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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - turn-based Warhammer 40k RPG from Owlcat Games - now with Void Shadows DLC

Mar 15, 2022
The Jollyee olde lande ofe Nod
Wanting to throw everything in is admirable, but completely fubars the story.

What was even the point of Ch 3 and the Delf/Eldar stuff if the endgame has you fighting Necron? Just have the RT go further into the outer reaches exploring/looking for cult and wake them up, there’s Ch 3, the rest of the game can go as normal, Yrliet doesn’t act like a pants on head retard, everything good.

Ch 3 just feels like they made it and didn’t want to waste the assets, so they shoehorned it in, and it sucks big dong.


Jul 27, 2016
Ch 3 just feels like they made it and didn’t want to waste the assets, so they shoehorned it in, and it sucks big dong.
Agreed. It wasn't fun, it completely broke the pacing of the story, and the game never really recovers afterwards.

It's what keeps me from replaying, the thought that I have to suffer through "that part" again.


Jan 22, 2019
Ch 3 just feels like they made it and didn’t want to waste the assets, so they shoehorned it in, and it sucks big dong.
Agreed. It wasn't fun, it completely broke the pacing of the story, and the game never really recovers afterwards.

It's what keeps me from replaying, the thought that I have to suffer through "that part" again.

(Played until near ch3 end)

I liked the change of pace, but if you could somehow control how to go there - as a prisoner (same as now), undercover (same as now, but with gear, an amount of alternative dialog), or storm the place (shorter, much harder encounters), with actual incentives to be there, it would be quite a good addition to the game. Liked the space combat too somewhat, however it was a missed opportunity to make an actually fun roguelike mini game.

Unfortunately no point in saying these, since the scope was already too much for the greedy release date some douche in charge decided on (not in general), and this already started to show in ch3. I love the game, but from what I've heard, I am afraid that after playing ch4/5 I will think much less of it. Stopped because even with self-imposed rules, combat started becoming boring due to many things being broken or badly designed, so hope the second pass will do something about that (foolishly probably, because the first didn't)...

Anonymous Ranger

Jun 23, 2023

I hope the new archetype rumor is true. It was always such a pain to level up because each class had way too many abilities to choose from. It would be nice to spread them out more so I don't have to spend an hour reading through useless abilities that I'm never going to use.


Jun 13, 2019
What was even the point of Ch 3 and the Delf/Eldar stuff if the endgame has you fighting Necron? Just have the RT go further into the outer reaches exploring/looking for cult and wake them up, there’s Ch 3, the rest of the game can go as normal, Yrliet doesn’t act like a pants on head retard, everything good.
Honestly, i feel like dealing the Cult and Drukhari would have been enough for this game.

They could've saved Necron for a End Game DLC. Let us deal with other Rogue Traders instead trying to fit in Necron.


Jul 12, 2008
At long last, most of the bugs seem to have been fixed. I guess I can start playing the game again.

Though, to be frank, the bugs weren't the only reason I put the game on hold at the beginning of Act 4. If the game had been consistently enjoyable until then, I would have simply powered through. Unfortunately, all of Act 3 is painfully bad.

Until I finish the game, I have no idea whether or not I'll buy the DLC. If I do, I'll wait at least 3-4 months to (hopefully) increase the odds of not having to deal with too many fucking bugs.


Aug 13, 2017
has assassin, officer or cassia been nerfed yet or can they still 1 turn kill solo/duo final boss


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
So most people here hate Act 3, and everything after that is unfinished?

So the game is just Act 1 + 2?


Exploring and Enjoying
Jul 23, 2023
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I enjoyed Act 1 and 2 and couldn't get past Act 3.

The story just started throwing random shit at me and there wasn't enough time between the random plotlines happening for me to care. I even remember at one point being so confused what the fuck was happening that I even couldn't recall what the main plot was about and what it had to do with me killing Aeldari.


Mar 16, 2015
has assassin, officer or cassia been nerfed yet or can they still 1 turn kill solo/duo final boss
Cassia and officers are still OP. Assassin had some nerfs recently, didn't play enough with it to find out. But due to Killing Edge OP in my latest run I didn't even use with with space Elf companion and she still did a lot of damage from range. I was planning to take it with Exalted abilities at some point as I CBA to respec her just to take it as game is already easy enough and now in Act 4 it will become even easier.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
They basically repeated the same mistake of WOTR where Chapter 1 - 2 and part 3 being best part of the game and everything else is just downhill from there (Prologue to Chapter 2 in case of RT).

And every time, the later the game goes, the content dries up and the game tries to tie up loose ends with minimum content. Writing quality goes down, QA also goes down (most later chapters are usually insanely broken on launch to the first 6 months). Probably because their budget also dries up by that point and they then release the game in half half-broken state.

Owlcat is probably one dev where hiring a project manager who tries to limit their scope is a good thing. They are way too ambitious with what they are trying to do without actually having the resource to do so and this actually hurts their game.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
You'd think by game three they would have learned that about themselves. Takes only a minor amount of self-awarenes.
Mar 15, 2022
The Jollyee olde lande ofe Nod
Ch 3 just feels like they made it and didn’t want to waste the assets, so they shoehorned it in, and it sucks big dong.
Agreed. It wasn't fun, it completely broke the pacing of the story, and the game never really recovers afterwards.

It's what keeps me from replaying, the thought that I have to suffer through "that part" again.

