, attempting to determine a way to cure this sickness:

The blood, apparently, is now stagnant, but more is required by her if a cure is to be found:

She then bids me to find more blood samples of this sickness. How much devastation has my failure wrought already? As i retrace my last steps, this time in the real world of the present, not that of a memory, i see just how far the disease has spread:

I obtain a blood sample from him, hoping it may be enough, for i do not wish to consider the possibility this desease may have spread further.

And indeed it may have. Did i do this too? Has the Dragonrot already claimed both?

To the end indeed Inosuke. But fear not, the Divine Heir will be found!

I then visit the would be merchant, whom i now recognize as the polite looter from my memory. It appears my earlier contribution has borne fruits already:

Despite everything, i am glad that he at least has been spared from the rot. Apparently, he now wants me to discover what kind of goods exactly he may want to procure to further expand his business:

As hairbrained this request may appear to be, i suppose whatever good he may procure could be useful to me as well.

I now return to Emma, hoping this blood is enough. She appears to believe it might:

As i await for her research to finish, i ask the Sculptor to create more prosthetic tools for me. Work appears to be taking his mind off his condition, and after completing my third tool, he grants me another esoteric text:

Again? What does he mean by this? From the text of the book he just offered to me, i surmise the Sculptur must have been a shinobi once.

Before checking on Emma and her progress, i decide to visit my undead friend, who unsurprisingly appears to be unaffected by the sickness (and likely cannot be). After staying with him for a while, it is now time to see if Emma made any progress. It appears that she did. She begins by explaining the means by which my own death is inflicting this sickness on to others:

And so it is thus. For every resurrection i make, power must be drawn from someone's blood, and if my own is incapable of providing that power, it will be drawn from the blood of others!

To my relief, it appears this sickness can indeed be cured! She gives me the means to redress my failures, but it appears this will not stop the disease from spreading again, which means more of the cure will have to be acquired. How many times will i be able to cure the rot? Will there be a point where the disease will spread unabated, eventually killing all unfortunate enough to bear the brunt of my shame on them?

It appears this sickness once appeared before, to a time where no cure was yet available, and it killed many at then:

I now wonder who may have been using resurrection then. Was it Hanbei? Or perhaps another? Perhaps it was the Sculptor. If he was indeed a shinobi once, him causing the Dragonrot would be reason enough to spend a lifetime trying to make up for an heavy karmic debt!

BTW, i actually like the death mechanic in this game. I'm still unclear how heavy a penalty it really is. The loss of XP and Sens isn't that big of a deal, and neither is the loss of Unseen Aid that heavy a price to pay, but this rot deal may pose a problem if those Dragon's Blood Droplets are rare to find, or are limited in quantity (which would definitely be a bitch). I mean, assuming the sickness actually leads to something serious if not prevented (I.E., the death of the NPC and the loss of quests or items).

I still like it from a thematic point of view. Ever since playing Dark Souls 1, i just loved how certain "meta" aspects of the game were integrated into the game world's itself. The way PvP worked in Dark Souls 1 may have not be exactly ideal from a purely mechanic or meta point of view but it was just so incredibily cool from an ingame perspective. The invasions, why they happened, the fact invading players actually made sense from the point of view of the world. I thought it was incredibly atmospheric and immerise.

Even if those droplets are not hard to come by and are unlimited, i have half a mind to just try to avoid death as much as i can (by bitching out of a fight if the opportunity is there) just for "roleplaying" reasons.

[EDIT] I forgot a major aspect of this death system, and that is the fact unlike Souls you get your second "chance" right on the spot. The way the combat works in this one, this is hardly popamole given you can die in two hits so it makes sense you get your second opportunity right away instead of being like Souls where you have to retrace your steps to retrieve your lost souls.
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Just so that we’re clear on the terminology, you get one Memory item from each main bosses upon your first kill that you use at the bonfire (Confront Memory or something like that) to increase your attack power. You also get to fight the bosses again for achievements and special unlock if you do a certain number of them in a specific order (but that’s for way later, don’t worry about it for now).
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Should probably kill her now while while i'm still "hot" from all the practice i did. Was i supposed to kill her this early though? I'm getting the sense i was supposed to go back and forth between the memory and the Ashina Outskirts, maybe do the Chained Ogre after getting that flame prosphetic instead of just doing the Hirata Estate in one go.

