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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Nov 23, 2011
The firings are to make room for the nepo-babies he and Sandi are planning to have in a couple of decades.


Oct 23, 2017
Literal fake news just like the last time. They just had their most profitable year ever and the usual schizo retard suspects are treating this "round of layoffs and restructuring" as evidence that the game is yet again running out of money and the sky is falling. Meanwhile back in reality: CIG is one of the only studios on the planet hiring in significant numbers as everyone else is downsizing.
Doomposters were using that Reddit QA guy to push the narrative that CIG was running out of money. Turns out he declined relocation to their new offices.
Chris Roberts: 600 million
Star Citizen refunds losers: zero
Workers were offered relocation to the Manchester office to consolidate development over there. The individuals being "laid off" refused to relocate. These plans have been known publicly since 2021. Internally, probably even longer than that. Not that the guy from Turbulent would know, given that his company was purchased by Cloud Imperium back in July.


Feb 26, 2016
"Literally fake news! It's actually... * proceeds by confirming the fake news *"

Also odd of you to accuse others of presenting this as "evidence" that the project is running out of money when no one even mentioned such thing.

Virgil Brummond

Jan 23, 2023

Store Citizen confirmed the layoffs albeit with a PR spin:

As part of our normal processes, we regularly look for ways to make our operations more efficient, which can include restructuring in order to place a position closer to the team it supports. Now that we are back in office and seeing the progress and quality of work when our teams are in-person working together, we have decided to co-locate as much development as possible, which has resulted in some minor staffing changes as we move some development positions closer to their core teams. As a result of this consolidation, a small number of positions were eliminated and we continue to recruit for key roles within the company.
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Feb 26, 2016
As part of our normal processes, we regularly look for ways to make our operations more efficient, which can include restructuring in order to place a position closer to the team it supports. Now that we are back in office and seeing the progress and quality of work when our teams are in-person working together, we have decided to co-locate as much development as possible, which has resulted in some minor staffing changes as we move some development positions closer to their core teams. As a result of this consolidation, a small number of positions were eliminated and we continue to recruit for key roles within the company.



Mar 28, 2014
Well pigs really do fly...
First test of static server meshing is beginning today among evocati members.

Full message text:

Today's Evocati TECH-PREVIEW playtest will be the first in a long series of Meshing playtests starting with Static Server Meshing!
Today's build will consist of shards with 2 servers statically meshed with one running Stanton and another running Pyro along with server crash recovery.
For this first test, jump gates will not be enabled and it will be a choice to join from the launch menu
More info:

Based on 3.22.0
100 players per system i.e., 200 players in one shard/RL
You will be "locked" to the system you choose as your home location, at least for todays test. As for how to tempt you. Pretty please can some of you join Stanton
There's a lot more to do there right now (Pyro is far from complete in this test as this is purely tech focused) and we'll get the best data if things are reasonably balanced.
Chat should be global for this series of SM tests, will change in the future.
Travel between systems (will be) through the jump gates only.

Higher Game

Apr 14, 2005
Female Vagina

Store Citizen confirmed the layoffs albeit with a PR spin:

As part of our normal processes, we regularly look for ways to make our operations more efficient, which can include restructuring in order to place a position closer to the team it supports. Now that we are back in office and seeing the progress and quality of work when our teams are in-person working together, we have decided to co-locate as much development as possible, which has resulted in some minor staffing changes as we move some development positions closer to their core teams. As a result of this consolidation, a small number of positions were eliminated and we continue to recruit for key roles within the company.

Firing this freak with clown hair is in fact good PR. Wonder if "xhe" is in on it?


Feb 26, 2016
Oh, and by the way...

the usual schizo retard suspects are treating this "round of layoffs and restructuring" as evidence that the game is yet again running out of money and the sky is falling.

Probably a huge pile of nothing as usual, but there are rumors of NDA conditional layoffs, reports of Spectrum accounts changes from "Staff" to "Backer", a 30% reduction in revenue compared to last January, and fancy sales popping up as mushrooms.

