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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Dec 15, 2020
Hey niggers, after two weeks I am once more able to continue my Alpha playthrough.

You have your own palace on Dargonus - the capital of your empire. You can decide stuff about the planetary politics and other affairs while talking to your governor.

View attachment 32096

Other than that the planet has its own quest line centered around a possible heresy and sedition among the lesser nobility - it appears however that it might be not in the Alpha (it should trigger after you deal with both Janus and Kiva).
How's the management mini-game this time? Is it annoying like in Pathfinder, where you have to spend about 2 weeks jerking off while your kingdom burns whenever you want to level up your stats?
Do you have to use your party members as governors, or can you just recruit from a list of NPCs?

There is a special screen for managing colony projects.

View attachment 32121

The governors of the planets that you own (Janus, Kiva, Dargonus) are NPCs plus sometimes there are CYOA events in which you make political decisions (for example "new strain of mutants appeared among the population, they are p. gross but seem as hard workers, what do?"). Dargonus has a larger government since its the capital of your empire, so there is a whole cabinet of people that do various things for you - again all of them are NPCs. Your party doesnt seem to be directly involved in any managerial stuff, at least in the Alpha. In general I dont find the managerial minigame to be intrusive in any way.

One thing that is inconvenient is that you can only execute these project from the colony itself - ie. you have to be in person on that planet to do so. It's tedious in case of Kiava Gamma, which is situated in far corner of the map. It has ingame explanation (you are restoring routes in you trade empire and astropaths are in disarray), but I do hope it will be changed once you ascend the throne.

The other minigame (space battle combat) ranges from inoffensive to tedious - it's barebones as hell and I would welcome other ways to improve my ship and tactics than hull HP and few crew abilities.

Other topic - I don't know if this was mentioned here, but some people found companion portraits back in July and among them was this one:


As far as I remember, other portraits dug up then was not officialy released for some time (such was the case with Yrileth and Argenta iirc), so it seems legit.

EDIT --> no ork companion:

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Dec 13, 2019
Most people there don't hate them. They are just common people that want better life and at worst consider Israel as one trying to stop that.
My point was more like: we have records of Jews being hated as far back as Medieval times (at least) on the basis of them killing Jesus (among other things), with much more recent records (going as far as the present) to boot, so I am not really buying the argument that "hatred is not an emotion normal humans can keep for long". If we can keep doing it for a thousand years to fellow humans, then tens of thousands years of hatred towards the xenos (beings completely alien to humans) is not an unlikely scenario.


Mar 16, 2015
Most people there don't hate them. They are just common people that want better life and at worst consider Israel as one trying to stop that.
My point was more like: we have records of Jews being hated as far back as Medieval times (at least) on the basis of them killing Jesus (among other things), with much more recent records (going as far as the present) to boot, so I am not really buying the argument that "hatred is not an emotion normal humans can keep for long". If we can keep doing it for a thousand years to fellow humans, then tens of thousands years of hatred towards the xenos (beings completely alien to humans) is not an unlikely scenario.
Again not hated by everyone, everywhere and all the time for thousands of years. Imperium of Men cannot be compared to anything in our world. And still in your example it is not true hatred. People with real hatred don't just stand around doing nothing about it. If there was true hatred for jews for 1000 years, there would be none to kill by the time Hitler came around.


Mar 16, 2015
Because hatred is not an emotion normal humans can keep for long without suffering from it.
Uh, OK. I will let Tel Aviv know.
Most people there don't hate them. They are just common people that want better life and at worst consider Israel as one trying to stop that.
no, we are talking about muh holocaust.
You are talking about holocaust but Tel Aviv wasn't important at the time of Holocaust. Don't be a girl, we cannot read your thoughts.
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 22, 2020
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Dayum, just met Bloodletters and a Chaos Marine for the first time during a random warp travel event.

Word Bearers.jpg

Shit was pretty cash tbh fam. Bloodletters are fairly dangerous on their own and have a special counter attack ability when they take damage at close range (somewhat similar to the demonengine counter attack, but not so lethal). The space marine did massive damage (took down Yrliet in one round of shooting, throws grenades at groups), though even he couldnt withstand the gangbang that Abelard, Heinrix and Argenta delivered when they managed to rush him.

gang bang.jpg


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
They are just chaos corrupted Eldar, not much different than other Chaos enemies. You are only meant to exchange hot lead with both.

Not to be pedantic, but: the Dark Eldar were degenerate enough that their day-to-day leisure activities birthed a chaos god - however they don't actually worship that chaos god, or the others, or generally associate with known warp denizens. No Chaos faction considers them part of the tribe, so to speak.

In fact, they got gimped to a point that the Drukhari can't even use their psychic powers (the thing their entire race was created for) because it would lead their porno god to eating their souls.

The Dark Eldar are the biggest losers in the 40kverse. Which, being edgy space elves, they 100% deserve.
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Dec 3, 2008
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
They are just chaos corrupted Eldar, not much different than other Chaos enemies. You are only meant to exchange hot lead with both.

No. The Dark Eldar are simply those Eldar who didn't flee on a Craftworld prior to the Fall, and have continued their pre-Fall lifestyle, amplified by discovering ways to use it to prolong their lifespan and avoid She Who Thirsts.

