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From Software Lyric Suite's own Sekiro corner



fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
You're in for one hell of a ride then. :)

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I can’t wait to see your face get caved in once you’ll face your first real boss
Funnily enough my first "real boss" (the dude on the horse) is the only one I beat on the first try instead of dying a billion times, which is what I've been doing to all other non-trashmob enemies.

The fact that you die so quickly to bosses in this game if you mess up makes me wish they'd done away with the bonfire thing and just given you checkpoints right before the fights. It's not a Souls game anyway.
As long as you have the firecracker (which I didn’t initially :oops: ) he is the easiest one of the real bosses
I have no idea what that is, lol. From eavesdropping I did pick up a tip that horses are scared of loud noises, but haven't found anything that does that.
Oh, well done then :shredder:
But that means you missed the merchant located on a raised platform before the ogre.
Went back and checked, and I thought he was the same merchant who sits beneath the awning near the ogre bonfire. I did find the guy on the platform my first time through the level, but I thought that after I found him he had relocated. Weird to have two different merchants in such close proximity.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So i came back from work and the first thing i did is i went to kill the guy lmao:

I'll make a proper progress update after dinner but for now you guys can watch it if you want:

It's a strange boss i had some trouble reading him. Some of his attacks sometimes could be deflected, sometimes would just fly over my head without even hitting me. Plus when he does that low swing where you get a change to stomp on him for posture damage he would make such a wide arc that i would just clear of him altoghether, sometimes landing way on the other side, which was annoying. With more practice i think i could perfect it but the lead up to him is too annoying so i'll leave it at this.

Wonder if you can keep the samurai alive.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
P. good job, I'm always nervous going against these fatsos even after numerous runs through the game.
Btw that was first-try LS?

And yes, you can keep the samurai alive but IIRC there's no reward or anything, just a line of text or two.
Mar 18, 2009
And yes, you can keep the samurai alive but IIRC there's no reward or anything, just a line of text or two.

I did that part yesterday and he didn't even participate in the fight, just after fatso is dead he suddenly charges in screaming and stands there looking stupid. :lol:
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Sep 5, 2014
I'll be curious to see how he does against Butterfly, that was the point where I really had to get it through my head that deflections are king in this game.


fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
He doesn't appear to convey where he struggled tbh.
He's more interested in presenting a clean playthrough.


fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
No, he's quite good, obviously, but he doesn't post failures.
It's not even an accusation or something, just an observation.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, obviously i'm going to leave out the struggles, why the hell would i post those lmao.

Like, i just managed to get past the first phase of that fucking butterfly bitch at the end, and got Dragonrot for that poor merchant guy who likes crows plus a message that told me to fuck off if i'm too much of a scrub to do it (game literally told me to come back after i get good).

Then again, is there people who don't actually struggle with FromSoft games? Getting gud involves a lot of trial and error you'd have to be some kind of savant to just waltz in and do a boss perfectly on first try. I mean, i actually almost had her first phase on my second try but those are flukes and it wasn't exactly perfect either.

Anyway, i'm going to postpone my fight with the butterfly hag to tomorrow. I'm too tired now and i'd rather get the let's play progress out of the way as i have a backlog of screen shots to go through.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
We demand a montage of the embarassing failures!

Or we'll settle for a terse "boss fucked me up t'ill I got gud, lmao" when appropriate, either is good.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
~ A Smouldering Finale ~
And thus, with the words of my father echoing in my head, his admonitions strengthening my will, i ready for battle, determined to save the Divine Heir once and for all! With a mighty leap i trust forward, dealing death to all that dare stand in my way!

Yes i totally retconned things to make it look like this video precedes the next one with the drunk lord boss fight. Whatcha you gonna bitch? I'm the author here i say it's canon now.

