I really don’t understand the angst about the Witcher 3; it is a wonderful game with maybe the best cast of NPCs ever with good dialogue, fantastic voice acting, even the lowest of sidequests have something interesting or remembered
Yeah the combat is okish, sort of a Arkham City kind of approach or a poor man Dark Souls and yeah the leveled world, leveled monsters and the dwarfing of interesting aspects like Alchemy and oils for combat is not the best but it gets SOOO much right that is easily forgiven, plus the various oberhauls like EE or Ghost mod help cure the worst offenders
Hell if it had the leveled world of Gothic it could almost be perfect
I am currently playing in on Switch and frankly I don’t think I could get into these huge open ended worlds if not for the current quarantine but frankly I am having a blast, at the higher difficulty levels you need to fight more carefully and at the highest level the oils and potions are almost mandatory
As a matter of fact, I am done with the main game but enjoying it quite a bit
Just got Zelda and was playing also Dragon Quest 11, so what should I do continue to play Witcher 3’s expansions or go play something else and come back when I get the itch for more Witcher?
Yeah the combat is okish, sort of a Arkham City kind of approach or a poor man Dark Souls and yeah the leveled world, leveled monsters and the dwarfing of interesting aspects like Alchemy and oils for combat is not the best but it gets SOOO much right that is easily forgiven, plus the various oberhauls like EE or Ghost mod help cure the worst offenders
Hell if it had the leveled world of Gothic it could almost be perfect
I am currently playing in on Switch and frankly I don’t think I could get into these huge open ended worlds if not for the current quarantine but frankly I am having a blast, at the higher difficulty levels you need to fight more carefully and at the highest level the oils and potions are almost mandatory
As a matter of fact, I am done with the main game but enjoying it quite a bit
Just got Zelda and was playing also Dragon Quest 11, so what should I do continue to play Witcher 3’s expansions or go play something else and come back when I get the itch for more Witcher?