For those of you who've tried several of the optional PCs, which one did you think was the most useful in combat ? I picked the paladin and she's okay, but she doesn't really stand out. I'll pick one of the other two when I retry the game on Nightmare difficulty. Probably the priestess (more healing sounds like a good idea), unless the minstrel turns out to have some really useful powers.
I've played a bit of all three, they're all useful and effective, but the Priestess is probably the most useful all-round - though she's not really a crutch "healer" so much as a hybrid healer first and damage dealer second (whereas the mage and archer are the other way round - primarily damage dealers, secondarily healers). The Paladin is really useful as an extra tank - actually very powerful I think, with that riposte thingy. The Minstrel I have least experience with, but it strikes me that he's mainly a CC specialist.