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Butthurt Wesp5's VtM: Bloodlines patch is the biggest poison in the RPG modding community


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
And unlike many modders who happen to be narcissistic losers
Are you implying that Wesp "I alone turned Bloodlines from a flawed gem to the jewel it is today" Five isn't a narcissist?

The basic patch is not unique in its scope, even though supposedly it does a bit more than just fixing the bugs. There are others like the True Patch, but the real highlight of Wesp's legacy lies in the +patch. As far as I know there are no other patches that have restored as much cut content without also altering the gameplay or quest structure significantly.


Apr 18, 2007
As far as I know there are no other patches that have restored as much cut content without also altering the gameplay or quest structure significantly.

I would guess that the KOTOR2 restoration project, or however it is called, exceeds the stuff that I restored by far. And there maybe other similar mods...


Jun 13, 2016
Sea of Ubiquity
Yeah of course, that's why your "Basic Patch" is only "bugfixes", like "Removed an annoying side table in Gary's lair" and "Made Empire clerk bisexual responding to Seduction from either sex."

The side table could get you stuck and the Empire desk clerk change is plus patch only.
"Removed critical bum cutscene and illogical Pisha feeding cutscene."

"Put unfinished dogs at Giovanni Mansion....."

The list goes on. Again, I also don't know if the stuff I listed were in Basic Patch or moved to Plus """""Patch"""""" years after their inception. Whatever, I'm done ranting.

Lol there is shit like this changed arbitrarily all over Wesp patch, I already wrote about this years ago in this very thread but I still remember the ghost in Ocean House standing there motionless and you could take a good look at it, all the spookiness of the original where it disappears as soon as you enter the Hotel was gone, the rationale for changing it? Well, some people missed it lol. I also remember the npcs droning the same lines over and over again (which didn't happen in the original game) because Wesp modified some parameter in their dialogue routines. I think many people do not even notice those things because they never played the game without it


Oct 21, 2019
I think many people do not even notice those things because they never played the game without it
My favorite part is when people do notice shit like that they come and say oh man imagine the horrors of playing without the patch! It's motherfucking unplayable for sure! When in reality the only valid issue of playing 1.2 is the texture bug which Wesp mentioned recently and that can be fixed easily. Don't get me wrong, there're still bugs in there like incorrect xp rewards or log entries but in general it's absolutely fine.

Wesp's "patch" is a mod and like any other mod is (in theory) nice to fresh things up be that "plus" version or "basic" which indeed is full of little schizo changes here and there anyway. "In theory" because it's not for me - last time I was trying the plus version I ragequit when I stuck in the "restored" turnstile at one of the club's enter.


Apr 18, 2007
As far as I know there are no other patches that have restored as much cut content without also altering the gameplay or quest structure significantly.

I would guess that the KOTOR2 restoration project, or however it is called, exceeds the stuff that I restored by far. And there maybe other similar mods...

For Bloodlines I meant.

In that case you are right. In fact if people already complain about the changes the plus patch does, they should probably never play the Clan Quest Mod ;).


Apr 2, 2012
Latest version of CQM i've played had finished sabbat questline and it was fun. But the early additions have some of the most terrible voice acting ever in mods. One character from hitman side quest sounded like 15 year old boy with cheap half working microphone from 2001. Diablerie interactions have original voice lines awkwardly reused and rearranged to make new dialogue lines.

Now that AI is around the author should just use it to revamp the mod's dialogue.


Apr 18, 2007
What annoyed me the most about the CQM Sabbat quest line was the moment when the game fades out, you magically appear before Lacroix and he tells you that he had dominated you the whole time. Makes you wonder if the whole story wasn't a dream while being in a shower :)! Also why would the Anarchs fight for the key when in the original game Jack clearly gave them a hint to not bother? Without any voice overs at all in that scene and later. And last not least the dark arena in which you could kill several main NPCs just for the fun of it and the way that Strauss could have kept you in his magic maze forever and didn't do it. How fine the rest of the mod is, burgermeister doesn't care about the original game or lore if he can kill main characters off ;)!


