Aretha II v0.90
Finally, after much more time passed than we intended, D-D is releasing a fully playable English patch for this game. Aretha-II is a direct sequel to our previously released Aretha (I [English]) patch. This is the good news. However, our efforts are not polished to the finely-tuned levels of our usual fare over the past nearly two decades.
While reviewing the status of this and several other unreleased D-D projects, we arrived at a consensus that the better choice is to make what we have available to the game-playing world, rather than allow our work to languish in an indefinite state of limbo. Following is a couple of disclaimer paragraphs we have incorporated into our Aretha-II readme document that accompanies the patch in our zipped release file.
*Caveat and Invitation:
In a MAJOR departure from our previous policy, we are releasing an unfinished patch. This is due to both time factors and downsizing in the diversification of our production team. In no way are we suggesting anything but positive support for all of our highly dedicated and hardworking teammates in the past. It's simply that changing life circumstances for some of us have dictated the realities of where we find ourselves today.
At this time, we active members of D-D cannot guarantee that we'll ever revise this patch in any way. This means we may never release a Version 1.00. At the same time, we're not saying we won't. As per usual, D-D will establish a feedback topic within the Aretha-II forum on our WWWBoard. After receiving the patch "as-is" and playing the game, if someone comes along who really loves this work and possesses the know-how to rectify certain technical issues, we will be standing by, ready and willing to discuss the matter."
We have proceeded through an in-house beta process and fine-tuned the game as best we can. However, in consideration of the small amount of issues still remaining, we have decided it's best to release the game in a beta state of Version 0.90 instead of calling it Version 1.00. Obviously, this release will place the patch in its current form within the public domain. As always, we welcome anyone to provide any and all inputs. However, be sure to pore over the Readme document, so you will be aware of what we don't need reported.
At this time, I (Wildbill) want to thank Taskforce for the many hours he spent reformatting this game for "long" names. He also cleaned up a multitude of glitches throughout the play. Meanwhile, we hope you will enjoy Aretha-II (English). FYI, this game plays seamlessly with its predecessor. Those who haven't tried Aretha-I might enjoy it more in the double-play mode. Feel free to download the patch either from the PROJECT page or from our DOWNLOAD page.
Dedicated to Bongo`