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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Feb 26, 2016
I like how some people moan about getting fucked by CiG are now refunding Star Citizen and pre-ordering Starfield, and when questioned about the wisdom behind pre-ordering video games, the answer seems to be "faith", they have "faith" in Bugthesda based on their previous products, Fallout 76 doesn't count because it was their first "MMO".
Well, to be fair, Beth ships something. Whether it resembles what they hyped you up for is another matter, but say $60+ USD for a shallow video game is an objectively better deal than $60+ USD for a jpeg and a promise that some day it's going to be a super awesome battle cruiser.

Star Citizen reminds me of that Ebay scam where people were selling photos of PS5s and XBox series instead of the consoles, or in some cases, the empty box for console price with small text that indicated that people were not buying a console. Except Star Citizen has no small print.

Doesn't matter, pre-ordering unlimited virtual shit is dumb regardless. Specially after getting fucked multiple times over, by different companies, but still doing it cuz "faith".


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I like how some people moan about getting fucked by CiG are now refunding Star Citizen and pre-ordering Starfield, and when questioned about the wisdom behind pre-ordering video games, the answer seems to be "faith", they have "faith" in Bugthesda based on their previous products, Fallout 76 doesn't count because it was their first "MMO".
Well, to be fair, Beth ships something. Whether it resembles what they hyped you up for is another matter, but say $60+ USD for a shallow video game is an objectively better deal than $60+ USD for a jpeg and a promise that some day it's going to be a super awesome battle cruiser.

Star Citizen reminds me of that Ebay scam where people were selling photos of PS5s and XBox series instead of the consoles, or in some cases, the empty box for console price with small text that indicated that people were not buying a console. Except Star Citizen has no small print.

Doesn't matter, pre-ordering unlimited virtual shit is dumb regardless. Specially after getting fucked multiple times over, by different companies, but still doing it cuz "faith".
I get your point, I'm just saying that in one case there's a history of actually delivering something and in the other there's not. The former has a far better rationale for making this decision than the latter. It's how we operate in general in any event where we're not simply reacting to past occurrences.


Feb 26, 2016
I like how some people moan about getting fucked by CiG are now refunding Star Citizen and pre-ordering Starfield, and when questioned about the wisdom behind pre-ordering video games, the answer seems to be "faith", they have "faith" in Bugthesda based on their previous products, Fallout 76 doesn't count because it was their first "MMO".
Well, to be fair, Beth ships something. Whether it resembles what they hyped you up for is another matter, but say $60+ USD for a shallow video game is an objectively better deal than $60+ USD for a jpeg and a promise that some day it's going to be a super awesome battle cruiser.

Star Citizen reminds me of that Ebay scam where people were selling photos of PS5s and XBox series instead of the consoles, or in some cases, the empty box for console price with small text that indicated that people were not buying a console. Except Star Citizen has no small print.

Doesn't matter, pre-ordering unlimited virtual shit is dumb regardless. Specially after getting fucked multiple times over, by different companies, but still doing it cuz "faith".
I get your point, I'm just saying that in one case there's a history of actually delivering something and in the other there's not. The former has a far better rationale for making this decision than the latter. It's how we operate in general in any event where we're not simply reacting to past occurrences.
Its a bit more complicated than that, because Wing Commander, Starlancer n Freelancer did sort of happen, the problem is that most people don't seem aware of the negative impact of Chris Roberts on those projects...


Feb 26, 2016
People still pour money into it though, even if the "hype" has died down.
I have a feeling that many people who poured money into this are soon dying down themselves.


For whatever it may be worth.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
How is having purchased the game a single time, whether you still play it or not, not 'financially supporting it'?

These people are completely fucked in the head.


Feb 26, 2016
How is having purchased the game a single time, whether you still play it or not, not 'financially supporting it'?

These people are completely fucked in the head.
STILL financially support it. As in, you are still currently pouring cash into it.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I understand the question perfectly well. What I don't understand is the necessity to even ask the question.
Well, look at the D4 thread. There is a significant difference between someone who picked the game up whether they like it or not and someone like SDG who was buying outfits and shit and planning on buying more.

