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Codex Review RPG Codex Review: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
My main beef with recent crpgs is simple. The story and quests are completely unremarkable. Pillars had the same issue. Maybe crpgs need to go small in scope. I dont know.
Devs need to read.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
It's a good game ruined by shit writing.
It's a bad game, and the writing is bad.

If the combat were really as good as people gush over, I may have been able to tolerate the AWFUL writing. But it's just not. It's boring.

Every area is nothing but overtuned trash mobs. Over and over, for a story and characters I can't even stand.

If the writing or level of freedom were good enough, I wouldn't mind the bad gameplay or buggy, bloated, spreadsheet pseudo-D&D, but you are FORCED to defend Nu Sodom. You are FORCED to defend the incompetent tranny and his orc wife who allowed the invasion in the first place. You are FORCED to select from one of however many edgelord superpower paths. And you are forced to select from the pool of terribad NPCs for your party until you can afford to create custom characters a la Kingmaker.


May 1, 2020
It's a good game ruined by shit writing.
It's a bad game, and the writing is bad.

If the combat were really as good as people gush over, I may have been able to tolerate the AWFUL writing. But it's just not. It's boring.

Every area is nothing but overtuned trash mobs. Over and over, for a story and characters I can't even stand.

If the writing or level of freedom were good enough, I wouldn't mind the bad gameplay or buggy, bloated, spreadsheet pseudo-D&D, but you are FORCED to defend Nu Sodom. You are FORCED to defend the incompetent tranny and his orc wife who allowed the invasion in the first place. You are FORCED to select from one of however many edgelord superpower paths. And you are forced to select from the pool of terribad NPCs for your party until you can afford to create custom characters a la Kingmaker.
You can become a Legend and avoid chosing a mythic path..
You can kill almost all recruitable NPCs you see on first encounter.
You can chose a mythic path whose entire goal is to slaughter everyone.
You can pick mercenaries in your party instead of NPCs.
The gameplay isn't bad, although it is not good either.
Lots of praised RPGs are full of trash mobs like Morrowind and Baldur gate 1-2.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
You can become a Legend
Which is really just another edgy path.
You can kill almost all recruitable NPCs you see on first encounter.
And have no NPCs for your party for an extended period until you can afford to hire a full roster of mercs, yeah.

This copout didn't work in Kingmaker either.
You can chose a mythic path whose entire goal is to slaughter everyone.
Who cares? You still have to suffer through the story.

If your reason for picking that is because you hate all the characters, just don't play the game.
You can pick mercenaries in your party instead of NPCs.
Again, they cost money, or did when I played.
The gameplay isn't bad, although it is not good either.
A ringing endorsement.
Lots of praised RPGs are full of trash mobs like Morrowind and Baldur gate 1-2.
"Lots of games do this bad/stupid thing!" Again, not a great defense.

Besides, keyword was "overtuned". Meaning they're buffed in some way and aren't quick to get through, at least not at the start if you're playing on core rules difficulty.

BG trash mobs were one-fireball kills ftmp. Not that I think this should be the goal, but if you're going to put filler in, don't annoy me with it. Especially not when there's nothing worth fighting for anyway.

After a few hours of defending a city you care nothing about and dealing with characters you hate, you really have to ask yourself why you're playing it at all.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
It's a good game ruined by shit writing.
It's a bad game, and the writing is bad.

If the combat were really as good as people gush over, I may have been able to tolerate the AWFUL writing. But it's just not. It's boring.

Every area is nothing but overtuned trash mobs. Over and over, for a story and characters I can't even stand.

If the writing or level of freedom were good enough, I wouldn't mind the bad gameplay or buggy, bloated, spreadsheet pseudo-D&D, but you are FORCED to defend Nu Sodom. You are FORCED to defend the incompetent tranny and his orc wife who allowed the invasion in the first place. You are FORCED to select from one of however many edgelord superpower paths. And you are forced to select from the pool of terribad NPCs for your party until you can afford to create custom characters a la Kingmaker.
I haven't finished the game since I couldn't stand the writing but I thought that the core mechanics, the variety of encounters and itemisation were decent to good. Problem was that everything related to the story and the writing itself was mediocre at best to horrible and it's not a game I will ever again play.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
It's a good game ruined by shit writing.

no it isnt

feature bloat - strongholds, kingdom management, card games, HoMM army battles, its a mess. Game wants to be everything and constantly interupts core RPG gameplay of adventuring. Just bad design. Same like the first game

class bloat - so you have a ranger, then a ranger class without animal companion, or a paladin without laying on hands, etc. Any lazy bum can make classes this way. This is fake depth.

stat bloat - hilarious campaign, +5 longswords in barrels on the street, giant demons attaking towns and cutting heads of dragons. Thats why I called it "HotU for peasants" but ofcourse tranny Roguey doesn't know what I meant.

annoying mandatory companions - staple of political neo RPGs

SJW pozz - another staple

So no, its a very average game AT BEST. At worst its dogshit. Certainly wouldnt even be touched if we were in a true RPG renaissance

So yeah its possible this review is just to hype people up for Rogue Trader. Staff is known for shilling and riding dicks of developers, like that Pillars "cult gem retrospective" lmao.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I liked wotr much more than kangmaker. Probably almost entirely because of mythic paths + turn based mode.

Biggest problem with wotr is how long it is. It should have been 40 hours so that playing all the mythic paths would be more reasonable (also there could then be more unique content for each path).

