20 years to ad Polish. Can they not just release and ad translations later?
Everyone will be dead when it finally releases, so it's better to do it when everyone is alive. I can't wait for the Inuit translation for all zero people who play games in that language.20 years to ad Polish. Can they not just release and ad translations later?
How can you crash to desktop on a server ? Are they running their shit on win11 workstations ?CTDs on server side
How can you crash to desktop on a server ? Are they running their shit on win11 workstations ?CTDs on server side
2000-3000 players in a single system... spread trough how many servers/shards?
It's not really slowing time, it is just that some of actions are get queued and don't happen in instant. So you can shoot walk normally but stuff will register long after you walked away shoot whatever. EVE time dilation is outright slowdown of gametime. As in gametime slows down to rate of server response.From your previous posts it does seem like SC right now also slows time down to cope with many players (no longer minutes per action though :D).
TD felt ok-ish in EVE, because it's not a first player twitch game. Can't imagine having TD in a game when I'm supposed to fly a ship in first person...
Its like these mother fuckers are spending the years just sitting on fancy space themed beanbags playing Mario Kart, and by the end of each year the just press the "randomise UI" button to somehow justify that sweet jpg based paycheck.
Does the game still tank to ~ 40fps on a top-end gaming PC when you first wake up in your bunk after a fresh installation of it?
"will be coming shortly"..."was supposed to go into last update but it was delayed", Star Citizen in a nutshell.
Another server meshing test was done today. Another clear improvement.
- overall they seem to fixed atrocious lag compared to test two weeks ago
- version also was much more stable than last week ago (which failed completely at 1000 player test)
- 1000 player test worked pretty well compared to test 2 weeks ago with same low latency of a week ago.
- 2000 player test was done and it worked (alas as bed as 1000 3 weeks ago)
New Babbage hyperloop tram on 2000 player shard test. (for comparison usually you don't see more than 1-2 people on normal 100 player server)
"My client fps is only 21..."
Yeah... to give everyone a little bit of context on the "clear improvement" and "fixed":
The scope creep is the appeal and I don't give a fuck if only 15% of the community voted for it because I was one of them. Should've refunded if you didn't want atmospheric gameplay. Keep it going another fifteen years. God forbid a developer make something cool with unlimited resources instead of delivering something on a conventional timeline. The last five or so years we've seen what happens when devs rush a bullshit product out. No thanks.
Chill buddy we know, we know... also, hyped up for that CitizenCON?!? The biggest con in gaming history!?!? I wonder what sort of marvels are going to get announced! Squadron 42 in polishing phase?!? The bare bones Pyro release?!? Store 2.0?!? Working elevators?!? Can't wait what sort of amazing content is going to get delayed until the next one yet again.