BTW, i think i kinda broke her by pressing so hard in the second phase she didn't get a chance to cast her illusions. I think her second phase was designed to "teach" people about the difference between vitality and posture damage. Since you have to chase her around while avoiding her spells for a long bit, getting opportunities to chip at her vitality over time, she then i guess was supposed to get in a state where you can start doing posture damage really fast. I guess that was supposed to be her "teaching" moment except i totally broke her ass lmao.
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
It’s pretty free flowing, and she’s one of the easier main bosses, so no biggie. It’s not really a game you can sequence break on accident I think.

Fundamentally, Sekiro is a game that you can beat comfortably by just being good at deflecting and dodging, everything else is just gravy on top.

Also, you did miss a secret door inside the building after killing fatso. You might want to go back there and give the area a big ol’ hug if you get my meaning.
Mar 18, 2009
No it's almost completely pointless. One of the handful of game mechanics that are useless or half-assed.

You might get blocked out from merchants, if the get affected, but even then it's easy to undo anyway.

I was amused at him not giving a shit about the only thing that mechanic actually does and letting his imagination run wild about what it could do. You just had to ruin it. :lol:

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
No it's almost completely pointless. One of the handful of game mechanics that are useless or half-assed.

You might get blocked out from merchants, if the get affected, but even then it's easy to undo anyway.

You just had to ruin it. :lol:
Not only that, I prolly spoiled it too, come to think of it.

LS, was it a spoiler?

Sort of, but not really. I really doubted they would have gone that far, it was just fun to pretend it did.

It's a cool idea from a thematic point of view. Your deaths just make the world worse i bet this played a trick on most people's minds the first time they played this.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Also, you did miss a secret door inside the building after killing fatso. You might want to go back there and give the area a big ol’ hug if you get my meaning.

Ha shit time for another retcon in my storyline.

Didn't think there was going to be any hidden doors here. I hope this doesn't turn like Souls where i have to start hitting random walls with my sword like a raving lunatic to find possible secrets lul.
Mar 18, 2009
Didn't think there was going to be any hidden doors here. I hope this doesn't turn like Souls where i have to start hitting random walls with my sword like a raving lunatic to find possible secrets lul.

No it's made pretty obvious which wall is a door.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Didn't think there was going to be any hidden doors here. I hope this doesn't turn like Souls where i have to start hitting random walls with my sword like a raving lunatic to find possible secrets lul.

No it's made pretty obvious which wall is a door.

Ho yeah. What's NOT made obvious is how you open it.

I actually hit that wall thinking it was a secret earlier. Was actually even going to mention it in my progress write up but i didn't want to look stupid hahaha.

It was the first thing i went to check and i basically just tried to open it every which way, until i just hugged it since there was nothing else i could do and it just opened. Fucking hell lol.

[EDIT] Updated the chapter "A Smouldering Finale" to include this secret, totally pretending i didn't actually miss it.
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Mar 18, 2009
Ho yeah. What's NOT made obvious is how you open it.

Actually that is made obvious too in the tutorial for these doors. You just skipped the tutorial by doing a higher level area first. The first door of this type most people would encounter is not very far past the ogre.


Aug 3, 2017
I kinda want to go replay Sekiro right now... I think I have gotten sufficiently rusty that I would really enjoy a new playthrough, hmm... Unrelated, Lady Butterfly is a really cool boss imo. Too bad she is the first real boss, I would love to fight a later version with more tricks up her sleeve.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Ho yeah. What's NOT made obvious is how you open it.

Actually that is made obvious too in the tutorial for these doors. You just skipped the tutorial by doing a higher level area first. The first door of this type most people would encounter is not very far past the ogre.

I guess i should have come for the ogre right after getting the fire thingy. Wierd progress pattern to be honest. Maybe i should have followed the gaming route at Fagxtra lmao.
Mar 18, 2009
I guess i should have come for the ogre right after getting the fire thingy. Wierd progress pattern to be honest.

