The “boomer” appellation is so nonsensical here. The 90s was when Xennials and Millennials were growing up.
A boomer rpg would be something like, idk, Gygax’s Dungeons & Dragons? Traveller? The tabletop hobby is basically ruled by a handful of boomer and gen-X games that I find completely unappealing and unrelatable because I’m from a newer generation.
You could call Mass Effect a boomer rpg because it uses scifi tropes from the mid-20th century, like Star Trek and Star Wars, rather than later eras like cyberpunk and postcyberpunk. I find it stale and outdated. I’m annoyed that new games like ZeroSpace lazily copy it.
My tastes go for postcyberpunk millennial scifi like Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda, Babylon 5, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, etc. (There have been no innovations in the scifi genre after postcyberpunk arrived in the y2k era.)
It feels like, aside from Cyberpunk 2077, scifi video games have regressed by several decades and gotten stuck in the lowest common denominator version of the boomer era of scifi lit. Instead of cyborgs, mutants, and multiple human cultures/nationstates, we have green alien babes, bland species-wide monocultures, and zero interrogation of what it means to be human in the face of technological advancement.
So yeah, I feel like Western rpgs have hugely fallen, not just from where they were in the past but where they could’ve been.