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Decline Sword Coast Legends - RIP n-Space!

Space Insect

Sep 23, 2015
And, again, SCL was/is made by ex BIo devs so whining about 'lack fo experience' is bullshitz. These aren't a bunch of newbies. Just a bunch of lazy losers.
You do realize that they had made only 3 games for the PC prior to SCL and all of those were probably just ports of the console version? It seems to me that either they were just lazy with SCL or simply did not realize that the PC does have processing power. Also, most of n-space's games so far were either popamole fps games or movie adaptions. That almost seems like negative experience to me.


Dec 19, 2014
You do realize that they had made only 3 games for the PC prior to SCL and all of those were probably just ports of the console version? It seems to me that either they were just lazy with SCL or simply did not realize that the PC does have processing power. Also, most of n-space's games so far were either popamole fps games or movie adaptions. That almost seems like negative experience to me.
So why the fuck they boasted about being ex-Biowares cunts? You can see it on their website talking like they were some big shots,fucking dish washers.Whenever i see an article about an ex-employe from a ''prestigious'' company ,i know he's a hack.
They come and boast and when they eventualy fail(99% of the time),you never hear from them again.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"You do realize that they had made only 3 games for the PC prior to SCL and all of those were probably just ports of the console version? It seems to me that either they were just lazy with SCL or simply did not realize that the PC does have processing power. Also, most of n-space's games so far were either popamole fps games or movie adaptions. That almost seems like negative experience to me."


BIO had no experience prior to BG outside of one silly game. Theyw ere started by ffukkin' doctors. FFS

Also, has been pointed out multiple times, the big brag about SCL is that it was being made by some so called hot shot ex BIO devs so they have no fukkin' excuse.

Hell, I have NEVER made a game in my life but, know what? With my 30 years of loser fukkin' DnD experience I have no dioubt whatsoever I could make a better DnD game than these losers - just give me some programmers, a few artists, and I could shit a better story and characters as well as make sure DnD was treated better within a few fukkin' minutes. HOLY FUCK.



And, people still stoop to defending this shit.



RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Wow, so Volourn could "shit out" a better game if, and only if:

1) he had millions of dollars to bankroll it
2) he was actually a dev and not just a part-time gamer, part-time troll
3) he had the people skills to recruit talented coders and artists
4) he was a doctor

That thar's some pretty big ifs. The spirit is willing, the flesh weak, the horizon bleak: I see another "30 years of loser fukkin' DnD experience", and lots of trolling.



Aug 28, 2013
He has a point tho, most of us would have easily done better with the resources they had available.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Lilura misses the point. We're talking about making a DnD game actually a DnD game. That's what the argument is about. It is obvious to anyone who pays attention that the SCL folks is that they don't give a shit about DnD and didn't even bother to try to make a DnD game.

\I mean a level 1 beholder? FUCK OFF.

"he was actually a dev and not just a part-time gamer,"

Uh. The point is is that I am a full time gamer. That means I actually know what I am talking about. L0L games L0L

"he had the people skills to recruit talented coders and artists"

Yeah because being aware of what strengths and weaknesses one has is a bad thing right? Maybe if the SCL knew what they were capable and not capable of they would have done better. It be like the BIO dcos getting together wanting to make a game but they didn't bother to hire the writers, programmers, or artists right? I'm sure Bg would have been so much better if the BIO docs did everything themselves. LMFAO


Jul 7, 2015
Personally if I had the resources that SCL had i'd be found dead after a month of "development" a needle in me arm, a fag on me lips, an whore on end o me dick, me liver crawling out of me arsehole in protest at the abuse and a great big fucking bill at bookies.

There'd ave been some hella fucking role playing going on though, mostly playing as Charlie Sheen.


Aug 28, 2013
Personally if I had the resources that SCL had i'd be found dead after a month of "development" a needle in me arm, a fag on me lips, an whore on end o me dick, me liver crawling out of me arsehole in protest at the abuse and a great big fucking bill at bookies.

There'd ave been some hella fucking role playing going on though, mostly playing as Charlie Sheen.
You wish, you are a bigger nerd than most of us.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Whenever i see an article about an ex-employe from a ''prestigious'' company ,i know he's a hack.
The thing is, if he needs to present himself, and people who follow the industry like we do haven't heard of him before, this speaks for itself about how relevant was his presence in that company.

