I've trimmed away some of the mods, down to a mere 49 now. Stuff from before July sometimes doesn't work (e.g. there's a cool mod that's supposed to put your user-dungeon-savegames in different folders, but it's bust atm), or works jankily/screws up little things. Everything from the last update of the core modding mod (
Solasta mod API by esquilo22) in July seems to work fine (that includes holic92s classes and the CJD stuff that comes after that, which is the bulk of the good mods).
Playing through the Silverquick dungeon sequences (
slave lords series, several sets of several dungeons each) - very nice indeed. Because they can't do voices and that stuff, it's all done in "You hear goblins behind the door" plaque type stuff, which is fine by me. The aact of releasing prisoners is clicking a glowie, and then you get a text "After feeding the prisoners they tell you that the guy who captured them is a madman" etc., etc. So that side of it's a bit primitive. But the neat, tricksy little combat situations are the same as in the main game (minus the verticality) and the user-made dungeons look great. The classes are great, my BDWB (Barbarian Druid Warlock Bard) team is going great guns even just at level 1-2, lots of new tactical tricks to learn. (In lieu of that savegame mod not working, I've taken to the naming convention of acrostics for the classes plus numbesr - e.g. BDWB_001, then having a rolling sequence of 10 of those (which neatly fills the Load screen).
I'm finding that point buy stats is just the perfect experience on "authentic" difficulty. I made the mistake of re-rolling for moderately-uber-stats on the main playthrough I'm doing atm, and it's just a bit too easy. Point buy is the way to go, I think. Point buy also makes sense of the Human +1s - it means you can get a 16/16/16/9/9/9 type of fighter character, for example - very strong in one area, a bit weak for/against other things.