† Cristo è Re †
why the obsession with parvati?
There are very few characters so far who feel like they belong in the world.
Divine Cömrade Prime Junta, wants her back on the Revachol plantation
why the obsession with parvati?
There are very few characters so far who feel like they belong in the world.
If you understand the implication of this congratulations. This is what Obsidian thinks of their player base. This is how the game treats your character. A joke directed at both you the player and your player character.
You aren't a Commander Shepard on The Outer Worlds you are a Captain Cuckold. A sterile simpering spineless incel creature, I don't want a power fantasy and I don't appreciate this kind of disrespect.
This is from Oct 15:Anybody noticed texture pop-ins ? Like switching guns, and the textures on t he guns, take like half a second to load? is that normal?
Theres texture pop ins alot of places, im running everything ultra at 1440p.
Things that have sucked for decades and continue to suck in this game:
- The far-away flickering of textures and LoD
- Tree models are hilariously bad
- No wind effects. What is this, Skyrim?
- Huge discrepancy in face animations and face models quality, even companion NPCs faces and animations are pretty bad by today's standards
- Mooks wearing helmets that cover their faces is a cheap-ass design shortcut
- Braindead enemy AI, can't aim, doesn't use cover, melee enemies rush towards your guns, screams barks like "I'm reloading" even when he's the last enemy standing, who is he talking to? This gets boring before the first shot is fired.
- The strong independent woman - there are still writers out there who aren't tired by that cliche
- Token stealth mechanics, just to cross "has stealth" off the list of features
They are trying to censor how you name your own character in a single-player game?!Probably legit. This just happened
:D :D :D
They're modeled after gayming journos, man. What'd you expect?The amazing part is that I can't find a single review calling the characters ugly.
They're fucking oblivion-tier
Who's writing the review?
After the beginning the game becomes very easy, so I wouldn't worry about it just yet.What ranged build works for supernova?marauders need half an assault rifle clip each.
Are weapon mods fun? Do they alter weapons or just plain stat boosts?
How are the quirky weapons? Just gimmicky or actually helpful?
Is companion AI stupid? Can they handle themselves in combat?
How's enemy vareity?
Are there lots of different biomes or does everything look the same?
How's exploration? And how are cities? Are they "ghost towns" with few NPCs?
Don't use assault rifles, physical damage sucks balls.What ranged build works for supernova?marauders need half an assault rifle clip each.
You can use mods to change your weapon's element…Don't use assault rifles, physical damage sucks balls.What ranged build works for supernova?marauders need half an assault rifle clip each.
Use plasma for live targets and shock weapons for robots. You're welcome.
every character talks like their from same tv show
Is there any point to it? For instance is a plasma boosted assault rifle better than a native plasma rifle? Same with a modded shock rifle vs. native shock cannon.You can use mods to change your weapon's element…Don't use assault rifles, physical damage sucks balls.What ranged build works for supernova?marauders need half an assault rifle clip each.
Use plasma for live targets and shock weapons for robots. You're welcome.
There's always JRPGs.