It's a reference to this dipshit, who showed up one day and decided he was in charge of all the artwork for the Codex. DU egged him on a little to make him waste a bunch of time (and possibly to teach him a lesson about respecting someone else's house), so the guy made a million gifs, including a bunch of donut gifs. It looked like the guy might figure out that he was being strung along, so the donut was actually added, perhaps to keep him hooked. It was probably selected from all those million gifs because it is stupid and meaningless. Soon the guy got mad that ALL his gifs weren't used, and he ragequit.What is even the point of those Donut icons? What are they trying to convey? I absolutely do not understand these icons.
Normally I don't like explaining buttons but this story was so dumb that it deserves to be told. It's the kind of dumb where you shake your head and are ashamed you were there, but you can't help but smile a little bit.
I have no idea why the fuck a 2nd donut was added; you can't make something meaningless even more meaningless. Probably just senility.
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