To me the strength of regular enemies was a clue that Hirata Estate is higher level than Ashina Outskirts. On my first run I actually did come back to the ogre right after getting flamethrower. But then I died few times to it before even going to Hirata, so as soon as I got the flamethrower that was my cue to go back and kill it.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
~ A Skillfull Interlude ~

Finally bit the bullet reguarding skills. Decided to go blind after all, i hope i didn't fuck things up:

Anyway, i think it's time to talk about skills. Been postponing this shit for far too long, and can't just damn well play the whole game without picking something. What i decided to do is actually play it the way FromSoft apparently wants me to play it. That is to say, since you cannot see what skill is available down the line, i decided to just pick them as i go, since i cannot plan further than that. This means i'll probably pick up something on the lower end of all skill books, including some things that are likely shit. Even if i mess up my "build" i think i'm good enough at this game to compensate for it. I mean i got this far while spending a skill point only (well, two to get that Mikiri but whatever) how hard can i mess up.

I just don't want to spoil anything, so if i fuck up things by doing this so be it. Mikiri was the only one that i was tipped about and i'd rather leave it at that. Of course, it might happen that i may end up picking the "popular" skills anyway if they just seem that good on paper. We'll see how it goes.

So, first off, i decided to pick Whirlwind Slash to open up the other two and see what i get there:

Now between those two, the only one that seems somewhat useful (seems hard to pull off but i did have some cases where archers just shot arrows at me while i was in the air so who knows), i think Mid-air Deflection is a better option:

This opens up the third row, and bloody hell that Breath of Life skill seems pretty damn good. The way combat works in this game makes healing kinda of annoying to use. I haven't even bothered using healing while fighting at all, it's usually something i do after, so having the ability to just heal after a deathblow just seems cool as hell if i'm going to pull off more stunts like in that Toshiro Mifune! video i posted on youtube. Sadly, in order to get to it, i have to pick up this thing as well which seems totally shit to me:

Apparently i had no idea how shit it was it literally only gives you a single extra max Spirit Emblem, the fuck is this. Only good thing about it is the lore in the description lol.

Either way, the path is clear to pick up this thing:

I can now see the entire tree, so i think i can stop there. But on the bottom part, i see something that also seems pretty good, Shinobi Eyes. Since that Mikiri appears to be such a crucial skill it seems a no brainer to pick something that makes it even better. Unfortunatly, to get it i have to pick two things that i'm very conflicted about. Eventually i caved, and i start with Suppress Presence:

This one essentially appears to be something that will just ruin stealth for the rest of the game. Not that it was particularly difficult, but form this point on i assume it's going to be a cakewalk which means no more stealth missions for me like the ones i did earlier. Not entirely sure i can live with that, and i'm totally ready to back up to an earlier save if i start second guessing myself on this.

The next one also seems pretty useless:

Not just useless, but potentially dangerous because of where it is keyed. In Armored Core 6, i had a problem with kick just triggering randomly during fights. I have large hands and sometimes i tend to put too much pressure on the thumb stick. Again, i have a backup save ready to revert to if i start seeing i'm going to make accidental slides while fighting a boss. Eventually, i get Shinobi Eyes wondering if it was really worth it considering the garbage i had to pick to get to it:

Now on the Prostethic Arts, this one just seems like an obvious "must get to unlock basic feature" skill:

Not that it makes a difference since the only way to open up the tree and see what's further down the line is to pick up the early skills by necessity. Now this one seems actually interesting though:

While fighting the Lady Bug, i had a lot of situations where i could have used something that could close the gab quickly and this one might be it. I now pop up both upgrades to vitality and attack power and i think i'm ready to move to the next phase of this playthrough:

Curiously, popping that Lady Butterfly memory upgrade actually unlocks a card that explains some added lore. So this is who she was, my teacher in the arts of the shinobi, appointed by my father no less. Why this betrayal then?
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, one question about the memory thing. Now i can fight Lady Butterfly to my heart's content, with no repercussions either in terms of consumables or anything related to the consequences of death. One thing i wonder though. As i start getting more upgrades down the line, will this make bosses like the Lady Butterfly redundant and trivial? Or do they get stat upgrades along with you (doubt it, but i had to wonder).

I don't feel like fighting her right now but i may decide to get into a few more sparring matches before i upgrade things to the point she dies in two hits or something.

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