Actually, for old times sake i actually tried this group with stealth. This was an interesting experiment because i made the attempt without luring or splitting up any of them, just straight up avoided detection, but it required some observation of guard patterns:

And so on and so forth. I was silent enough that the two bandits inside the house didn't even move. Funny thing the one with the axe was hiding in some dark corer at the far end of the building:

I get placement is meant for gameplay purposes but all the other "hidden" guards at least were believable. There was no reason whatsoever this guy had to be here lmao.

The most unsettling part of all this was looting a thing called Divine Confetti. I guess there's some shit like those annoying New Anor Londo ghosts here as well. Damn.

Anyway, none of this shit happened, so forget you saw it. After my father bestowed the hidden temple key to me, i stormed the mansion and after killing all the bandits on the way, i met an honorable samurai and toghether we charged into glorious battle!

Alas, the samurai perished in the battle, but i swear his valiant sacrifice shall not be in vain:

It is now time to search the Estate mansion for the hidden temple:

This house appears to be empty aside for a few guards. After dispatching them, the slaugther is now complete, and only silence reigns in the house, but as i search each room in turn, i stop in my tracks when i hear a faint wimpering not far from here:

(totally not a retcon because i'm too embarassed to admit i missed it)

As i make my way towards the sound, i sense something strange about this wall:

With caution, i lean on it, and a secret compartment of this house reveals itself to me, within which i find a treasure:

Retracing my steps, i move towards that faint whispering i heard before, and sure enough, it appears to be an old woman, clutched in terror:

Quit your blathering old woman! Where is the Divine Heir?


Inosuke? Is this the old woman i met earlier (who is now infected with Dragonrot btw lmao). Sure enough, here is her son. So it was here that he recieved the wound in his eyes:

But what is this about illusions?

(btw, this is the reason i don't want to do the butterfly crone right now. I don't know if this means there's some sort of gimmick. I assume not since he gives me a single use consumable, and surely they don't expect you to beat her on the first try, but if there is i want it to figure out on my own first, so i'll be dying a lot i think)

He then laments the end of the Hirata clan, all though i believe not all is lost if the Divine Heir can be saved:

I now enter the last room in the house, when i discover a passage underneath a tatami, which is sure to lead to the hidden temple:

After unlocking the door with the key given by my father, i now see what appears to be a child in the distance, an imposing statue of the Buddha at the far end of the temple, casting an holy aura on the scene:

And behold, it is the Divine Heir!

He appears to be under some sort of illusion, which i dispell with a prayer gesture. Finally reunited, i hold firm of the child:

When suddenly, a mysterious figure calls my name:

I now tell the child to stand back, and steeling myself, i brace for battle against this ominous figure:

Now that the child is with me, i cannot fail! I must prevail, for the Divine Heir's sake, and for the honor of my father! Ho wait shit lmao:

Never fear though, for the struggle has only just begun!

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fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
No offence, but I'd enjoy a livestream (or vod of such) more than this.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Isn't this how let's plays are done?

I don't have a camera or a mic, so a stream is out of the question, but i think even if i could do it i'd just find it distracting in terms of my enjoyment of the game. If i had to provide a commentary while i'm playing it would just ruin my own experience.

I also know what you are trying to do, get me to show case my first tries and my failures! But you know i can just back up a save, practice for five hours than save scum to make it look like i did it the first time, right? Lul.


fork's latest account
Mar 27, 2023
It's not meant as a critique of your let's play format at all.
On the contrary, it's quite enjoyable to follow.