Apr 2, 2012
They are fanfic writers unfortunately and the mod's content is hit and miss. Still better than most mods for this game. Hell, i don't even know any quest mods of this scale for Bloodlines to be honest. I only made some personal use mods that never went beyond texture and model editing and that alone was torture and a waste of time, but modding this game more extensively must be a real bitch.

I like the extra crispy Sabbat's ending where you strap Lacroix to a spire and make him watch the sunrise. Hopefully the protagonist of Bloodlines 2 will get phyred the same way.


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
Strauss could have kept you in his magic maze forever and didn't do it.
Ehh, I guess such wards could be bypassed.
What annoyed me the most about the CQM Sabbat quest line
For me its the complete lack of Caine Cabbie involvement. If I recall correctly, bear with me, it's been some time, if you stay loyal to the Sabbat, you don't get Griffith Park and the enlightening discussion with Cabbie.


Apr 2, 2012


Apr 18, 2007
I remember this mod dilated some trannies because the russian girl that made skins for it added a bunch of nazi sabbats. Comments are pretty funny.

Yeah, Lenuska made some weird decisions at the time. Another one is having Tzimisce Szlachta look exactly like Aliens from the movie franchise! Or adding more fights to the game when everybody agrees that this is Bloodlines weakest point...


Perfidious Pole
Feb 17, 2011
Stealth Orbital Nuke Control Centre
I remember this mod dilated some trannies because the russian girl that made skins for it added a bunch of nazi sabbats. Comments are pretty funny.

Yeah, Lenuska made some weird decisions at the time. Another one is having Tzimisce Szlachta look exactly like Aliens from the movie franchise! Or adding more fights to the game when everybody agrees that this is Bloodlines weakest point...
The highlight being Grout's wife as a boss fight.


Apr 2, 2012
Certainly one of the womens success stories. God bless her beautiful, autistic soul.

Though i mostly know who she is because she was one of the first if not the first modmaker that discovered how to make model edits in this old ass version of source engine Bloodlines runs on.


Jun 17, 2018
Are you implying that Wesp "I alone turned Bloodlines from a flawed gem to the jewel it is today" Five isn't a narcissist?
I've just replayed the game with unofficial patch but vanilla mechanics (repurchasable books, empty levels and other retardation).
Wesp picked up parts of a dilapidated piece of shit engine when official devs abandoned their jobs and decency and fucked off into fog and cancer. He's doing god's job.
Less whining

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
Have you tried playing the base Steam game that comes with the 1.2 patch? Or have you personally experienced these so-called "literally unplayable" gamebreaking bugs for yourself?
Why would I subject myself to that? Even if what you are saying is true (Wesp5 can confirm if that's the case or not), the patch itself ultimately still improves the experience beyond just making the game stable enough as to not crash. There's no reason not to play with it installed, at least in its base variant. If the patch were as superfluous as you seem to imply, GoG wouldn't have decided on having the game come with it preinstalled on their platform.
Why are you parroting other peoples opinions if you haven't even tried to play the game with Troika's official 1.2 patch? (Where they squashed the so-called gamebreaking bugs).

Also GOG is notorious for installing redundant fanpatches to their games, like they did with Temple of Elemental Evil.
Just my personal experience, but even back in the day, the only major problem I ever had was ungodly long loading times. I think I went through the game three times in those days. No game-breaking bugs to my memory. Not even trouble with the boat in the vampire hunter base. It was definitely a while before I used the unofficial patches, so it's not as necessary as people like to credit.
* Boiling Point: Road to Hell Unofficial Patch
* White Gold: War in Paradise Unofficial Patch
Why am I not surprised you also had a hand in fixing those infamously buggy titles?

Be Kind Rewind

Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
As I figure Unreal 2 won't keep me occupied until the Fortune's Run update is out I've been looking for something else to sink my teeth into and since a bunch of DEI hires are in the process of fucking up Bloodlines 2 for a second time on Paradox's dime a replay of Bloodlines is in order and I think I'm just going to do it with the official 1.2 patch.

