$30 buy-in, huh? We'll see.
oh ye of little faithAlso, special voiced audiologs placed in the game as a backer reward for those who have nothing better to do with their money. Getting PoE flashbacks yet?
I hope this gets funded, but that it doesn't reach its stretch goals. I fear all the new shit they are promising and throwing in will disrupt the levels and gameplay balance.
At $750 a pop I don't think that will be as much of an issue as in PoE.
lol what the hell men.musix
Uh, so the Demo is available from GOG. Anyone playing this?
Uh, so the Demo is available from GOG. Anyone playing this?
What will be Avellone role? He will just write an audiolog full of metaphizical and philozophical thoughts?
Combat is reworked for a bit more modern fps feel, which doesn't sit all that well with me since I'm one of the weirdos who like SS1's interface and feel - combat included. It runs relatively fine for an early alpha/prototype made in Unity (not saying much, I know), and overall isn't too bad. Except for the fucking animations, that is. I really hope they're just there to showcase the models for the demo, and will get axed or at least significantly toned down somewhere down the line. Incredibly irritating, and, ironically, they pulled me right out of the game. Make them optional, or something.
All said, I really don't see much point to this. If they're planning to get a studio going with this project - godspeed, truly. Sales fodder/a curiosity is what this is for me so far. I can see myself playing it, just not for this kind of price.
The tier-5000$ laptop is pretty cool:
durendal's demo impressions:
FOV slider only goes up to 90, crashed after my first time of getting into combat, no graphics options other than resolution changes and borderless/windowed/fullscreen, runs like hot dogshit even on lower resolutions
the franchise is raped
Wow, the demo feels really clumsy compared to the original.
Graphics circa 2007
runs like hot dogshit even on lower resolutions