Absolutely. I guess what it comes down to is Bloodlines established a mood and this power feels wacky in a way that breaks the mood.In vidya its different because vidya is not PnP and can never be so it needs to concern itself with being vidya.
Absolutely. I guess what it comes down to is Bloodlines established a mood and this power feels wacky in a way that breaks the mood.In vidya its different because vidya is not PnP and can never be so it needs to concern itself with being vidya.
Actually I think using Melpominee levels in a creative combination it IS possible to encase someone in a sphere of pure sound.
Anyway, joking aside, the point is real. Disciplines of original Bloodlines as mentioned before are very poorly balanced, and most of them don't really measure up. Truth is, majority of them (you know, since it's VtM) are not really even that vampire themed (Malkcoughmalk). The only one that had a genuinely distinct, powerful, and unusual effect was high-level Celerity. In terms of what would be absolutely genuinely vampire themed, it isn't exactly that long either, at most you could say it's Dominate (which as mentioned isn't even that good or interesting in its execution), Animalism (assuming you can get over the fooken magic presentation), and Potence. The disciplines were not what made Bloodlines good.
PS: Earthshock has been around for a long time, the primary change is that Potence (and other previously passive disciplines) now also have active abilities on lower levels as well. However it was part of the rather ass concept of "NPC powers", discipline levels made purely for NPCs to use (which I think is stupid both in terms of existing since it's mostly just condescending towards players, and secondly because any GM should strive to invent their own strange elder powers instead of taking some cookie cutter premade).
You are just begging for them to make Lenny into a woke sensitive New Age cuck sjw, aren't you?I'm much more worried about the potential of a super duper woke narrative, but I gotta say the concept model for that Brujah is hella awesome. Lenny from Motörhead is the gold standard for oldschool brujah
Muh oppresshun.I still don't get it about a thinblood joining a clan, how it is possible. And why you should retain your thinblood powers and get new clan powers. And why thinblood powers are so cool, even if you are supposed to be a 'lesser' vampire.
From a gameplay perspective the "thinblood powers" are really basic universal vampire powers that you start out with. On top of those you get the powers of your chosen clan.
I'm kinda hoping they'll drop them. Bloodbuff especially trivialises some of your build choices.
I think it's just a matter of better balancing them as powers. You'd think both healing and buffing were invented specifically for Redemption/Bloodlines as a gameplay mechanic, but they are actually from the roleplaying game itself. Where you spend a single blood point mattered way more there and it was harder to replenish blood in general, though.
I'm kinda hoping they'll drop them. Bloodbuff especially trivialises some of your build choices.
Best thing about Wesp patch is the Bloodbuff nerf IIRC.
Best thing about Wesp patch is the Bloodbuff nerf IIRC.
Originally Troika planned a buff that must be directed at either Strength, Dexterity or Stamina, not all at once...
If you picked which one at CC that would have been good. If you can choose which one to buff at the time you use it, it would have been just as bad (or worse).
I guess you would have picked the stat, but you only would have gotten a buff of +1. BTW speaking of Bloodheal, does feeding heal in the PnP game? Maybe I should remove this for the plus patch if it is possible...