I'm done with Deadfire and DOS2, time for Kingmaker. Hoping all the bugs are fixed by now (or most of them).
Going in blind, but one question only: are there any classes that suck completely and I should stay away from?
Non-Invulnerable Rager Barbarian: Invulnerable Rager is much better than the normal class, trading niche abilities for much better staying power.
Crusader Cleric: Gets less spells for pretty much nothing in return
Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue: Not a bad class, but with Accomplished Sneak Attacker you can make a Rogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster X that does what this class does better.
Paladin: Evil foes are surprisingly rare. I think I fought more good clerics+paladins (all part of one questline though) than evil outsiders+dragons
Inquisitor: Very focused on social abilities not in this game.
Empyreal and Sage Sorcerer: Everything Sage Sorcerer does, a Wizard does better. Empyreal has a few uses, but they aren't in this game or aren't great (Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge).
Defensively focused classes in general: AC only protects against weapon attacks. This will fall apart later in the game (and sometimes earlier, but very consistently later) when enemies start using spells and special abilities.
Mystic Theurge: You're behind two levels on spells for a few extra spells per day.
Aldori Swordlord/ Stalwart Defender/Duelist: All very defensively focused.