You'll level cap each game either way, but generally importing is good. Just use fighters in PoR and then import your party but replace the fighters in CotAB.Is transferring parties recommended in the Forgotten Realms games? About to start PoR and wondering if I should add Paladin/Ranger to take a party all the way through. I'd prefer to just play the base classes in PoR and make a new party for Azure Bonds but idk if it puts me at a disadvantage. Is starting a fresh party difficult in later games?
Also any general tips for gold box games? I'm only familiar with Wizardry 1-3 style games and smt as far as turn based blobbers go.
If you do want to use the same party throughout, you're going to want to use humans because the other races have level limits in every class except thief. You should probably have a look at those and also the stat requirements for dual classing. You'll want to plan on having multiple casters in the later games. You will probably also want a thief of some stripe, probably a fighter/thief which many people favour a dwarf for.
For more specific tips, there are a variety of party suggestions in this thread if you search it.