One is a decision that may or may not involve buyers remorse and the other is going whole hog in to whatever the devs are doing. Far different levels of devotion, interest, etc. Also only the continuing revenue pipeline of buying all this overpriced shit incentives the company to never deliver anything since it'd stop the gravy train.


Feb 26, 2016
I understand the question perfectly well. What I don't understand is the necessity to even ask the question.

Who do you think enables CiG to keep dragging on this shit show?

The guy who paid 45$ for the base game, or the one's still throwing cash at it on a daily basis after over a decade of development?


Sep 27, 2020
What are they simulating though, spaceshia religious cult?
Simulating simulations, that is, as soon as Simulation Tech is in place, but sadly the roadmap for such tech still in development, it's just a couple more Idris away.

I am actually somewhat perplexed by where the funding for this game is evening coming from at this point.

Check out Star Citizen Refunds reddit, you have people there admitting to have spent thousands of dollars in this fucking thing.

Last one I stumbled on had recovered half of his 6,000$ "investment", those 25,000$ ranks exist for a reason, some people will just keep throwing ridiculous amounts of cash at those cunts.
I weep for the state of Star Citizen and those that have been suckered into it at this point. But frankly that refund subreddit is equally fucking retarded. The complete lack of personal responsibility there is bordering on mental illness. I don't care how many dumb promises Roberts made. If you're spending 5 figures on a video game you need serious mental help for making expensive impulse buys without thinking of the consequences. That's money for a house. Not an early access video game.


Feb 26, 2016
What are they simulating though, spaceshia religious cult?
Simulating simulations, that is, as soon as Simulation Tech is in place, but sadly the roadmap for such tech still in development, it's just a couple more Idris away.

I am actually somewhat perplexed by where the funding for this game is evening coming from at this point.

Check out Star Citizen Refunds reddit, you have people there admitting to have spent thousands of dollars in this fucking thing.

Last one I stumbled on had recovered half of his 6,000$ "investment", those 25,000$ ranks exist for a reason, some people will just keep throwing ridiculous amounts of cash at those cunts.
I weep for the state of Star Citizen and those that have been suckered into it at this point. But frankly that refund subreddit is equally fucking retarded. The complete lack of personal responsibility there is bordering on mental illness. I don't care how many dumb promises Roberts made. If you're spending 5 figures on a video game you need serious mental help for making expensive impulse buys without thinking of the consequences. That's money for a house. Not an early access video game.

Oh yeah, you are pretty fucking spot on that.

As I said, I'm watching a dude defending pre-ordering video games in that fucking reddit, and dear fucking lord it's unbelievable, it's just easier to cry about how evil companies like CiG are, instead of admitting that you may also be a fucking idiot for needlessly throwing cash around like that because you have "faith" in a company.

.... I understand that mistakes are made, but completely refusing to learn from them like this is just pretty fucking impressive.


Mar 28, 2014
I weep for the state of Star Citizen and those that have been suckered into it at this point. But frankly that refund subreddit is equally fucking retarded. The complete lack of personal responsibility there is bordering on mental illness. I don't care how many dumb promises Roberts made. If you're spending 5 figures on a video game you need serious mental help for making expensive impulse buys without thinking of the consequences. That's money for a house. Not an early access video game.

There are obviously guys who are complete idiots who spend most of their money on frivolous things but like i said previous post. Sim flight community is different beast alltogether.

It's hard to understand that if you aren't part of any sim community. They don't treat sims as games. They treat it more like hobby. Like one game played for decades or maybe switch once every 5 years or so if possible.

Who normally want to play flying sims ? People who don't find cars exciting enough. Aka ex-pilots, company owners who can easily afford sports car etc. Normal people don't wake up and think "GEE iwant to fly cesna or 747"

I mean look at ex military pilots. Most of those guys really fucking want to fly. They live for it. Then after 10-15 years they retire and there isn't enough things to fly. So what they do ? They invest in their hobby by any means nessesary. And since they were elite pilots they have ton of extra income. 20k for you might be insane but for dude like that this might be just few days in some expensive place.

