Disagree with the dude or not, i highly respect that.
Me too
Disagree with the dude or not, i highly respect that.
melnorme asked: Aloth speaks with a British accent, Eder sounds like a good ol' boy. What accents do Eora's different nations have?
Aedyrans from populated areas and higher social classes tend to have accents close to Received Pronunciation/Standard English. Rural Aedyrans sound like Northumbrians or Scots. Dyrwoodans have General American accents, with rural people tending toward an Ozarks or Appalachian accent. Vailians (from the republics, anyway) have a Lombard or Piedemontese accent.
As usual, Sawyer focusing on everything that doesn't make the game an actual fun experience. Such a nerd in all the wrong ways.
As usual, Sawyer focusing on everything that doesn't make the game an actual fun experience. Such a nerd in all the wrong ways.
Infinitron since you and him have a rapport on his tumblr, why not get him to wax eloquent on combat encounter diversity, lock-key mage battles with multiple locks and keys (i.e. real IE-style mage battles) and itemization that isn't as sterile as a surgical center?
He's talked about the itemization before? Lock-key is just my characterization of it, but I assume you're interpreting this as his view towards hard counters when you say he's talked about it before?He's already talked about these things plenty on Something Awful. Well, except for the "lock key" mage battles (I like how you aren't even attempting to make that sound non-shallow), but we already know what he thinks of those. So I don't see that I have much to add there.
He's talked about the itemization before?
Maybe it'll be worth playing by patch 4
Damn, Josh generally entertains the smallest questions from fans more than any reasonably big name RPG dev that i've ever seen
After playing STALKER I can almost understand why everything still works and is around in Fo4. STALKER is super empty, you only find some ammo, weapons and food.Damn, Josh generally entertains the smallest questions from fans more than any reasonably big name RPG dev that i've ever seen
That's the thing with Obsidian, they really go through the effort to figure all that shit out. They probably have the whole world of Eora planned and figured out down to geology.
Meanwhile in Fallout 4, computers and nuka cola machines are magically working after 200 years in an abandoned village with no electricity.
Can't wait for more immunities, more combat XP and wizard duels in PoE 2.
All this talk reminds me of reading reviews of every game I love---everyone mentions loving everything but the plot---which is what actually happens in the game---and instead talks about the worldbuilding, the combat, the humor, the graphics, and the music. Every game that comes out excels in one of those qualities, yet the timeless games in history coincidentally represent almost all the storyfag-worthy experiences.
Can't wait for more immunities
That fight was really disappointing. Obviously I was over-leveled, but still, Obsidian should know better than allow a critter like that to be paralyzed or petrified or stuck, especially when she doesn't have any helpers with her. I killed her mainly with Fetid Caress, for crying out loud!One dead Sky Dragon.
I must say, I don't get that criticism. Twin Elms felt a lot more lively and interesting than Defiance Bay, it let the tragedy of the Hollowborn sink in (children everywhere!) and it featured some of the most beautiful backgrounds in the game.None of this saves the games main story from feeling like a rush job mess after the animancer trial