Fun way to kill time, but not sure this is my cup of tea. Worth the $5 or so? Ya.
I think they're the perfect type of "fried after work, zone out" game or "palette cleanser between heavier, more serious games."
I might go hard into iso RPGs or strategy or something for awhile and then need to just refresh in between, so these sorts of bite size experiences are great.
Imo Halls of Torment is basically Vampire Survivors+* but YMMV.
* VS prioritizes choosing which stuff to pick up, but all your aiming and attacking is automated, so you just move, while HoT by default makes you attack and move, but also has toggles for auto-aiming or auto-shooting, so you can play it as manually or VS like as you prefer. Personally I tend to default to playing it as a twin stick arcade shooter and it hits my sweet spot for this sort of thing.