The other phrase I'm watching out for since Pillars of Eternity is "spiritual successor". "Spiritual successors" make me suspicious, especially those of Baldur's Gate when they're developed by a team where no one has played Baldur's Gate.


Jul 7, 2015
Can't deny that Lhynn, but i'm a poor nerd wi a big mortgage and a bad divorce. Or to put it another way:

Two blokes down local boozer, Bert and Bob.
Bert says, "Look at my new dog Bob, smartest dog on fucking planet, can talk, count and do owt yer want."
"Bollocks!" Says Bob.
"Actually (and please do excuse me for interrupting) my new master is quite correct Sir, I am genetically engineered to be not only mans best friend but also a worthy conversationalist and useful member of the family." Says the dog.
Bert elbows Bob and says, "I told thee."
So the two blokes give the dog their betting slips and tell it to pop down bookies and lay £50 each down on 3:30 at Kempton.
Hours pass and the dog doesn't return, worried Bert and Bob set out looking for the wonderdog, he's not at bookies, not at park and finally they by chance see him down an alley banging away at a sweet little blond whore.
Bert shouts out, "Dog tha's never done that before!"
Dog shouts back, "Ha, i've never had money before!"


Mar 16, 2015
Personally if I had the resources that SCL had i'd be found dead after a month of "development" a needle in me arm, a fag on me lips, an whore on end o me dick, me liver crawling out of me arsehole in protest at the abuse and a great big fucking bill at bookies.

There'd ave been some hella fucking role playing going on though, mostly playing as Charlie Sheen.
That explains the "progress" of Star Citizen...


Nov 8, 2012
NWN OC had a decent implementation of DnD, it's flaws came from it being mostly a multiplayer game with a tacked on single player. SCL flaws come from n-space being fraudsters that deserve to end their lives selling coffee on a Starbucks franchise in hell. I don't think it is fair to compare the two.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
NWN OC had a decent implementation of DnD


NWN doesn't have a system for stacking; its various spell and item scripts arbitrarily check for the presence of other effects and occasionally suppress them from stacking. That's the opposite of systemic. It's arbitrary and was vulnerable to (a great deal of) human error.
Arbitrary meaning it was up to individual scripters to check for effects across the various ones used in the game. Effect types and stacking rules were not explicitly built into how the effects worked. It's very easy for someone to add a new script applying an effect that modifies a stat and never checks (or is never checked for) other effect states on the character. To be honest, I think it's pretty weird that you like how NWN's stacking rules work. Considering that stacking rules were almost universally seen as a positive thing for D&D, and that NWN's ability scores (especially) got incredibly out of control because there were virtually no stacking elements in place for many things, it's an odd thing to support.

When we brought the stacking rules to the attention of WotC during NWN2's development, they were very much in favor of switching to an implicit no-stack system instead of continuing with NWN's method of implicitly stacking most things.


Aug 28, 2013
untyped bonuses can stack to infinity in 3.5, and there are tons of them all over the system. Can someone tell that ignorant fuckwit to stop talking out of his ass.
Also their reason for doing the change is extremely patronizing, not that im surprised when it comes from him.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Oh please. NWN had stacking limits. Why are [people fukkin' lying?


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
The issue here isn't stacking in and of itself, it's ill-conceived programming. So, for instance, if an item that provides a Natural bonus to AC is put on with an ability that provides a Natural bonus to AC, the two things will stack (though they're not supposed to), UNLESS the person who made the item specifically programs that item to check for every other Natural bonus effect in the game and prevent it from stacking with that effect. Instead of, for instance, assigning everything that gives a Natural bonus a Natural tag and allowing the computer to do a simple stack elimination by tag.

It's essentially a lot more work to do it the Bioware way, and it is prone to a lot more human error.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
You are a fukkin' liar. The only ac stuff that stacks is dodge. Natural, deflection, shield, armour, shield, etc. don't fukkin' stack. Stats go up to max of +12 (which isn't all that special since by the time you get =12 you ar eprobably deep into epic levels anyways).



Aug 28, 2013
Oh please. NWN had stacking limits. Why are [people fukkin' lying?
Yes and no, for attributes you could only reach a +12 because they were all enchancement bonuses that could stack. But untyped bonuses as rage could take it beyond that point, racial bonuses too, tho they were counted as base attributes if i remember correctly.
I think for AC the limit to every type of AC was +20, but i do believe base AC granted by stats like dex or wisdom in the case of a monk for example, were uncapped. Same with attack. Some stuff like dodge AC stacked, others like deflection didnt stack.
Using clothes capped your bonus AC from dex to +20, etc. I never really got a character to really test those limits other than my experimentation with the PRC tho.


