But what if it only kills 50% of the excitement?First gameplay video will kill any excitement for this game
But what if it only kills 50% of the excitement?First gameplay video will kill any excitement for this game
The pnp always had kind of a problem that it had a *very* overbearing metaplot. Any look at the splats would make it clear that the street stuff is basically utterly irrelevant and the White Wolf standard in modules was that at the end the PCs get to watch an NPC do something important. Another aspect is that without enforcement you could never truly have a mechanical link to the street level because Generation 5-dot was basically mandatory background if you weren't deliberately gimping yourself or a very inattentive reader. That's one thing V5 is aiming to be an improvement on, both by culling the number of mega-NPCs, shaking the status quo in ways beyond just general imminent doom and gloom (as mentioned, there's a Second Inquisition going on, albeit I don't really like calling it that since it sounds kinda corny so I call it FIRSTLIGHT like the CIA/NSA secret joint operation calls itself), and by making it explicit that the default intent in basic book is for players to be 13th Gen or Thin-Blooded, while adding Blood Potency and redoing various other mechanics (Hunger incidentally is a p huge improvement to old manabar) to provide a power-scaling that's in the "relevant to players" end decoupled from Generation and works with greater degree of flexibility.Will the game be about Gehenna, though.
Tbh in PNP Vampire you always had the option of going it punk-rock, street warfare, or you could present some Elysiums and vampire society's upper echelon. Maybe both, depended on your tastes and the players' expectations.
In fact even the Sabbat were a bunch of lowlife thugs, but had their people of power.
where is the "fabulously pessimistic" buttonFirst gameplay video will kill any excitement for this game
(Also Lasombra are defecting to join the Camarilla)
another thing that's been kind of missing with Cam is that there isn't a Clan that actively wants to be Ventrue instead of the Ventrue.
where is the "fabulously pessimistic" buttonFirst gameplay video will kill any excitement for this game
The demo that press got their hands on featured two different character creators - one that allowed them to craft a protagonist to their liking, while the second focused on the more vampiric side of things. "Body type, gender pronouns, employment history, and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build." In another preview, Rock Paper Shotgun states that you can pick pronouns separate from your body type.
Finally, in an interview with Kotaku, lead writer Brian Mitsoda states that the team has to adjust its perspective following the 15 years since the original. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
The pnp always had kind of a problem that it had a *very* overbearing metaplot. Any look at the splats would make it clear that the street stuff is basically utterly irrelevant and the White Wolf standard in modules was that at the end the PCs get to watch an NPC do something important. Another aspect is that without enforcement you could never truly have a mechanical link to the street level because Generation 5-dot was basically mandatory background if you weren't deliberately gimping yourself or a very inattentive reader. That's one thing V5 is aiming to be an improvement on, both by culling the number of mega-NPCs, shaking the status quo in ways beyond just general imminent doom and gloom (as mentioned, there's a Second Inquisition going on, albeit I don't really like calling it that since it sounds kinda corny so I call it FIRSTLIGHT like the CIA/NSA secret joint operation calls itself), and by making it explicit that the default intent in basic book is for players to be 13th Gen or Thin-Blooded, while adding Blood Potency and redoing various other mechanics (Hunger incidentally is a p huge improvement to old manabar) to provide a power-scaling that's in the "relevant to players" end decoupled from Generation and works with greater degree of flexibility.Will the game be about Gehenna, though.
Tbh in PNP Vampire you always had the option of going it punk-rock, street warfare, or you could present some Elysiums and vampire society's upper echelon. Maybe both, depended on your tastes and the players' expectations.
In fact even the Sabbat were a bunch of lowlife thugs, but had their people of power.
Sabbat will probably show up too (at least in reference), and probably make retroactively more sense for original Bloodlines (then again, Sabbat has always been super-hard to do because of how many variables have been at work if you try to do more than Shovelheads And Tzimisce style bad guy posse like in Bloodlines) since they operate more like a vampire terrorist organization in V5 when they stopped trying to hold territory and instead go underground (this of course doesn't mean former Sabbat territories aren't very much dangerous no-man's-lands because while they aren't openly holding domain anymore they are still around in the shadows) or go to the Middle-East and North Africa to fight in the Gehenna Crusade they are going to mount against the Antediluvians after they kill and diablerize every Methuselah they can find. (Also Lasombra are defecting to join the Camarilla)
I'm also losing my optimism as time passes, but just to keep things in perspective: The "firm political stance" is about "themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition." Not what people would first think of when they read those headlines. And the gender pronouns could be a marketing tool to make more people talk about the game, and to get pushed by game journalists. They probably won't affect anything in the game, and will just be part of your name on your character sheet. Like you could name your character in VtMB, and it never comes up in the game.where is the "fabulously pessimistic" buttonFirst gameplay video will kill any excitement for this game
Honestly I don't understand how people can expect anything good from Brian Mitsoda - wearing those gloves makes him look like a clown and insecure as fuck.
His last game Dead State was a borefest ... but tbh he did advertise the game as inducing a dead state.
Also that studio is not ready for prime-time: I've played Blacklight (their first game) for a couple of hours and it was completely uninspired and boring. Also ridden with microtransactions.
Then you have stuff like this:
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Takes a Firm Political Stance, LGBT & Mental Illness Representation
The demo that press got their hands on featured two different character creators - one that allowed them to craft a protagonist to their liking, while the second focused on the more vampiric side of things. "Body type, gender pronouns, employment history, and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build." In another preview, Rock Paper Shotgun states that you can pick pronouns separate from your body type.
Finally, in an interview with Kotaku, lead writer Brian Mitsoda states that the team has to adjust its perspective following the 15 years since the original. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
Look like the planets aligned for this game: a shovelware developer, a has been narrative designer, a publisher thirsty for DLCs and a story focused on SJW sensibilities.
Maybe I'm "fabulously pessimistic" (and half drunk) but at least I'm not delusional to believe that the combination above will produce anything ground breaking.
There is a reason why they delay showing any gameplay footage. But hey, maybe they pull off a Kingmaker.
Male / Female / WTFLOL!The gender options are Male / Female / Swedish
What I'd like to know is which kinked out psycho Embraced that???Finally we'll have a vampire we can relate to
'K we all know the other two clans to be revealed at this and the next week are Tremere and Ventrue. This pretty much covers the Warrior/Mage/Thief-smoothtalker trio. A better question is, what are the other two then? Gangrel and Toreador are less costly to make than both Nosferatu and Malkavian (for level designers and Brian Mitsoda himself respectively as they basically require a second game within base game to be made) but seem too redundant (and too emphasize Toris subtleties one must be the 2nd Troika no less) gameplay wise.
Nos and Malk for paid DLC.