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Grass Crest Shield ups your stamina regeneration by 50%, but it's got a 95% reduction rate. If you want 100% protection you can go with the Crest Shield, but that one takes twinkling titanite to upgrade. A third option is the Spider Shield, which grants poison and toxic immunity.What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
Git gut?What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
4th time to beat the game, I'm already good.Git gut?What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
Zweihander two handed is quite light for a shield.
Weight practically doesn't matter because it's about stability, and best has a magic shield enchanted shield. Or some great shields. 30+ STR.
I'll go with spider shieldGrass Crest Shield ups your stamina regeneration by 50%, but it's got a 95% reduction rate. If you want 100% protection you can go with the Crest Shield, but that one takes twinkling titanite to upgrade. A third option is the Spider Shield, which grants poison and toxic immunity.What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
4th time to beat the game, I'm already good.Git gut?What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
Zweihander two handed is quite light for a shield.
Weight practically doesn't matter because it's about stability, and best has a magic shield enchanted shield. Or some great shields. 30+ STR.
I'll go with spider shieldGrass Crest Shield ups your stamina regeneration by 50%, but it's got a 95% reduction rate. If you want 100% protection you can go with the Crest Shield, but that one takes twinkling titanite to upgrade. A third option is the Spider Shield, which grants poison and toxic immunity.What's the best shield to upgrade that weighs 3.0 or less?
ur shit. Velka's Rapier does additional damage against Gwynn and his underlings like O&S.Moonlight Greatsword and Butterfly Horn are the best weapons for mages. Velka's Rapier is split damage, therefore shit. And because you get both the rapier and the greatsword towards the end of the game, the Horn is your best choice. Well if you insist on meleeing with your caster which in DS1 isn't really necessary.
whats the limit for multiplayer in DS? A couple of days ago, I was in a co-op game and there were three of us (one guy summoned 2 of us) and we were invaded by a red invader, that's the only time I've had 4 people in one game.
up to you, though that region has a lovely ring for light-armored folks. If you don't have the Master Key, you will have to kill the boss to get access to a shortcut (Though if it's necessary is another thing entirely).Blighttown was great except for the framerate. I did ring the 2nd bell. Should I go now to dark woods to defeat the butterfly boss?
killed butterfly and hidra, now to Sen's fortress...
Manus is like some of the best WoW raid bosses that require your attention on multiple levels.
Does new game have anything qualitatively better, or it's just the same with more hp on bosses / trash? I got to Blighttown baiscally without hassle, only died 3 times on fucking capra demon before i raged, equiped stone armor and just nuked him and dogs with my falchion? Should i just go on with DS2 instead (although from what i gathered in the topic, it is not as good as DS1)?
My best workable tactics was 'run up and aim for his ass, roll out on smash'. Black shit magic (well, any strike except one that is blockable) one shots me, i'm a sorcerer and i have only starting hp. My bane is overcasting, i sometimes mash the keys too much and die because of next cast getting queued upWhat? Manus is a Mike Tyson's Punch-Out boss. You just memorize his perfectly framed telegraphed attacks, dodge-roll through them, then he waits patiently with his hand down for you to take your punish on him. The only other level is not getting stuck against the wall of his gigantic featureless arena I guess.