Yet another thing that Owlcat should have implemented
Yet another thing that Owlcat should have implemented
There are a ton of shield bashing feats that CotW implements. Also the gorum religious trait letting you treat heavy shields as light weapons. Might be interesting to play around with next. I wonder if a Holy vindicator can get enough feats to make it worthwhile; doubtful though since I'm imagining you really want the combat style stuff and extra feats like from a Slayer or Fighter.
Call of the Wild implements https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/long-arm/. Oh, 5 ft reach at min/lvl for a first level spell? My Bloodrager is already a persistent AOE now with just that, enlarge, and a polearm.
Metamagic rods with daze, entangle, and trip effects are pretty wild. My CMB is ass but toppling magic missiles seems like a pretty neat gimmick.
Speaking of CMB, there is some interesting stuff in there. There is a feat that if you just use a standard power attack it lets you perform a free trip action. I'm thinking of steering my duergar into a tandem tripping asshole with his dog.
Hurtful let's you take a swift action attack whenever you intimidate an enemy within reach. Seems like there could be some interesting shenanigans there since building around intimidation effects was already pretty strong.
A few more interesting teamwork feats, too. Swarm scatter gives you +1 AC for each adjacent ally with the feat. Bonded Mind allows hunters and summoners to share personal spells like Lead Blades with companions. Snap shot is not a teamwork feat but it gives a 5ft threat radius to ranged weapons.
The Furious Focus feat that was mentioned negates the AB malus for the first power attack. Pretty nice for low level power attacking.
Anyways, really enjoying the mod. I think I would be pretty overwhelmed if I used it on my first playthrough and I expect that eventually it will just "blank" a bunch of marginally useful feats, spells etc. But for a victory lap playthrough I highly recommend it.
yeah, they have some awesome stuff. the merchants do stick around after chapter 5, fyiJust got to Pitax, time to use my 1 million gold to use (Holy fuck that ring)...
There are some completely useless feats. I remember one specific example is that you can inexplicably take spell focus universalist even though there aren't any universalist spells for it to apply to.owlcat seemed to be trying to balance kingmaker by not introducing totally useless or totally op feats. Crusaders flurry for example is op as fuck.
owlcat seemed to be trying to balance kingmaker by not introducing totally useless or totally op feats. Crusaders flurry for example is op as fuck.
No, it should not. It is one of the save game optimizations that I have read somewhere. However, I have not tested it by parsing the saves.It would be interesting to know if loot sold to Enneo (the traveling merchant who is involved in Jaethal's quest) burdens the savegames AFTER he leaves the capital.
I would guess that the data storing an item on a vendor just increments a count=x field each time you sell them another masterwork item. Otherwise things like diamond dust and camping supplies would generate a crapload of data.
using Bartholomew in the throne room to sell junk is absolute no-no.
Ok, thanks. Then I would actually recommend considering using CotW just for those QoL effects, even if you don't plan on using the other classes for Lawful Good reasons or whatever.
I'm sort of figuring out hexes. Shaman now has misfortune, accursed hex, and chant. Makes them take the worst of 2 rolls for a round (will negates). Might be kind of useful for sticking save or suck spells. I'm thinking of grabbing evil eye as the next hex.
Hunter's spell sharing stuff seems like it will be really sweet and also Haplo AF. I think you can share stuff like Lead Blades, Hurricane Bow, Aspect of Eagle, and all of these sweet ranger and druid spells. Class seems quite good.
I was doing the mysterious shrine puzzle and I couldn't find it, so I looked it up but I can't pass the perception check to reveal it on the map.
Am I screwed, is there no way to pass the check once you've failed?
I forget now, but didn't upping Perception via stat/skill-boosting gear also count for a fresh roll?I was doing the mysterious shrine puzzle and I couldn't find it, so I looked it up but I can't pass the perception check to reveal it on the map.
Am I screwed, is there no way to pass the check once you've failed?
Got to level perception up and try again.
Also savescum that shit.