I think it's a given that combat won't make you struggle, so it's not exactly combatfag friendly.
I get that. This isn't a combatfag crpg. It's just that I don't want them to make combat an "afterthought" and something irrelevant like many suggest that it's no "biggie" if it's like that. If this is a crpg, and if it will have combat, I want it meaningful, fun, engaging and somewhat chalenging (not piss easy, but not frustrating for an average old school gamer with IQ above 90, otherwise, if it's not challenging at all, what's the point of combat then, anyway? o_O ), not some popamole crap. That's what I feared we'll get because most storyfags just care about the story. And I'm glad they don't seem to think combat should be irrelevant in this game, like many here suggest. This IS a crpg with stats, equipment and combat encounters after all, not an adventure game (although some "hybrid" adventure games have combat too). I'm certain story will be good with what they have shown so far, so why not improve other aspects too? Why must this be a great "interactive novel" (without much gameplay) when it can be a great game (crpg) with fun and interesting gameplay also?