Childhood is thinking that Wesp dindu nuffin wrong, adulthood is realizing that Drog was right, Tessera made the better unofficial patch despite being an insane coomer (now with TDS) and that the issues with the supposedly great fan-patch that is now bundled with the game if you get it digitally far outnumber the benefits.

Even back in 2005 people were annoyed by pointless changes for the sake of changing something, like renaming the guns in the game.

I hate "fan improvements"... I'll never use patches that'd add things a modder deems need be in the game. Why would it be som impossible to have those things set as optional?
I agree, it sucks that fans can't keep their improvements seperate from actual fixes.

Meanwhile Drog's unofficial patch is meticulous, he doesn't create fifteen new bugs trying to solve an old one, he respects the developer's intent and keeps his own ideas entirely restricted to optional mod packages.


Apr 11, 2020
Asp Hole
Talking about TES 4: Oblivion to make a comparison in patching time. I disagree with a statement that you can patch the game forever. Eventually you can reach the point where 99% of bugged elements will get fixed.

I agree. I almost thought that 11.1 would have been the final patch, but then people continued to go over it with a fine toothed comb, as Beckett would say ;). Just take a look at Planet Vampire, there are people who replay with every new patch! Also compared to TES or id games, there is no source code for Bloodlines and the SDK was patched together by some Russian modders out of an HL2 alpha build leak. There are still dozends of known issues and unrestored content that we will never be able to fix or restore as far as I can imagine.

Wesp5 I appreciate what you do. I also like having updated patches as an excuse to play the game over from the beginning.

The only bug that is still there that drives me crazy is Caller you've got the first shot at Deb tonight! So who do I have the pleasure of speaking with? Hi Deb this is uhhh... Vigo... - I am not sure I've ever heard more than the first 120 seconds of that gal on the radio as every time there is a radio to be found - either playing in the background or I turn on, it starts at the beginning with Vigo. I've played the game 5+ times, and still - I never heard more than 2 minutes of "Deb of the Night"

If I'm not mistaken the game doesn't add subtitles to talk radio when you're in the vicinity, at any rate that caller calls himself "Viggo", not "Vigo". He's trying to project a hunky image to Deb, who also makes fun of this.


also: ⛽
Nov 24, 2017
Unofficial +Patch used to be good.

Then he removed the moon from the haunted house because muh realism.
Then he fucked up stealth because fuck you, if you want to sneak you have to either play an ugly deformed sewer rat or someone who's literally insane.
Then he fucked up the disciplines because people were having too much fun with things like Mass Suicide.
Then he added the fucking turnstile and didn't even bother to add an option to remove it until I practically offered to suck his dick if he'd just remove that abomination from the game while half-threatening him with death if he refused.
Then he decided that Unarmed, Melee, Ranged, and Defense weren't descriptive enough, so he just had to rename them Unarmed COMBAT, Melee COMBAT, Ranged COMBAT and COMBAT Defense so that people would understand that they related to COMBAT and so that it would be easier to find them on the character sheet at a glance when they all have the word COMBAT in them.
And then he added YO YO YO I GOT DINOSAUR EGGS and CRAB NIPPLES which just keep looping over and over and over and over whenever you get near an NPC.

Now it's peak. Fuck you wesp, I pretty much beta tested this shit for you for 5 years and you just kept making it worse.


also: ⛽
Nov 24, 2017
I practically offered to suck his dick if he'd just remove that abomination from the game while half-threatening him with death if he refused.
Do tell more.
I used to visit GameFAQs back when I was still retarded. Don't know if the threads are still there, but if you find a post in a UP thread sperging about the turnstile back when he first put it in there's a big chance it's me. Occasionally I'd go to Planet Vampire but I don't think I posted more than a few times there, and that was probably mostly to ask where random stuff could be modified in the files when I was trying to make my own PNP mod for the game.

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