This guy is sort of like Prosper with a fedora and a thesaurus.
We don't complain about ..chess..
Your comparison is flawed, so cease; you will begin to remind me of Blaine, who not only did the same [ you do comprehend you answered fuck all do you not Blaine ] ( .. ) but then moved on to actually discount facts by labeling them 'criticism' only so as to re-assert hislack of a functioning grey matterown views. You're better than that and you know i know it, so skip us the bullshit
A correct comparison, to stick with your chess example, would have been a new manufacturer producing a chess board where you no longer needed all that strategy or all them board pieces, because he had devised a "revolutionary" technique for you to prety much finish a game without as much thinking, or strategising, or organising as before.
- Because you don't really need as much organisational skills whencrafting materialstrash mobs respawn, do you? When the game fails to provide a balance sans said fucking mechanic? Fuck it, you'll get them mats anyway, so who cares
- How about a more direct comparison? Respawning chess pawns!!111 You've moved on to enemy territory, and poop, pawn spawns up your ass, behind you! Cool huh..
We call that decline i believe?
No one is criticisingRPGschess here, what you see criticised is a popamole mechanic in an otherwise incline RPG. Would have thought that was apparent. Just as (or so i originally hoped) the intention behind said criticism should have been obvious. Naming and swearing aside, we err first, ammend afterwards. No other way to improvement.
:DThis guy is sort of like Prosper with a fedora and a thesaurus.
No, I meant it as a response to your criticism of the respawning system.You wrote "Once I learned how the Tchort debuff worked, I simply made sure I didn't trigger it - or at least not for very long." My problem is not is not that the critters respawn, it's that the difficulty of those encounters relies on HP and resistances bloat, making them a chore. Because when the two choices are: avoid combat or fight boring, repetitive encounters of the "slog through" variety, that is not good design. That's why I've used the institute of tchort as a positive example in comparison. Here you still have the choice of a volatile vs non-combat solution, but if you choose to fight through, the battles are interesting, as they rely on enemy placement and skills, rather then just turning them into damage sponges.
Are we speaking of the same creatures? The Tchort creatures I encountered were all 1-shot by a crossbow, so I don't really think that qualifies as HP bloat. HP bloat is the shrooms and the Deep Worms.
I agree that having combat available that you're intended to avoid is not good design (it's basically... anti-content), but my original point still stands that it's silly to complain about "hordes of respawning creatures" when you can literally fight 0 of them (at least before big bad) after figuring out how they work.
Complaining about the respawning mechanic in itself? That makes sense to me. But complaining about having to wade through "hordes of respawning creatures" when all can be entirely avoided is disingenuous and sidesteps the real issue.
So much fanbotting, it's amazing. Now it's being a "neckbeard" if you criticize it. Only cool kids like Roguey like everything 100% about this game, the rest are neckbeards. Motherfucking period.
I like the game a lot, but I hope Darth Roxor thrashes it in a review just for the butthurt it would cause to these motherfuckers.
So much fanbotting, it's amazing. Now it's being a "neckbeard" if you criticize it. Only cool kids like Roguey like everything 100% about this game, the rest are neckbeards. Motherfucking period.
I like the game a lot, but I hope Darth Roxor thrashes it in a review just for the butthurt it would cause to these motherfuckers.
lo with everyone whining about broken economy I'm kinda wary of it.Finally an easy source of batteries
I think if your doing a kill everyone run you want to grab pick pocket then go around and steal their ammo and health hypnos, i have at this moment 40 normal and 30 advanced health hypnos on me from stealing and a metric fuck ton of ammo i am constantly selling.
I did that to the gang that blocks the slums and stole all the bolts of the crossbow guy he had his special ones left but defaulted to his knife, made the fight much easier did it to pistol guy and his long range shots all missed then he came at me with a knife as well.
DC question
Do i have to kill faceless? they wont let me progress.
Okay so uhm.. is anybody actually in the process of writing a gud review for this?
Seems strange that we haven't gotten a KODEX review on the GOTY yet, no? ;-x
I knew Underrail and Undertale had someting in commonSo much fanbotting, it's amazing. Now it's being a "neckbeard" if you criticize it.
What good would a fanboy review do?Just reminding that anyone can write a review.
lo with everyone whining about broken economy I'm kinda wary of it.Finally an easy source of batteries
I think if your doing a kill everyone run you want to grab pick pocket then go around and steal their ammo and health hypnos, i have at this moment 40 normal and 30 advanced health hypnos on me from stealing and a metric fuck ton of ammo i am constantly selling.
I did that to the gang that blocks the slums and stole all the bolts of the crossbow guy he had his special ones left but defaulted to his knife, made the fight much easier did it to pistol guy and his long range shots all missed then he came at me with a knife as well.
.You can't take your house with you to the Deep Caverns, though... ditto for the insane amount of supplies and consumables you're going to pile up. I know I left all normal (and many advanced) health hypos behind before making the descent, f'rex.
Also, if you're not playing a crafter, your use for the house (and super steel, for that matter) is basically zero.
Couldn't stop catching hoppers, obviously.I thought you didn' play it, and uninstalled it after 1 hour?
I think if your doing a kill everyone run you want to grab pick pocket then go around and steal their ammo and health hypnos, i have at this moment 40 normal and 30 advanced health hypnos on me from stealing and a metric fuck ton of ammo i am constantly selling.
I suppose you're near-blind with rage caused by people disagreeing with your opinions and must have missed that otherwise fairly obvious fact.