All I'm saying is that I enjoy uncut recorded live streams as well, because they're just more authentic, or closer to what a playthrough really feels like.
It's just another format. As mentioned above, no offence intended.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I actually did that periodically on my Elden Ring video log (which i'm still pissed i had to cut short right at Malenia on my SL1 run but the burn out was too strong, i couldn't stand to play the game a minute longer. Maybe i'll resume it when the DLC is out. Was a huge mistake doing my SL1 run not even after a year from my first playthrough fuck my friends for asking for it), but i didn't get a sense people were actually enjoying them:

etc i made a lot of these but i remember some people groaning when i posted them. Of course, i was posting so many videos since there's such much content in Elden Ring i think people got burned out watching me play as much as i burned out myself playing. Some of them were pretty long too i can definitely sympathize if nobody wanted to watch this shit:

Hell, i was thinking of erasing some of this shit as sometimes i can't even find my own videos there's so many of them lmao.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Anyway it just dawned on me i have 15 unspent skill points i got to start putting this shit somewhere, i just have no idea what to pick. This doesn't seem like something you can figure out on your own before hand there's no way of knowing if a skill is good unless you pick it first and the fact the game doesn't even reveal the whole tree makes me feel whatever i pick is a shot in the dark.
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Aug 10, 2012
Skills don't make a whole lot of difference tbh. The only one I remember being important is the heal after breaking posture.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I don't know in my battle with the drunk boss felt like there was something missing, like i should have used a few more tricks i didn't have as a lot of the fight was full with empty spaces. Just me swiping waiting for some opportunity to do something big except there were none. It sort of felt like i just went on a ring with Mike Tyson and all i was allowed to you use was jabs.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Anyway it just dawned on me i have 15 unspent skill points i got to start putting this shit somewhere, i just have no idea what to pick.
You wanna help or no spoilers?
Afaik by this point you only have Shinobi Arts and Prosthetic Arts?

Generally, most skills depend on how you like to play the game. For instance if stealthiness is important to you or you use your prosthetic a lot or if you like the various sword arts (slashes, lunges etc.), get what sounds good. Honestly, none of it matters too much either way.

There are some must haves tho. Mikiri you already know, Shinobi Eyes are related. Breath of Life: Light gives you health upon deathblows, soo...yeah.
At some point you'll get another tree with "Descending Carp" and "Ascending Carp", I found both incredibly helpful, especially from mid-game on. Game was much more painful without those.
Everything else is whatever.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Isn't this how let's plays are done?
This is in the style on Lp that made me fall in love with the ‘Dex all those years ago (that and everyone rightfully shitting on Dragon Age 2), keep going.

Also, I got samurai bro to survive in my play through by liberal use of oil and the the flamethrower, but he just stands around saying thanks and not much else from what I remember.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
~ An Epilogue of Betrayal ~

And thus, it is done, the insect lady is no more:

A so it is done. The Lady Butterfly is no more, and the Divine Heir is now safe. The temple is now collapsing, as if the Buddha himself was deserting this cursed place:

As my mind contemplates the recent events, suddenly, there was betrayal!

As i lay prostrate after this cowardly act, the temple collapses on top of me:

Was this a dream or reality? Is this really the end? Will i die without the chance to avenge myself on the assassin? Is this the past or is it the present?

As i fall into darkness, i see a vision, as if in a long lost memory, of the child, and a sacrifice of blood:

And then, nothing...

How do you like my purple prose? Lmao.

This bitch was definitely an handful. This morning i started getting into her second phase consistently, but her fucking illusions confused the hell out of me. I tried just to run away from the zombies, which i guess worked but it made the fight long winded and boring. I tried to deflect her specs of light or whatever the fuck, and got totally wrecked. Only solution was to hide behind a corner while they dissipated, which was also stupid.

I then remembered what game this is and just resorted to wanton, pure aggression. Had to throw in some shurikens to keep the pressure up because i couldn't afford to let her cast any of her illusions or the fight turned into a mess of endless running back and fourth across the temple or behind cover.

BTW, i'm playing offline as somebody here suggested to avoid those remnant things and i didn't get an achievement for killing her. Is this normal? Do i have to go online now for boss fights? I didn't have this problem with other FromSoft games.
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
BTW, i'm playing offline as somebody here suggested to avoid those remnant things and i didn't get an achievement for killing her. Is this normal? Do i have to go online now for boss fights? I didn't have this problem with other FromSoft games.
Weird, I played it offline as well and I have the achievements.

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