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Torment Torment: Tides of Numenera Thread

Prime Junta

This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game, with the strongest argument likely being "it's all revealed in the first 10 minutes anyway", because of the terrible loredumping that was never curated/editorialized. The original intent was likely for the CNPC:s to dole out information after a while.

The intro was an infodumpy mess from the start. They cut it down to size somewhat during one intermediate beta, but then did a complete U-turn for the release, adding even more infodump.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
InXile has better portraits than those overpainted photos:

But probably somebody's niece wanted to be vidya gaem artists or something like that.

I remember seeing these last year and shitting on them. If only I had known that these were golden apples compared to the alternative :negative:

If only we could change the portrait of the main character. Who on earth thought i would like to be condemned to eternal torment of playing a niggeresque faggot with side buzzcut


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game, with the strongest argument likely being "it's all revealed in the first 10 minutes anyway", because of the terrible loredumping that was never curated/editorialized. The original intent was likely for the CNPC:s to dole out information after a while.

The intro was an infodumpy mess from the start. They cut it down to size somewhat during one intermediate beta, but then did a complete U-turn for the release, adding even more infodump.

Predictable as early as 2014: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...-go-to-new-thread.79051/page-342#post-3505809

(Feel free to mock my post there)


I haven't noticed InXile launched the game with that big ad on Steam store homepage.
Why not?


Zionist Agent
Jul 20, 2009
I really love design of vaults in VoFH. Pure genius, teleporting between small as hell locations, when loading times is twice as long as staying in the vault. And in 99,999999% of the vaults are only banters from fundators. Great design, really great. :ehue: Also I thought that that Castoff's Sanctuary will be bigger. Well at least Dendra O'Hur guy and Meres were funny.
I think that those portals were placed there later, to facilitate movement on the map. It is my belief that you were meant to move around those areas differently, with connections to multiple different maps, walking into the Necropolis and then out again on the ramparts/walls, and such. Some of the stuff was then hastily covered up/changed, as the teleporters added to facilitate movement so that they could still use the map. Tons of content that was originally intended for other areas were then copy-pasted and dumped into the area, which explains the insane content density there, which manages to be far worse than Sagus (which is a hell of a feat, but I believe much of that density is also because they reduced the number of areas and cut Jerboa, where much of the Sagus Cliff material could've been otherwise placed seamlessly).


Feb 5, 2013
The Greek review caused some butthurt in the comments

We did a search on the butthurt guy's IP and e-mail address and found his facebook profile. His latest posts were competitions he entered in order to win ointments that promise to stop your hair from receding. Felt some sympathy, to be honest.


Fabulous Optimist
Mar 25, 2016
Temple of Alvilmelkedic
Btw, where is Gamespot review of T:TON ?

There might be something in that.
I remember when I saw a trailer for the PS:T.
It left me curious.

Trailers for Numanuma don't leave anything for the imagination.
I remember armchair marketing strategists blaming trailers like that (and the box art) for the poor sales of PST.

So.. hey... guess it's up to what armchair marketing strategists you believe?

I don't think anything related to this can be more than a theory.

Probably becasue of the monsters. T:TON could use more dark brooding horror themes like in P:T.
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Zionist Agent
Jul 20, 2009
This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game, with the strongest argument likely being "it's all revealed in the first 10 minutes anyway", because of the terrible loredumping that was never curated/editorialized. The original intent was likely for the CNPC:s to dole out information after a while.

The intro was an infodumpy mess from the start. They cut it down to size somewhat during one intermediate beta, but then did a complete U-turn for the release, adding even more infodump.
Yeah, that'd fit with what I suspected. It was an issue that was never fixed, but I'm sure they were aware of it, and then Techland exploited it to argue that console players need more exposition because they're essentially retarded.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game, with the strongest argument likely being "it's all revealed in the first 10 minutes anyway", because of the terrible loredumping that was never curated/editorialized. The original intent was likely for the CNPC:s to dole out information after a while.

The intro was an infodumpy mess from the start. They cut it down to size somewhat during one intermediate beta, but then did a complete U-turn for the release, adding even more infodump.

Predictable as early as 2014: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...-go-to-new-thread.79051/page-342#post-3505809

(Feel free to mock my post there)
And that's what I get for not following the development more closely. I knew PoE was having problems back during "BalanceGate" when Sawyer wanted muscle mages, but I didn't want to spoil myself on Torment's story, so I've stayed away. If I had I wouldn't have been as shocked when I saw the teaser etc. Yeash.

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game.

But they were already giving everything on a platter when they launched the kickstarter! If you think about it, is not just about consoles either, it's simply lack of taste. Fargo has no taste. He could be selling hot dogs. It's all the same thing to him.
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Zionist Agent
Jul 20, 2009
This is genuinely what I think happened. I think Techland was the ones pushing the promotional spoiling of the game, with the strongest argument likely being "it's all revealed in the first 10 minutes anyway", because of the terrible loredumping that was never curated/editorialized. The original intent was likely for the CNPC:s to dole out information after a while.

The intro was an infodumpy mess from the start. They cut it down to size somewhat during one intermediate beta, but then did a complete U-turn for the release, adding even more infodump.

Predictable as early as 2014: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/inde...-go-to-new-thread.79051/page-342#post-3505809

(Feel free to mock my post there)
"Mystery' is one of the game's three pillars. I'm sure they won't disregard it."

How does that statement make you feel today, after it was, in fact, completely disregarded? Don't you tire of shilling and being wrong?

[...] seen the game as another lore dump, much like the original PST, with super crappy combat. [...]
Were you born this retarded, or did you have to practice?


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I've created a thread (on inXile forum) criticizing Torment for SJW propaganda (giving examples) and they've deleted it and gave me a warning (Zombra specifically).
Goral you didn't properly tag me, I'm hurt.
Another mod had to tell me you were bragging over here about your righteous battle against the Man.

*edit citation publicly unavailable (classified forum section)
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Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
How does that statement make you feel today, after it was, in fact, completely disregarded? Don't you tire of shilling and being wrong?

We have only ourselves to blame. It was obvious from the kickstarter pitch that it was not the same thing, and yet everyone ignored.


Jun 17, 2015
There might be something in that.
I remember when I saw a trailer for the PS:T.

It left me curious.

Trailers for Numanuma don't leave anything for the imagination.

I remember armchair marketing strategists blaming trailers like that (and the box art) for the poor sales of PST.

So.. hey... guess it's up to what armchair marketing strategists you believe?

I don't think anything related to this can be more than a theory.

That trailer was made when they had nothing to show from the actual game. The CGI may have been done while it was still in pre-production, so it was pretty good trailer all things considered. I love how it does nothing but sell you the setting and the game's atmosphere, and the great soundtrack goes a long way.
The second trailer is even better, mixing the original CGI with actual footage:

The last one is the only bad one, because it focuses on spell animations and combat, but still does a good job showing the game's art and introducing the signature question:

Jun 10, 2014
The last dictatorship of Europe
InXile doesn't learn from Obsidian's experience. PoE had literally the same bug.

Delayed features are called bugs nowadays? Ooops... sorry we totally didn't notice it!
Well, according to lots of people InXile hasn't noticed a shitton of bugs, so who knows!

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