You cannot really blame them when he is such a low hanging fruit with his retard statements. Like how he didn't know that antibiotics are not used vs viruses or how he wanted doctors to find a way to kill coronavirus inside bodies by somehow projecting UV rays inside patients bodies...
Well. The very first enemy with dialogue actually is right on the nose. 2/3 of the posters in this thread should immediately adopt this guy as their avatar.It's not THAT obvious, not even Berkeley hatched SoCal femyns aren't that retarded. Yet.So, I take the chances of having a plot-twist where you're actually the authoritarian, repressive bad guys is near-zero then, right? You just happen to fightwhite malesterrorists
So far I learned there are 3 potential eevul groups that you have to investigate and so far none of them seems too much on the nose altright-shitlord-incel-whitemale equivalent. But the undertones are p. clear.
Floyd is sectoid Alex Jones. He even sounds like Alex Jones. And I love him.Lastly, among the featured cutscene NPCs is a right-wing commentator who happens to be Sectoid. I hope to see a lot more of this guy. So far he isn't portrayed in a particularly flattering or unflattering light; it's just a welcome twist on the usual "news anchors deliver worldbuilding exposition to the player". There's a lot to complain about in the writing but having media commentary with multiple viewpoints is a very cool idea.
This project is so weird. I can't understand what audience is targeted. It looks like Firaxis made a game nobody wants/waited for.
This is really close to scratching the itch for me. A tight, tactical cop drama with unique characters, puzzle type combat with lots of options and new unit capabilities over time? What's not to like? I repeat I loved Shadow Watch. If I am their target demographic, the only blunder the devs made was in writing characters that don't take themselves seriously. I guess they were trying for buddy comedy instead of cop drama?This project is so weird. I can't understand what audience is targeted. It looks like Firaxis made a game nobody wants/waited for.
A tactical turn-based SWAT 3/Rainbow Six Vegas with Aliens this is very close to being. Hopefully this game'll get the same mod treatment 2 got, anything to make it just a little bit more worthwhile.This is really close to scratching an itch for me. A tight, tactical cop drama with unique characters, puzzle type combat with lots of options and new unit capabilities over time, what's not to like? I repeat I loved Shadow Watch. If I am their demographic, the only blunder they made was characters that don't take themselves seriously. I guess they were trying for buddy comedy instead of cop drama?This project is so weird. I can't understand what audience is targeted. It looks like Firaxis made a game nobody wants/waited for.
Is this an attempt to piss of all xenophobes? It's quite stupid story and it's something like we support mixed racial policy which would fuck everyone.
I think some of the characters who appear "tanned" (Patchwork, Shelter, Claymore) are actually intended to be Caucasian.
Watch the Agent Profile for Claymore, one of the playable Agents in XCOM: Chimera Squad. Subscribe to the XCOM channel for more gameplay videos and upcoming profiles on new agents:
Claymore was a young boy when the invasion occurred. His childhood became a journey between refugee camps and city outskirts as his family sought safety wherever they could. Thanks to his engineering-professor parents and his own penchant for tinkering, Claymore taught himself the ins and outs of explosive devices and began manufacturing grenades for the resistance.
On Chimera Squad, Claymore outputs heavy damage through special-made explosives. His devices remove obstacles, allow the squad to breach dangerous facilities, and give his enemies something pretty to look at during their final moments on this planet.