I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Technology is kill. Reapers ded, Geth ded, mass relays ded etc etc.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Vanilla: All reapers, synthetics and relays are destroyed. Now buy downloadable content.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Red : Any computer more complex than a modern PC is destroyed. The current galactic civilizations receive a massive setback, but will recover, and the reapers are gone forever... although the balance of power will be severely shaken.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Given those 3 options, red is most certainly the better one. It at least opens up an interesting balance of power between the different races.Red : Any computer more complex than a modern PC is destroyed. The current galactic civilizations receive a massive setback, but will recover, and the reapers are gone forever, although the balance of power will be severely shaken.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Blue : Shepard 'uploads' him/herself, via disintegration, to become the hivemind in control of the reapers. The reapers are then used to repair all damage done in the war and maintain peace (implied through force)... for now.
Green : Sigh. All life is merged with 'synthetic life'. Everyone magically gets circuits on their skin and everyone is mentally linked to everyone in the universe, leading to universal peace. All questions about "what separates synthetic life from organic life?" are reduced to 'silicon bits' vs 'fleshy bits'.
I'll tolerate the stupid uploading via disintegration to become space god-hitler, as long as we all agree that 'green' is just a dumpfuck ending that only becomes dumber the more you think about it. BSN's favorite ending was, ofcourse, the 'green' ending.No love for blue machine god shep?
It's a classic trope for the hero of the previous installment to be the new villain.
And it keeps the status quo from the previous games, red and green leads to drastic changes.
Vanilla: All reapers, synthetics and relays are destroyed. Now buy downloadable content.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Extended cut: All reapers and synthetics are destroyed, relays are damaged. Now buy downloadable content.
The red endings also change based on your readiness score. If that score is low, the ending is a catastrophe and Shepard does not survive.Given those 3 options, red is most certainly the better one. It at least opens up an interesting balance of power between the different races.Red : Any computer more complex than a modern PC is destroyed. The current galactic civilizations receive a massive setback, but will recover, and the reapers are gone forever, although the balance of power will be severely shaken.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
Blue : Shepard 'uploads' him/herself, via disintegration, to become the hivemind in control of the reapers. The reapers are then used to repair all damage done in the war and maintain peace (implied through force)... for now.
Green : Sigh. All life is merged with 'synthetic life'. Everyone magically gets circuits on their skin and everyone is mentally linked to everyone in the universe, leading to universal peace. All questions about "what separates synthetic life from organic life?" are reduced to 'silicon bits' vs 'fleshy bits'.
Your 'readiness' score affects even more than that. While I don't have the exact list in front of me, here's what I can remember from the top of my head:The red endings also change based on your readiness score. If that score is low, the ending is a catastrophe and Shepard does not survive.
Same, Feros holds a special place in my heart. That whole section felt like peak "Star Trek" or "Battlestar Galactica"Feros is easily my most favorite Mass Effect zone, across all entries. The ancient collapsed world's depiction was excellent, along with the Thorian subplot. The Maco section was also great, the layout of the level made it feel like you were (for a moment) driving a light tank through a warzone instead of a dune buggy.
funny you mention that https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/microplastics/if i had circuits growing on my skin i wouldnt be very fucking peaceful
To add to what everyone else has said, the “good” Destroy endings just kill the Reapers, the Geth, and EDI. The relays got damaged but the good ending Destroy slides show them being repaired and life getting back to “normal”. Since we saw some concept art teasing Geth, I’m sure BioWare will undo the Geth all being wiped out, so it is literally just EDI who is permakilled with the Reapers.I gave up on Mass Effect after 2. Can someone summarize what the red ending was?
It would be a rehash and not worth doing. Literally so since BioWare went out of their way to beat you over the head in 3 that nothing but the Crucible can defeat the Reapers, meaning it would have to be another story building one, getting it to the Citadel and hoping the next guy picks Destroy this time. Also the teaser showed a bunch of dead Reapers - clear intent that the Reaper storyline is over.No love for blue machine god shep?
It's a classic trope for the hero of the previous installment to be the new villain.
And it keeps the status quo from the previous games, red and green leads to drastic changes.
Don't forget that the Krogan basically lost nothing compared to the other races, and potentially had their explosive breeding rate restored via Shepard's doing or the natural resistance resurging (since the Salarians would be in no shape to stop it this time).As a status quo I think it’s the best option. You have some interesting potential - the races have all been devastated which means galactic politics have been overturned. The humans and turians got fucked really bad, but they also have a shitload of Reapers they can dissect for tech advancements. The Asari were the peacemakers but they probably took a huge PR hit if people found out their advancements came because they were keeping a Prothean beacon secret despite them being the ones to make it illegal. The yahg are apparently on the verge of space flight and they’re as strong/violent as krogan and as smart as salarians. The quarians have their homeworld back and are presumably one of the strongest races now since they have most of their ships and people still. The batarians got fucking destroyed and are all refugees.
Or have the ME4 PC sic them on the Yahg. That way you have your good-guy noble-savages (Krogan) and your evil, tribal cannibals (Yahg)Don't forget that the Krogan basically lost nothing compared to the other races, and potentially had their explosive breeding rate restored via Shepard's doing or the natural resistance resurging (since the Salarians would be in no shape to stop it this time).As a status quo I think it’s the best option. You have some interesting potential - the races have all been devastated which means galactic politics have been overturned. The humans and turians got fucked really bad, but they also have a shitload of Reapers they can dissect for tech advancements. The Asari were the peacemakers but they probably took a huge PR hit if people found out their advancements came because they were keeping a Prothean beacon secret despite them being the ones to make it illegal. The yahg are apparently on the verge of space flight and they’re as strong/violent as krogan and as smart as salarians. The quarians have their homeworld back and are presumably one of the strongest races now since they have most of their ships and people still. The batarians got fucking destroyed and are all refugees.
If Bioware would still be capable of writing good stories, we might see a resurgence of the Krogan threat. I'd love to see them going ape-shit on a shattered galaxy... but we all know that Bioware will just make them 'nice' and 'friendly'.
That is actually a good idea have Mass Effect 4 be a couple thousand years in the future and have the alliance facing all kinds of threats resulting from paragon shepard's actions: resurging krogans, independent nation of geths, and even a threat they thought was eradicated in the form of a massive horde of arachnids since your mc could spare a queen in the first game IIRC.If Bioware would still be capable of writing good stories, we might see a resurgence of the Krogan threat.
...like a huge Terran Empire because Sheppard sacrifised filthy xenos in a battle with Sovereign.That is actually a good idea have Mass Effect 4 be a couple thousand years in the future and have the alliance facing all kinds of threats resulting from paragon shepard's actions: resurging krogans, independent nation of geths, and even a threat they thought was eradicated in the form of a massive horde of arachnids since your mc could spare a queen in the first game IIRC.If Bioware would still be capable of writing good stories, we might see a resurgence of the Krogan threat.
There is no such thing as "best" ending, all of them are beyond shit. Refusal was okay, could have been great if Shepard didn't give some cringe speech about "hope", but that's all ruined when they said how the next cycle wins by just using the crucible and choosing one of the 3 colour endings.I'll assume they may be possibly going with the Destroy (Best) ending.
That hasn't been necessary for almost a decade at this point.Remember that time someone datamined information proving that there weren't enough war assets for the best ending without playing multiplayer, which was a doubly fucked up because xbox players had to pay for multiplayer, and the only way to play and import your character from the first game was to on xbox. But please, do open your wallets, as I'm sure EA totally intends to make the best gaming experience possible this time around.