On and off, I'm still playing the Swordflight Series.
It's the best RPG to come out in the last 20 years.
That's next on my list. Any (halfway decent) build viable?
Finesse is just brute force at daggerpoint anyway.end-game boss that pretty much required brute force to beat rather than finesse.
Well, I thought Tyrants of the Moonsea was quite great. For what it's worth, if you're gonna pick it up, GOG's running a big sale with the base EE for €5 and TotM for another €4.Is NWN:EE worth it if I'm not interested in multiplayer?
I'm not knocking it, I've certainly appreciated some very nice community tilesets featured in Swordflight, for instance. Just saying I wouldn't object to a module just because it doesn't have new tiles, you can do a lot with placeables.It's a shame. There are a lot of truly great tilesets folks made on the Vault over the years that will never see any love in a proper module.
Do you know how painful those fucking things are to make? A friend of mine who does it explained it to me and it's brutal.
If you're playing on a version that includes the new lighting model, you absolutely want to enable the Frame Limiter (otherwise your GPU will go nuts as it renders at 400 FPS), but you also want to keep the frame cap quite high or you'll get microstutters when turning the camera. For example, I keep it capped at 120 FPS, at 60 I still get choppy turning. This is the case regardless of whether you used the Enhanced Lighting or not.I'll likely start using NWN:EE again when they either optimize it better it or switch to a 64-bit conversion. I really really HATE the microstutters I get with camera rotation on certain modules with vanilla assets where I shouldn't be getting them at all. However, maybe that 10-core Intel 10850K processor I'll soon be upgrading to will brute force this fucker into a semblance of smoothness. Doubt it though. NWN:EE probably uses single core and is only 32-bit, right?
On and off, I'm still playing the Swordflight Series.
It's the best RPG to come out in the last 20 years.
I'm using my high-ranked write-ups to promote it. Redirection tricks etc.
Downloads are here: https://neverwintervault.org/tags/swordflightHow do I get it set up?
Downloads are here: https://neverwintervault.org/tags/swordflightHow do I get it set up?
Chapter 1 only has the .mod file, which you drop into your /modules/ folder. The others also have .hak packs which go into the /hak/ folder, they're either on the respective download pages or linked in there. For the Diamond edition, you'll find these folders in the install directory under /NWN Diamond/, whereas on the EE they're in /Documents/Neverwinter Nights. That's it, just load the game and hit New -> Other Modules and select Swordflight - Chapter One.
Diamond Edition is probably safest since that's what rogueknight's developing on, and I think I recall him once having to fix a door transition bug in Chapter 4 for the EE.Should I use Diamond or EE? Have both
Ain't no such thing.way too much combat
It didn't, you're just retarded
See Xaltar's NWN2 Facelift Pack if you want better mugs in your game. Just be aware there's a lone bug with the spear-handling animation, the left eye clips a bit through the skull.And for female Knight Captain https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/model/krighaurs-female-head-pack-2
It's really hard to make some sexy face for KC.
NWN's OC suffered from being cobbled together in a bit of a rush at the end of a long development cycle, BioWare originally envisioned NWN as a co-op and module-building platform first and foremost. After release, the SoU and HotU expansions were major improvements once developers could focus on delivering proper single-player campaigns, even if they didn't restore the tactical party experience of the IE games.Looking at the saves evidently I played it in 2015. Maybe that was Diamond and I tried the original and it was bad? Whatever Swordflight is very interesting so far - rogue getting so owned.