You are not just a cocksucker, you are a fucking dumb illiterate cock sucker. Learn motherfucker, just learn, its like both of your brain cells are in a constant competition for third place, every fucking time I see you arguing against someone in this god forsaken place you always manage to make a clown out of yourself, before going dead silent till you forget about it. Just stop dude, stop, I'm ashamed for you at this point, over 3,000 posts of this type of dumb fuckery, just give it up already, go buy some crayons and color some of those space ship pictures or whatever.


Mar 28, 2014
impressions from server meshing test:


Seems like the test was more successful than they predicted. Pyro which was crashing the most also was running old version of it which is very unfinished and that was leading to ton of crashes on itself.

Server crash recovery also seems to work well. When game crashes you are "frozen" in place. Once server restarts you just continue from exact same place, action as if you would his play after hitting pause on remote. That's a cool feature, hope it would get into other games. 2 minutes for recovery also isn't that long but CIG claims they can make it a lot faster later.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
So I got the base 45 dollar package for this back in...holy shit 2011...2012? Back in ye olden days anyway. Is this nearly ready yet? By that I mean can I go through the single player campaign and then on to the mmorpg?

That was the promise iirc...Not that CIG is big on honouring promises...


Mar 28, 2014
So I got the base 45 dollar package for this back in...holy shit 2011...2012? Back in ye olden days anyway. Is this nearly ready yet? By that I mean can I go through the single player campaign and then on to the mmorpg?

That was the promise iirc...Not that CIG is big on honouring promises...

With huge grain of salt, there has been a ton of leaks that CIG is actually ending SQ42 development and it is effectively in beta where they hunt bugs before release.

Normally this wouldn't pick on radar after so many "leaks and rumors" over the years SQ42 is ending production but it precisely started to surface when people started noticing ton of employees of CIG joining SC development moving over from SQ42. CIG produces a lot of video content weekly and suddenly new people or "very old" people heads started popping up left and right talking about features coming to SC rather than "samy" crew from older videos.

So yes. As hard as it may sound seems like SQ42 will be released after all.

And this is what they released last year on SQ42:



Feb 26, 2016
Seems like the test was more successful than they predicted.

Ah yes, backers are very well known for their honesty towards the actual state of the project:

I cant even remember the last time i even crashed in star citizen its been that long so its never been an issue for me. - 2024-02-08


Mar 28, 2014
I cant even remember the last time i even crashed in star citizen its been that long so its never been an issue for me. - 2024-02-08

SaltMike is literally one of the most critical people in community. Dude has been hammering CIG for nearly 4 years now every video he releases.

He reminds me a lot of you in fact.



Oct 23, 2017
Probably a huge pile of nothing as usual, but there are rumors of NDA conditional layoffs, reports of Spectrum accounts changes from "Staff" to "Backer", a 30% reduction in revenue compared to last January, and fancy sales popping up as mushrooms.
You are not just a cocksucker, you are a fucking dumb illiterate cock sucker. Learn motherfucker, just learn, its like both of your brain cells are in a constant competition for third place, every fucking time I see you arguing against someone in this god forsaken place you always manage to make a clown out of yourself, before going dead silent till you forget about it. Just stop dude, stop, I'm ashamed for you at this point, over 3,000 posts of this type of dumb fuckery, just give it up already, go buy some crayons and color some of those space ship pictures or whatever.
"Probably a huge pile of nothing" doesn't absolve you from being a disingenuous piece of shit that has been unable to acknowledge anything remotely positive about the game for god knows how many hundreds of pages you've been posting ITT. Of course it's a huge pile of nothing. It always is. Doesn't even need to be stated but the fact that you're always the one posting this stuff does.


Mar 28, 2014
Funny to hear the "better than expected" PR messaging about server mating. What does this even mean?

They expected everything combust into flames and testing stopped after minutes as main server aka replication layer would break. Which was the prediction CIG had and especially community.

We knew they tested replication layer itself with just one server which essentially is already server meshing (but with 1 server instead of multiple) and those went well too.

Chris got tired sunbathing on his yacht or something.


