Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
I already provided enough footage about how almost every faction is ranged-heavy and plays exactly the same, so repeating the conversation is pointless.
Extremely senseless video. Taking her playstyle as gospel when she is playing with 19 raiders for god knows what reason. I assume she is going for raiders because they are a good early game unit but that's also related to the fact that when you play against the AI on high difficulty, melee units become useless, because high difficulty increases melee stats. It's an issue that I strongly criticize but not one related to diversity. This person is also doing it wrong playing 19 raiders. You are also not going to play with 19 raiders whole game and if you are doing very hard battle difficulty campaign your late game army will be something like 19 minotaurs doomstack or some sort of jabberslythe doomstack.
Watch some people playing multiplayer against human players without ridiculous difficult buffs. Not only do factions play very differently, same factions play differently with different army compositions. Also looking at a particular player's playstyle which they might have their own preferences and passing generalized judgments is extremely lacking in critical thought.