If you think star citizen is making fat stacks look at fifa ultimate. No one talks about it but i have seen personally literally 100s of pro players who splurge 50k-100k a month on some virtual cards in fifa or their kids like it is nothing.

Verstapen an F1 champion literally sits whole days playing racing sims with people. Dude literally makes mils a years just from team sallary and probably vastly more from sponsorships.
Like dude won F1 championship and the very same night after few hours later he was already racing dudes online in iracing like F1 championship was just training for his online stint.

How many racing pro drivers do you think there are ? 10 000 ? Probably 20k. Just 10k of them playing virtually (which is pretty much mandatory as part of training at this point) literally maans fat stacks of money for those companies who make those sims as long as there are expensive things to buy.


Aug 8, 2023
no man's sky and starfield are both finished games with an ending, i don't think shart citizen can share that honour after 10 years and 700 million


Oct 23, 2017
Does anyone actually play this game? Thoughts on how it is currently?
I like it but you need a solid PC and it's buggy as hell. You will crash and servers will die on you but if people play it despite that, it proves it's doing something worthwhile that no one else is offering. Don't spend money on it until you've done free fly (free weeks they run every couple months) though and if you do, only buy the cheapest package which includes a copy of the game because you'll earn them pretty easily as the intended progression.

no man's sky and starfield are both finished games with an ending, i don't think shart citizen can share that honour after 10 years and 700 million
Why would Star Citizen have or need an ending? It's a sandbox MMO similar to Ultima Online. If not for recurring wipes it'd be no less a live service than World of Warcraft either.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
it proves it's doing something worthwhile that no one else is offering

Committing suicide might be worthwhile to others, but to the vast majority of us it isn't.

This pre-alpha isn't a game and are coping with the fact to lure more people into your cult. It's rather hilarious to watch you cope with vaporware and your piss poor decisions.

I'm laughing at you.

If anyone buys into this scam I'll be laughing at them as well.

Oh how's Squadron 42 or the single player game that was originally pitched and paid for?


Aug 8, 2023
i like it but you need a 4090 and 7800x3d (minimum) to get 45 fps (1% around 7 fps) also you can't walk on flat ground without a non-zero chance of clipping through the floor and dying and losing all your shit also the servers die every 15 minutes

great game idiot. how anybody can believe in this retarded project that promised both an MMO and a single player campaign but can barely tolerate having 100 people at the same location OR even a basic 8 hour campaign after 10 YEARS is beyond me. yes, sure, i concede, it's a very cute space larping sim that works about 40% of the time, but it isn't a game with a single tangible gameplay loop or a single actually finished system. india launched a rocket and put a rover on the moon for a TENTH of the money that it took to create this jumbled mess of quarter-finished systems and broken promises


Oct 23, 2017
sandbox MMO because no one else is making sandbox MMOs anymore.
I wonder why...
Agreed. I don't know why considering the success:failure ratio of sandbox MMOs is exponentially higher than endless WoW clones.
i like it but you need a 4090 and 7800x3d (minimum) to get 45 fps (1% around 7 fps)
That's a funny way of writing 130FPS. 86 at 4K.

also you can't walk on flat ground without a non-zero chance of clipping through the floor and dying and losing all your shit also the servers die every 15 minutes
Exaggeration to say the least. You can easily have a solid six hour session without that happening or servers crashing. Source: I just did it.

Ignore these sperglords. I'm the only one here telling you to play the game yourself (for free) and supposedly I'm the cultist. JamesDixon suck my cock and rim my asshole while you're at it. At least Myobi tried it.
Last edited:


Oct 3, 2014
Port Customs
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
To be fair, as someone who played a metric ton of janky Arma battle royale mods before BR was cool, I probably know what ADL means.
The funny bit here are autists who spend thousands of dollars on this game and Chris who keeps milking them.

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