Feb 26, 2016
SaltMike is literally one of the most critical people in community. Dude has been hammering CIG for nearly 4 years now every video he releases.
I was talking about the discord feedback you posted, lots of those mother fuckers prefer to pretend that everything is peachy for a good PR than to actually report the issues surrounding the project.

Probably a huge pile of nothing as usual, but there are rumors of NDA conditional layoffs, reports of Spectrum accounts changes from "Staff" to "Backer", a 30% reduction in revenue compared to last January, and fancy sales popping up as mushrooms.
You are not just a cocksucker, you are a fucking dumb illiterate cock sucker. Learn motherfucker, just learn, its like both of your brain cells are in a constant competition for third place, every fucking time I see you arguing against someone in this god forsaken place you always manage to make a clown out of yourself, before going dead silent till you forget about it. Just stop dude, stop, I'm ashamed for you at this point, over 3,000 posts of this type of dumb fuckery, just give it up already, go buy some crayons and color some of those space ship pictures or whatever.
"Probably a huge pile of nothing" doesn't absolve you from being a disingenuous piece of shit that has been unable to acknowledge anything remotely positive about the game for god knows how many hundreds of pages you've been posting ITT. Of course it's a huge pile of nothing. It always is. Doesn't even need to be stated but the fact that you're always the one posting this stuff does.
Lol! "Absolve" me? Gtfo you fucking cultist retard, want to talk about being disingenuous?

- https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/the-elder-scrolls-online-gone-b2p.71846/page-150#post-8846414

I've lost the count of how many times I saw you in others threads shitting on video games over their issues while sitting here sucking Chris Roberts dick for doing far worse, and when confronted about it you start pulling out hollow accusations out of your ass, always making yourself look like a fucking clown.

Also, I don't have to “acknowledge anything remotely positive” about it, I'm not paid to do PR for them, I'm just here for the memes and to watch morons like you getting all butthurt over it.


Mar 12, 2020
I have severe misgivings about listening to anyone who's spent more than 3 months at CIG after 2018 or so now turn around and moralise. I get it, a meal ticket's a meal ticket, but don't fucking act like it took you any longer to understand what kind of business was paying for it, just move along nice and quiet. To make matters worse, she's only complaining about the company being "toxic" to employees - "Woe is me, I got fired from a business exploiting hapless .JPG addicts, but fuck those guys, woe is meee!"


Mar 28, 2014
In reviews most of employes actually praise CIG as one of few studios that has 0 crunch, large benefits and so on.
Which is ironic considering it is 8 years late.

Virgil Brummond

Jan 23, 2023
All the "0 crunch", "large benefits" and so on is complete BS. Their salaries are shit, just divide the development headcount by total development salaries and you'll get the all in average (the median is a lot less because of the many millions that go to Roberts family members and senior associates).

Chris Roberts and CIG expand into North Korea:

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Feb 26, 2016
In reviews most of employes actually praise CIG as one of few studios that has 0 crunch, large benefits and so on.
Which is ironic considering it is 8 years late.

Don't have to put high effort to ''work''
There is practically no team coordination and everyone seems to do something on their own

Some great people and fun events. Cool projects.
Some very toxic people, especially at the director level. Plenty of crunch. Bonuses, once great, are a joke. CPO/HR are untrus...

The people are the best part of this place but you can't hold on to that very long
Marketing runs the show and only looking at making money instead of actually finishing the game I think CIG forgets that this i...

Good coffee, no need to perform.
Marketing runs the show and only looking at making money instead of actually finishing the game Low salary


Dec 16, 2014

Head of the Live PU now looking for work as well ^^;


Welp, another one who bites the dust.

Who would hire one of these imbeciles? Imagine your resume is spending 10 years "working" on this "project", missing all of your deadlines, and never releasing a game. Wow, you must be awesome!

My only hope for Star Citizen is that one day, which will probably be far in the future, there will be Bernie Madoff levels of lawsuits and criminal prosecution that culminate in Chris Roberts having to spend the rest of his life in prison. And then of course he has Hell to look forward to after.

And for all the retards who gave him money, you deserve a year or two in Purgatory for being such gullible fools.

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