Yeah i know what you mean, i restarted just for that. Dragunovs for everyone. Later on full auto if needed
Only mental people play fallout games and ATOM with companions. Just run solo!Whomever took the decision to base everything in the game on Fallout 1, including the completely and utterly useless CNPC/party controls, should be beaten with a stick.
Sometimes they just run headlong into combat, instead of firing, only to in turn be mowed down by their comrade with a shotgun. It's like hearding cats, except with cats you at least get cuddles at some point. It's more like hearding tumbleweeds made out of razors through Minefield F8.
Indeed for a commercial hub there was not much to do, that would be the perfect place to get a gaz mask too or hazmat suit, spent hours in the wastes and never got one. Yet i absolutely need one to proceed in the story.Holy shit, this game is addictive. Can't remember having this much fun in a game since forever.
And I agree with Luckmann, Peregon was a pretty big disappointment. I was expecting to refill my ammo and other stuff there, but when i arrived, there was just a bunch of tents, a cook and some pissed off merchants selling junk. Couldn't get a single bullet there, I always have to visit that bitch in the big city with ridiculous prices or hope i get some from a passing caravan. Add some merchants in Peregon since it's been advertised as the biggest commercial place, yet I can only buy some junk no one needs. Can't even sell anything as merchants there are piss poor anyway.
jUST JUMP FOR FUCK SAKE, YOU WONT DIE.Why is there no rope anywhere near the Forrest...
So about the 3 skin worm random encounter.....
The guide and the guard seem to me the skinworms,or they all infected?
Hm looks like the dog is a good source of easy ruble if you visit the dog arena at Peregon.
There's no way the dog can lose here with armor equipped. If you want to be more confident, just make it drink alcohol and eat onions pre-fight.
I had 7 and did just fine.for a shoota build how much attention is sufficient?8?
I had 7 and did just fine.for a shoota build how much attention is sufficient?8?
- Where do you get armor for your dog?
- You monster.
Quoting myself here, because I've found a related bug (ping Atomboy):Also, on the topic of the BBQ joint and settling politics:Is there no way to deal with the leader of the traders and the leader of the guards, after finding out that they were involved with the BBQ-slavers, after you've settled the politics, without aggroing fucking everyone? When resolving the politics, you have the opportunity of silently killing them, but after resolving it peacefully and then showing up with the evidence that they were involved with the BBQ-slavers, it seems you can't actually do anything at all other than having a huge shoot-out. I can't even tell the Harbormaster guy.
I must say, so far, Peregon is incredibly unsatisfying.I've postponed handing the quest in, hoping that it'll be fixed in a patch.After very much not killing the two faction leaders in Peregon, upon handing the BBQ quest in to the postman in Krasnoz, he asks me what they looked like when they died, and all my responses assume that they did. But I never did kill them.
Really, currently, the game seems to assume that you're supposed to do the BBQ quest prior to resolving the politics in Peregon, and then kill the major players as part of the quest to resolve the politics, but given that you can only resolve the BBQ quest in Peregon through a very specific action (tricking the BBQ slavers into leaving, through a dialogue choice unlocked by <???>), that's one hell of an assumption, and if you don't do it like that, you seem to be SOL.
In my case, it's not an issue of getting ammo, but rather of getting rid of stuff. The reason I'm treating ammo as currency is because it's light-weight and worth a lot, whereas nobody has enough rubles to actually give me cash for all the trash I'm hauling. Mind you, they don't have enough ammo, either, but it's something, at least.You can always craft your own weapons and ammo. I'm still in the begining, but I'm already using a custom rifle with a sight that is really effective. The ammo (zip rounds, shot rounds) are easier to make.Observations: Merchants sometimes have weapons for sale, and often, these weapons have ammo inside of them. You can unload weapons in the merchant inventory, allowing you to either buy cheaper weapons or to just buy the ammo (which is what I do, because at this point, ammo is a more reliable currency).
You mean DOX or previous industry experience? If the latter - our kickstarter page has that stuff!Does anyone here knows more about the developers involved? I can't find any information about them.
I don't know, man. Honestly, nothing but "sorry" comes to mind. I can't tell why you and some other players get this experience. It doesn't suppose to happen, our testers don't get it. Even I don't get it when I play! But some do. Sorry for being tedious, but are you sure you're like... giving them weapons, giving them ammo, telling them not to melee, pick targets \ position for them, talk to them via dialogue to manage distance? Seriously, whenever I get a message about them shooting each other, or getting stuck, or running around, I honestly want to help out, but I can't, because they are not supposed to act like that if controlled properly! It's like a curse! A rogue line of code somewhere that messes up an actually not so bad combat system :\\ A patch coming out in a few days might solve it, since a lot of combat will be reworked in it, but still, sorry you're experiencing this stuffWhomever took the decision to base everything in the game on Fallout 1, including the completely and utterly useless CNPC/party controls, should be beaten with a stick.
Sometimes they just run headlong into combat, instead of firing, only to in turn be mowed down by their comrade with a shotgun. It's like hearding cats, except with cats you at least get cuddles at some point. It's more like hearding tumbleweeds made out of razors through Minefield F8.
They are basically random with caravans and some vendors. Other vendors though, pick from a pool of allowed items. But these are mostly vegetable salespeople.I have seen some dog armour and weapons in the shops.The dog sadly, was powerful early, nowadays he is only good for fightinh rats and insects. No armor, no weapons.
Does anyone knows how the shop items are restricted? Are they level based or what?
It can have armor!I got that SKV rifle thing that cost 6000 with 17-25 damage. equipped dear hexagon with it, he became death machine fast.
Fidel with the lenin chainsaw is pretty badass too.
The dog sadly, was powerful early, nowadays he is only good for fightinh rats and insects. No armor, no weapons.
Well then I'm going to need some help, because I can't fucking find her anywhere. I've been over this place four times now.There's a weapons vendor, a blind woman. I forget her name at the moment.
I got the impression that they used photos instead of NPC portraits? If that is true, I hope it will become a hallmark of the genre. It frees the developers to create a more lively world and it’s more efficient and economic.
I had 7 and did just fine.for a shoota build how much attention is sufficient?8?
The weapon salesmen tend to appear after politics are resolved.
My sincerest apologies. I had apparently mixed up "Anton" and "Ivan", as referenced by the postman upon handing in the quest, withCan you please elaborate on what you think was a bug here? I read this post several times but I don't quite get what you mean. The BBQ quest isn't supposed to have any connection with the Peregon power struggle quest. You just find the names of some of the politicians on a piece of paper in the BBQ joint basement and if these leaders are still alive you can try to extract some money for that list. That's all. When the postal dude asks you "what they looked like when they died" he is talking about the BBQ owners, not the Peregon politicians. You don't have to resolve the politician quest to resolve the BBQ quest and vice versa. But you say the game is making you do it? How? I ran a few tests, and the quests really aren't linked in any way.
Edit: Here is how it supposed to go. There's a weird Postal dude in Krasnoznamenny who screams that lamb chops are made out of people. When you talk to him he tells you of two guys who run a popular BBQ shack in Peregon. If you go to Peregon you can trick the guys into leaving the map, then you get into the shack, but when you get out these guys confront you, so you kill them. When you do, you go back to Krasnoznamenny and tell the postal dude "I killed the BBQ owners". He goes "What did the BBQ owners look like as you killed them?". Then he hands you some money and walks away all mysterious like.
So on what step did you get the politician killing thing? Or maybe you misread the dialogue and there is no bug? Thanks for the help anyway!