I'm not sure yet myself, but this video claims it's actually a graphical port of the original Rogue. That actually makes me more interested than I was, if it's accurate.
If you're looking for a game close to Rogue, play it, yes, it's very close.
There are 4 dungeons, with a increasing number of floors, finishing one unlocks the next (you will restart at level 1, etc..., it's just you don't need to redo the previous dungeons when you die), including a post-credit one (I have not completed this one, I died on floor 36, I don't know how many floors there are but I think it's finite because there's a ??? item entry in the item list). Don't overinterpret this part, I know
this is not Rogue, but there are basically two small, easy dungeons, the main game, and some extra difficulty for players who want it.
I think you can buy some extra starting equipment with the gold accumulated over both failed and successful runs, I did not because I'm not a coward and also because this part is not well translated. Let's get it clear, the translation is not very good but it's not bad enough that you'll have any problem playing the game, there's one scroll I'm not certain the translation tells what it does and there's a chance it's just me not using it well, while anything else is slightly broken text like when you disable the attack of a monster the text is not what it should be, that kind of things, really nothing serious unless you really care about translation quality.
I don't think there's a save & quit option, maybe I did not search enough, it's pretty weak even by console standards.
The maps are small, and the field of view is mall.
For the rest it's a lot like Rogue, here are some of the features :
You need to go down, take an item, and walk back. A new floor is created when descending and when ascending, which means the first floors after taking the item are very much a threat, the game is not finished yet.
Your equipment is composed of an armor, a melee weapon, arrows and two rings. Equipped rings increase food consumption.
You gain levels, and I'm not certain they increase other things that hit points (I assume they do increase damages, but I don't know).
In the details too it's obvious it's a direct Rogue port, for example snakes (not the first ones you encounter, the poisonous ones) would lower your strength. Game is about identifying (by using or by identifying) and using your consumables. You can raise and protect your current armor, and raise your current weapon's strength.
No bullshit. Each monster type is unique. Wand, scrolls, potions too. There are + and - possible on weapons, armors and some rings but that's all. This is why the game is a good one to me. No trash mobs + occassional champion or that sort of things, just unique enemies providing their own threat.
I think all the basic weapons are basically the same.
There are some, not very important, elemental types, there are some occasionnal fire or ice weapons which deal more or less damages on different monsters.
There's no trap, and I think there's no hidden passage.
Experience gained as well as needed are a bit exponential, although' you want to explore the floors anyway for the items, not for the experience.
The game is fair, you can pretty much recover from a new discovered enemy's ability. The learning curve is still there, the balance is right in that part.
So, yes it's very much like Rogue, the game hase none of the qualities nor the flaws of those crazy japanese rogue-likes like The Guided Fate Paradox. I think I prefer Rogue Hearts Dungeon, and it's very fun anyway. Now I also think Brogue is a better game which keeps the qualities of Rogue and that Rogue Hearts Dungeon does not have, but in case you want a more focused game (no traps, in particular, no upgrade, just cool resource consumption) then it's a very good choice. Note that the game is not very easy but it is on the easy side by rogue-like standard, or at least if we consider the main dungeon (not the post-credit one). It's definitely a good entry to the genre.