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
I'll just drop this here, for funsies.
Below are 7 AC categories; the 5 that NWN uses (natural, armor, shield, deflection, dodge), one extra "other" category to hold the bonuses that do not fit into the 5 base categories and the AC benefits that can be gained by targetting an opponent. All these categories will stack together, and ultimately sum together to form a character's effective AC.

Sources of natural AC. These will not stack with each other; the highest one is used. **

epic spell: epic mage armor (+5)
item: amulet AC bonus (+1-7)
spell: mage armor (+1)
spell: barkskin (+3-5)
spell: shadow shield (+5)

Sources of armor AC. These will not stack with each other; the highest one is used. **

epic spell: epic mage armor (+5)
item: armor AC bonus (+1-7)
item: bracers AC bonus (+1-7) (same item slot as gloves)
spell: mage armor (+1)
spell: magic vestment (+1-5)

Sources of shield AC. These will not stack with each other; the highest one is used. **

item: shield AC bonus (+1-7)
spell: magic vestment (+1-5)
feat: Dual wield defence. Three feats at +2 each
ability : Duelist canny defence bonus - maximum of duelist level or int bonus.

Sources of deflection AC. These will not stack with each other; the highest one is used.

epic spell: epic mage armor (+5)
item: gloves AC bonus (+1-7) (same item slot as bracers)
item: ring AC bonus (+1-7)
item: belt AC bonus (+1-7)
item: helmet AC bonus (+1-7)
item: cloak AC bonus (+1-7)
item: weapon AC bonus (+1-7)
item: dusty rose ioun stone (+1)
spell: shield (+4)
spell: mage armor (+1)
spell: shield of faith (+2-5)
spell: protection from alignment (+2 versus selected alignment)
spell: magic circle against alignment (+2 versus selected alignment)
(few Edon Belts and Helms grant significant armour but can be runed to do so. I am not aware of any "defender" type weapons and they can't be runed to do so)

Sources of dodge AC. These will stack with each other, but is limited to a +20 maximum dodge bonus. *

effect: haste (+4)
epic spell: epic mage armor (+5)
feat: bard song (+2-7)
feat: divine shield (+1-20)
feat: defensive stance (+4)
feat: shadow evade (+1-4)
item: boots AC bonus (+1-6)
spell: mage armor (+1)
spell: undeath's eternal foe (+4)
spell: aura versus alignment (+4 versus selected alignment)
polymorphing: you get a different bonus for different shapes. (dragonshape gives +20)
All dodge AC is lost when caught flat-footed (even if the character has the uncanny dodge feat).

Other sources of AC. These are all individual sources, and stack together with no restrictions.

ability: dexterity (+1-122, but limited by the armor's maximum dexterity bonus) *
feat: armor skin (+2) **
feat: battle training vs. giants (+4 against giant-type enemies)
feat: bone skin (+2-16) **
feat: dodge (actually gives you current target or last attacker -1 AB) *
feat: draconic armor (+1-8) **
feat: expertise/improved expertise (+5/+10)
feat: mobility (+4 against attacks of opportunity) *
feat: monk AC bonus from level progression (+1-8) **
feat: monk AC bonus from wisdom (+1-122) **
feat: small stature (+1, or more generally the size modifier)
item: armor base (+1-8) **
item: shield base (+1-3) **
skill: tumble (+1-8) *
Now, consider the mess that happens when somebody adds a spell that has an AC bonus, but having to explicitly program a check for each other AC stacking effect, and also redo every existing item and spell to check for the effect of the new spell just added. Doing that rather than simply building stacking rules into the basic design, so the new spell would automatically check AC tags and stack accordingly from the getgo.
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
So why the fuck they boasted about being ex-Biowares cunts? You can see it on their website talking like they were some big shots,fucking dish washers.Whenever i see an article about an ex-employe from a ''prestigious'' company ,i know he's a hack.
They come and boast and when they eventualy fail(99% of the time),you never hear from them again.

In particular, the ones who actually had some sway rarely promote themselves on the basis of their old company, because they don't see it as necessary when they're trying to promote their new company.

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