Regill and hellknights are the only good writing in this game.
I liked Camilla, Ember, Wendy, Aru, and the antagonist. Galfrey also gave me an emotional reaction, but probably not the one the writers intended. Regill is the peak.
Jul 15, 2022
I liked Camilla, Ember, Wendy, Aru, and the antagonist. Galfrey also gave me an emotional reaction, but probably not the one the writers intended. Regill is the peak.
Yeah, Ember and Aru were one of the good companions. I actually think that the game is pretty good from a storyfag perspective. It's a mixed bag but I basically never talked to any gay and queer companions anyway. I completed the true Aeon ending and damn that was a truly amazing and bittersweet ending.

Despite that I don't think I'll ever play through it again. It just isn't worth it for me as a storyfag. Endless combat and HoMM battles are just a waste of time as far as I am concerned + despite the good story parts there are also some retarded ones you have to suffer through.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
I liked wotr much more than kangmaker. Probably almost entirely because of mythic paths + turn based mode.
Same. Also preferred the WotR minigame over the Kingmaker one. Not due to it being good (lol), but because it was less intrusive compared to the bullshit with the negative events in kingdom management & the way companions were tied into it as councilors.

Despite that I don't think I'll ever play through it again. It just isn't worth it for me as a storyfag.
Same. Enjoyed doing my aeon -> devil playthrough, but I don't feel like it's worth the bother of replaying it for another mythic path (and even less so for the DLCs).


Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
Feb 20, 2019
Insert Title Here
I don’t like IEshit anymore but the first chapter of Kingmaker was genuinely great. It was basically BG except improved in nearly every way. If they just went the simple “BG” route with all of their core improvements it would have been great. Instead they went full retard with KM and retarded map design (no proper cities, villages), and no meaningful (((mechanical))) reactivity in these locations and really bad one off locations.

Wrath has identical problems which is a shame because they seem to be able to do decent C&C.
Last edited:


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Besides, keyword was "overtuned". Meaning they're buffed in some way and aren't quick to get through, at least not at the start if you're playing on core rules difficulty.
If enemy stats are too high for your liking, then lower them. Ridiculous thing to complain about when they give you the tools to alter them to your tastes.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
If enemy stats are too high for your liking, then lower them. Ridiculous thing to complain about when they give you the tools to alter them to your tastes.
>just lower the difficulty every time you see a cliff racer!
Or maybe just don't put them in the game so often? The trash mobs aren't difficult, just time consuming.

Second, my dude, it is about game design, and design in general. A game shouldn't be a straight line in any respect. Whether it's difficulty or combat or anything. That's BORING. Variety is the spice of life.

Having the map be dotted with a dozen trash mobs that you need to spend the same amount of effort to defeat as the avg story fight is bad design. It's tedious design. It's bad gameplay.

And it's just silly especially when I'm not suffering through it to get to any enjoyable content. Just more gayness and bad writing.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
>just lower the difficulty every time you see a cliff racer!
Or maybe just don't put them in the game so often? The trash mobs aren't difficult, just time consuming.
Or you can just set it to one level and then forget it.

Having the map be dotted with a dozen trash mobs that you need to spend the same amount of effort to defeat as the avg story fight is bad design. It's tedious design. It's bad gameplay.

This is a "user doesn't fully comprehend the system" problem. Expert powerbuilders can go through hard and unfair like a hot knife through butter.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Or you can just set it to one level and then forget it.
Then that would solve nothing, since they're all the same relative difficulty. That's what I don't like about it.

I liked the difficult fights that had some meaning, but I didn't like the drawn out trash mobs. Why are you not understanding this?
This is a "user doesn't fully comprehend the system" problem. Expert powerbuilders can go through hard and unfair like a hot knife through butter.
No, it's a Roguey doesn't fully comprehend what I'm writing problem.

I'm sure the spreadsheet samurais can minmax wonders, but that's not the issue I have with it, so quit strawmanning.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Then that would solve nothing, since they're all the same relative difficulty. That's what I don't like about it.
In my experience, they are not. I wrote down whenever an encounter required no effort, a medium amount of effort, and a lot of effort.


Wholesome Chungus
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 13, 2021
Warszawa, PL
Kinda difficult to gauge whether the game is balanced well if you don't play on Core Rules difficulty, anything lower is suspicious and anything higher is only for Pope Amole to record dumb videos about

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
In my experience, they are not. I wrote down whenever an encounter required no effort, a medium amount of effort, and a lot of effort.
Something about this post makes me think we're just not going to see eye to eye on what constitutes a waste of time... :M

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Kinda difficult to gauge whether the game is balanced well if you don't play on Core Rules difficulty, anything lower is suspicious and anything higher is only for Pope Amole to record dumb videos about
Exactly. I played on Core myself, since I assumed that would be what the game would be balanced for. Everything lower felt easy, but Core and higher made the trash mobs drag on.

Shows poor design decisions. Frankly, it's like some modder balanced the whole thing. You know, the kind that says "my game is so hardcore, I'm gonna make every fight tough!"

This is bad design. Fights need to make sense within the world. If you make them tough, make them tough for a reason. Make it make sense. Make it feel natural and interesting.

Don't make the player dread yet another boring trashmob fight that takes 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds, if you have to have one at all.

(Also, since I feel I have to spell this out: no, they weren't all the exact same difficulty, but it was close enough to be annoying and tedious.)


Nov 14, 2016
Soviet Union
Pathfinder: Wrath
I assumed that would be what the game would be balanced for.
You know what you, Westerners, say about "assume"?

This is bad design. Fights need to make sense within the world. If you make them tough, make them tough for a reason. Make it make sense. Make it feel natural and interesting.
Translation: "I picked the difficulty that is too much for me." Moving on...
Don't make the player dread yet another boring trashmob fight that takes 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds, if you have to have one at all.
See the previous translation.
annoying and tedious
I ASSuME, that playing games from Owlcat is not your job. If so, why are you doing it?

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