The Dark Eldar hate Chaos just as much as the Craftworlders. Chaos corruption is a Human feature. Humans who, apart from a few who have studied the differences, will not know that there even are differences between the Eldar, and it doesn't matter, for all Eldar are capricious and callous towards Human life.


Dec 3, 2008
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
Haha, yeah, ask the Salamanders how well that went(for the Dark Eldar)!
The sadistic pointy eared bastards got their shit pushed in, to say the least.

Every faction has stories of victory and defeat. The sadistic pointy eared bastards got their shit pushed in. Cool, and then a different bunch of sadistic pointy eared bastards stole a planet.

Also ask the White Scars where Jaghatai Khan is.


Mar 16, 2015
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
They are just chaos corrupted Eldar, not much different than other Chaos enemies. You are only meant to exchange hot lead with both.

No. The Dark Eldar are simply those Eldar who didn't flee on a Craftworld prior to the Fall, and have continued their pre-Fall lifestyle, amplified by discovering ways to use it to prolong their lifespan and avoid She Who Thirsts.

The Dark Eldar hate Chaos just as much as the Craftworlders. Chaos corruption is a Human feature. Humans who, apart from a few who have studied the differences, will not know that there even are differences between the Eldar, and it doesn't matter, for all Eldar are capricious and callous towards Human life.
Nah, there is a big difference between Eldar that will just kill you or get you to die while fighting their enemies and Dark Eldar that will imprison everyone and torture them in all ways known and unknown until you die from it years later.


Dec 3, 2008
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
They are just chaos corrupted Eldar, not much different than other Chaos enemies. You are only meant to exchange hot lead with both.

No. The Dark Eldar are simply those Eldar who didn't flee on a Craftworld prior to the Fall, and have continued their pre-Fall lifestyle, amplified by discovering ways to use it to prolong their lifespan and avoid She Who Thirsts.

The Dark Eldar hate Chaos just as much as the Craftworlders. Chaos corruption is a Human feature. Humans who, apart from a few who have studied the differences, will not know that there even are differences between the Eldar, and it doesn't matter, for all Eldar are capricious and callous towards Human life.
Nah, there is a big difference between Eldar that will just kill you or get you to die while fighting their enemies and Dark Eldar that will imprison everyone and torture them in all ways known and unknown until you die from it years later.

To you, the viewer from outside the setting, there is.

To the average and even above average Imperial citizen, they don't know the difference until it's too late.

Knowing the intricacies of Eldar culture is reserved for members of the Ordo Xenos, and probably something you'd pick up as a Cold Trader or similar, but to anyone else, Eldar are Eldar, whether craftworlder, Corsair, exodite, or Raider.


Dec 3, 2008
Also ask the White Scars where Jaghatai Khan is.
Fucking heretics up in the Warp?

Webway. Chased a bunch of Dark Eldar after they abducted half his homeworld. Never seen or heard from again. Might’ve ended up in the Pits, might’ve ended up on a Haemonculus' slab.
Brah. He's a fucking Primarch.

Yeah, and they all fucking died or went missing forever.

The primarchs were never supposed to be these awesome figures you got to slap on a tabletop. They were written to be to the 41st millennium what Greek myth is to us today; great figures of ancient history, the tales of which may be overblown fiction or exaggerated truth, but no-one knows because they're ancient history. They vanished ten thousand years before the setting. They're myth. And they should've stayed myth.


Sep 4, 2015
Also ask the White Scars where Jaghatai Khan is.
Fucking heretics up in the Warp?

Webway. Chased a bunch of Dark Eldar after they abducted half his homeworld. Never seen or heard from again. Might’ve ended up in the Pits, might’ve ended up on a Haemonculus' slab.
or maybe still cutting down every single one knife-eared fag he find, like that grey knight guy in the warp.


Mar 16, 2015
which is all the more easier due to lack of cultural exchange with xenos
yeah, especially fun is cultural exchange with dark eldars. you learn so many interesting things.
They are just chaos corrupted Eldar, not much different than other Chaos enemies. You are only meant to exchange hot lead with both.

No. The Dark Eldar are simply those Eldar who didn't flee on a Craftworld prior to the Fall, and have continued their pre-Fall lifestyle, amplified by discovering ways to use it to prolong their lifespan and avoid She Who Thirsts.

The Dark Eldar hate Chaos just as much as the Craftworlders. Chaos corruption is a Human feature. Humans who, apart from a few who have studied the differences, will not know that there even are differences between the Eldar, and it doesn't matter, for all Eldar are capricious and callous towards Human life.
Nah, there is a big difference between Eldar that will just kill you or get you to die while fighting their enemies and Dark Eldar that will imprison everyone and torture them in all ways known and unknown until you die from it years later.

To you, the viewer from outside the setting, there is.

To the average and even above average Imperial citizen, they don't know the difference until it's too late.

Knowing the intricacies of Eldar culture is reserved for members of the Ordo Xenos, and probably something you'd pick up as a Cold Trader or similar, but to anyone else, Eldar are Eldar, whether craftworlder, Corsair, exodite, or Raider.
Sure, at first sight. But nobody ever said average imperial citizen should do anything except report Eldar sightings to Guardsman. But if one gets seen by Eldar, it matters a lot what kind they are. Standard Eldar might as well ignore average imperial people and do whatever mission they came here to do.

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