(Played until near ch3 end)

I liked the change of pace, but if you could somehow control how to go there - as a prisoner (same as now), undercover (same as now, but with gear, an amount of alternative dialog), or storm the place (shorter, much harder encounters), with actual incentives to be there, it would be quite a good addition to the game. Liked the space combat too somewhat, however it was a missed opportunity to make an actually fun roguelike mini game

I agree, 3 could have been fun but it’s really lazy. A multidimensional city that runs on stolen suns filled with Cenobites is cool… but it’s a map smaller than the Mechanicus factory where you run around a horseshoe 4 times while the guys who were slicing colonies up say boo at you.

Ha, and when you invade the tower the defense traps are like, what, guns in the wall that shoot every 3 seconds, just really lazy and lame af.


Jul 12, 2008
I respect the writers of the game for having to manage so many possible options/possibilities. But some dialogues are quite baffling :

Me : Let us discuss the Aeldari problem.

Calligos Winterscale : You care about them that much, new blood ? Go ahead, then. Try to convince me that the vile xenoscum deserve the mercy of Calligos Winterscale.

WTF ? I just said that there was obviously a problem with the space elves on that planet, not that I wanted them to be shown mercy. They're fucking annoying and they can all die as far as I'm concerned. 95% of the time, this game is pushing me to act like an asshole and not to show any compassion to anyone, and suddenly it just assumes that I want to be nice to a race of arrogant douchebags for no reason whatsoever ?

And I can't even say "Actually, I really don't care what happens to them". Once I've said "Let us discuss the Aeldari problem", all the dialogue options simply assume that I really want to save the space elves.

I guess it would have made slightly more sense if I'd had Yrliet in my party, but that wasn't the case.


Jul 12, 2008
At long last, most of the bugs seem to have been fixed.

Can you believe this guy ? I mean, how gullible can you be ?

So yeah, the major bugs are still not fixed. I've just left the planet where you encounter Calligos and the space elves, and there's immediately a batshit cutscene in which Heinrix and Argenta drag Yrliet before me, furious that I tolerate her on my ship, and demand that I pass judgment on her because she's apparently a traitor.

Guys... Guys, what the fuck is wrong with you ? Yrliet isn't part of the crew, I only had her as a companion for a short while back in Act 2 and then I left her behind, she certainly shouldn't be on the ship and I have no idea what this treason thing is about. In fact, Heinrix, from what I remember, it was the guy you told me to trust who betrayed me to the dark space elves. And Ulfar, why are you spouting shit when you've never even met Yrliet in the first place, you dumb ape ?!

And now Yrliet is once again one of the available companions. She has 19 level-ups because of course she does, I got rid of her ages ago !
Last edited:


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Guys... Guys, what the fuck is wrong with you ? Yrliet isn't part of the crew, I only had her as a companion for a short while back in Act 2 and then I left her behind, she certainly shouldn't be on the ship and I have no idea what this treason thing is about. In fact, Heinrix, from what I remember, it was the guy you told me to trust who betrayed me to the dark space elves. And Ulfar, why are you spouting shit when you've never even met Yrliet in the first place, you dumb ape !

And now Yrliet is once again one of the available companions. She has 19 level-ups because of course she does, I got rid of her ages ago !

Are you sure you're on the latest patch?

For me, Rogue Trader was a significantly less buggy experience than either of the Pathfinder games (a low bar to clear, but still), even shortly after release, so it's really weird that such a major bug was not reported and fixed after all this time.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
You'd think by game three they would have learned that about themselves. Takes only a minor amount of self-awarenes.

There's no incentive. Their games sell well and the mainstream reception is good. Yet another reminder that nobody cares about codex opinions (unfortunately?).

There's a huge vacuum in upper-AA RPGs. Now that Larian is basically full AAA, there's not too many (are there any?) there to compete with Owlcat. And they've developed a fanbase that really likes their games.

At this point, it's what you'd expect getting one of their games.


Jul 12, 2008
Are you sure you're on the latest patch?

For me, Rogue Trader was a significantly less buggy experience than either of the Pathfinder games (a low bar to clear, but still), even shortly after release, so it's really weird that such a major bug was not reported and fixed after all this time.

I'm definitely on the latest patch. Several of the bugs I'd noticed earlier have disappeared, but much like the hydra's heads, new problems just keep appearing.

I never encountered that many bugs in the Pathfinder games (I didn't finish WotR because I just didn't like the game, but I did reach Act 4). Rogue Trader is considerably worse in that respect.

Maybe some problems only disappear if you play the game from the start again. I'll probably do so one of these days.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
There's no incentive. Their games sell well and the mainstream reception is good. Yet another reminder that nobody cares about codex opinions (unfortunately?).

The general sentiment is actually pretty much in alignment with the Codex on this - game takes a massive nosedive in quality after Chapter 2.

Which begs the question - why spend time and resources on content that very few people like just to make the game longer? I can't figure out the logic behind making the development process longer and more expensive just to make the game as a whole worse.

The first two Chapters take around 40-ish hours or so to complete, which is a perfectly fine length for a CRPG. The entire main story of the game could've easily been told in those 40 hours and without tedious filler content like Commoragh. That entire Chapter serves almost no purpose in the overarching narrative. In fact, the entire subplot about the Drukhari
and Xavier's alliance with them
could be completely removed from the game and it wouldn't suffer for it in the slightest. The only reason they're there is because someone in Owlcat is thirsting for Le Goth Space Elves.

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