I agree with your conclusions but not how you got there. Seems like Nosferatu gameplay would be much harder to spackle on later. If Nosferatu are going to be at all viable ever, getting around via the sewers for example has to be implemented on release day. Being able to do the main quest without showing your face in public has to be implemented on release day. You can't throw it in later as a DLC without a full blown expansion. With Malk stuff you can throw it in later as kooky extra dialogue, a special encounter here and there perhaps, unlikely though that there will be gameplay fundamentally different from mainline vamps.Just my two whispers:
1. If they have Malkavians as a starting clan, how much work would they have to put in? Rewriting dialogue, NPCs reactions, whispers, maybe add some hallucinations here and there.
2. If they have Nosferatu as a starting clan however, they would simply have to enforce a certain playstyles: hiding, traveling through the sewers, not making contact with NPCS as that would be a masquerade violation etc.
It seems to me that, Nos would be much easier to implement than Malks, the amount of work would be normal or minimal compared with the other clans. So I think that Nos may be one of the clans and Malks would be DLC. As long as we get both though that's all that matters.
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