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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Mar 2, 2015
Sweet baby jesus inc. Put that into spoilers, man.


Mar 28, 2014
I mean yeah, back then there were words now you have actually people moving between work on SQ and SC. Suddenly people who were hired in early days popping their heads in dev streams saying they moved from SQ work to SC, stuff getting ported etc etc etc.

Point is that back then it was mostly words now there are tangible facts that are hard to ignore. So either SQ was cancelled and they just move people to SC or actually SQ is getting finished and people are just finishing their work moving to SC after that.

To me the most fun aspect of it is that they still don't have good flying mechanics and they just ported back master modes from SQ42 and no one likes it. Which shows you how detached sq team was from SC one when it comes to design and gameplay.

SC was supposed to be gameplay test for what it will be going into SQ42 so that they can have good gameplay from get go. Instead we got master modes which no one likes and whole host of changes people aren't really hot about.

The reason ? Because combat in SC wasn't as cinematic as Chris envisioned because there was too much jousting.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I mean yeah, back then there were words now you have actually people moving between work on SQ and SC. Suddenly people who were hired in early days popping their heads in dev streams saying they moved from SQ work to SC, stuff getting ported etc etc etc.

Point is that back then it was mostly words now there are tangible facts that are hard to ignore. So either SQ was cancelled and they just move people to SC or actually SQ is getting finished and people are just finishing their work moving to SC after that.
Statements from CIG employees are "tangible facts"?



Feb 26, 2016
Sweet baby jesus inc. Put that into spoilers, man.
My bad, my bad, fixed ;)

Point is that back then it was mostly words now there are tangible facts that are hard to ignore
... you mean, like the fact that you can't buy it since it was pulled out of their own store back in May 2023 for a "price change"?



Mar 28, 2014
They removed ability to buy SQ42 a year ago. You could buy it back then for 45$ or upgrade your SC package with SQ42 for 20$. It will be back probably for 79$ when they will announce beta or something.


Feb 26, 2016
Loved the 20 minute video on the space cow tech, impressive shit.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
This thing is the gift that keeps on giving. My brother spend a few k on this shit, it has been of great amusement to me (but not him) whenever I see him.

Thank you CIG, you have made my life a lot more enjoyable.
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Mar 28, 2014
Latest ISC, MFD rework. Finally. 5 manufacturer styles for now + 1 generic one, rest coming later. That Drake MFDs look amazing.

Server meshing test for next few days from 100 to up 1000 people per world.



Feb 26, 2016
100 players to 1000 players per world, but how many players per shard/server?

Because last time I watched 100 players inside a space ship 2 years ago, the game was barely holding together with them just standing still while glitching and spazzing on the spot.


Mar 28, 2014
100 players to 1000 players per world, but how many players per shard/server?

Because last time I watched 100 players inside a space ship 2 years ago, the game was barely holding together with them just standing still while glitching and spazzing on the spot.

Right now current limit is 100 players per world which runs 1 server.

Test will go from 100 players till 1000 players per world. No news on how many servers per world for now.

Last time they run 200-400-800 test with different server configurations.
200 one had 5 servers each having one planet and it's moons and space in between (which was separate server)
800 one had more than 5 and some of the moons were split.

What interest me is that if they will do test with multiple servers on same planet. As in planet is one server and city is different one.
Last time they did tests server fps was non stop around 20-24FPS even at 800 player test it was mostly 20fps.

The issue wasn't server performance but stability and broken features. This time some of those features will be working and they claimed to resolved a lot of bugs.


Mar 28, 2014
New server meshing test today. Went from 1:100 (1 server - 100 people total) to 6:1000 again and then went bac to 4:500

Impressions from 1000 one:
- massively improved
- servers didn't crash from my experience.
- lag was there but like 30-40 seconds instead of 5-10minutes per action like in the last one.
- It was enough playable so that i could visit all the planets in system in one session.

4:500 was the one that by far was the best.

- Effectively better than LIVE experience (and current LIVE is arguably best state SC ever was)
- 30fps server ticks everywhere (compared to LIVE's 5-10 server fps) on planets and around 20-25 in space.
- there is a slight lag (in range of 100ms to 200ms compared to live 30-40ms) which was noticeable but not gamebreaking.
- finally AI worked well as in true 30fps server you can occasionally very early morning when no one plays SC.
- Didn't find any "seams" between servers or anything like in previous test. They fixed stuff like quantum jumping etc that would stop at server borders.

From CIG post there are ton of bugs still to solve but progress in just a week seems pretty good. The best part is that with 30fps server tick 90% of other SC bugs don't happen which are usually fucking people experience. Like AI for NPCs actually work now and they pose challange rather than fighting someone with parkinsons and alzhaimers at the same time. Stuff doesn't just randomly decides to fall through floor etc.

The little lag on 500 shard i had obviously has some impact on experience but in previous testing it was on order of 2000-3000ms. aka 2-3 seconds even on 500 people shard.


Reading more on people impressions it seems that right now the main stoppers are in fact just server meshing bugs with how it handles rest of the game that cause chain reactions of errors etc. It's not fundamental issue like many people worried about.

I think next week they will again run the test and try at least for 500 one to have 1:1 feature set as the LIVE build. Once that is achieved they will start to go up with player numbers. Current build for server meshing had disabled missions and CIG adviced to avoid R&Rs due to bugs with elevators.

Probably 2000-3000 player test in 2 weeks.
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