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Development Info Microsoft Extended Showcase 2023: Avowed and Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


Jun 23, 2020
why would they make a dlc for 2077 instead of just finishing the game?


Nov 21, 2010
Codex Year of the Donut
At last, the Skyrim/Assassin's Creed/Dark Souls clone I was looking for- and just when I thought it couldn't get better - they bust out NPCs straight from Avatar!


Jun 11, 2023
Holy color horror batman! Avowed.

In most of our games companions have been optional, which I think offers a wonderful degree of choice to players, but it means there's a limit to how deeply you can tie them into the core story. With Avowed we decided companions are going to be core. They're going to be part of the experience. And that means we can invest so much more in them and tie them much more closely, and personally, to the events and the parts of the world the player is encountering

Gee I wonder why that would be. It can't have anything to do with brow beating the player with their compansions shitty comments and views (that just happen to be the same shitty views the fresh out of college writers have)... I bet they will be a real pleasure to have with you at all times.

Yup, that's the first thing that flashed into my mind. What's the point of "witty" modern humor and "thought provoking" commentary if players aren't forced to listen to it.

This is being directed by a woman with no previous game design experience, and the writing staff is 2/3 female.

There's zero chance of this being good and the gameplay footage looks like a lame skyrim clone built in unity.

That's a yikes and face palm. How are these people getting put into control of so many projects? Experience? Secret history? Talent? Blowing the right people? What?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010


Jun 15, 2009
What else to expect, the industry creativity is bankrupt, then there's the huge checklist of the puritan woke agenda to fill. So the outerworld with swords, roughly the same size , gameplay seen an hundred time before . It's done by probably ok people but without vision nor genius, not taking any risks at all and not allowed to. A plot i could write in 5 min on my toilet seat, a generic fantasy world ,of course as its poe it wont disapoint on that.
It's microsoft gamepass shovelware, cheap, for 3 month its 18.99 euros, plenty of time to try all their shit.They are becoming the netflix of videogames.
The only thing i am surprised with is the lack of obsidian newsposts, Infinitron showed much restraints and did nothing for their 20th anniversary...


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I want this to be good at least decent.

But so far it gives me very strong Outer Worlds vibes, which is just awful. That was the most aggressively mediocre gameplay ever combined with peak cringe writing.

That fake-interview nonsense on top just makes everything worse.
Last edited:


Jan 25, 2018
I want this to be good at least decent.

But so far it gives me very strong Outer Worlds vibes, which is just awful. That was the most aggressively mediocre gameplay ever combined with peak cringe writing.

That fake-interview nonsense on top just makes everything worse.
It looks like some bootlegged elden ring rip-off in first person.


Jun 17, 2012
why would they make a dlc for 2077 instead of just finishing the game?

Sounds like that's basically what they're doing. The DLC itself is just another scripted on rails story mission, but they are using the money spent to patch the game and add in some core systems work (like cops, more open world events, etc). The fact they are ending the franchise for the foreseeable future with this and ALSO abandoning their own engine leaves me really cynical and pessimistic on CDPR's future though. It's not like there is some grand plan to come out with Cyberpunk 2 anytime soon, and they are throwing away literal decades of prestige engineering work because they apparently lost all their competent staff. Sad all around.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I'm not sure whether you think this is an endorsement (hilarious) or if you're just being classically pedantic.
Someone said something incorrect and I corrected it. Regardless of what one thinks of its quality, Peril on Gorgon shipped. That is experience.


Jun 11, 2023
This whole thing feels more and more like forspoken 2.0 the more I read about it.

That's a yikes and face palm. How are these people getting put into control of so many projects? Experience? Secret history? Talent? Blowing the right people? What?
The rise of Patel has actually been documented https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads...rnity-setting-coming-2024.134122/post-7746901

(also judging by a few glassdoor reviews, there was internal pressure within Obsidian for there to be a female director).

Well that certainly explains a lot.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Reposting from the four leaf clover website:
New interview dropped:

>You have an established role as the imperial envoy, but your "personality, appearance, and philosophy and vibe you bring to that role is up to you as a player to decide"
Sounds mostly cosmetic. Also, "vibe"? :|
>You can play as a human
or an elf, but not other races
>It's purely singleplayer—no co-op
>The world is lightly systemic: think water and lightning interactions, but not the ol' bucket-on-the-head trick
First-person D:OS.
>You'll have two companions with you at a time, with their own combat specialties and, of course, personalities
At least it's not multiplayer, but this sounds annoying.
>There are several ability trees to progress through, and you won't be locked to a particular class or playstyle
>You will level up, but the focus is on unlocking abilities rather than putting points into stats to grow stronger
Again, sounds cosmetic. DMoMM kind of.
This sounds the most interesting:
>"In most of our games companions have been optional, which I think offers a wonderful degree of choice to players, but it means there's a limit to how deeply you can tie them into the core story. With Avowed we decided companions are going to be core. They're going to be part of the experience. And that means we can invest so much more in them and tie them much more closely, and personally, to the events and the parts of the world the player is encountering."
Translation: We're only giving you two or three companions max because it's all we have the budget for.

If the companions in The Outer Worlds were anything to go by, being forced to drag them around could wreck any enjoyment I might get out of the game.

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