Hahahah you psycho son a bitch. Best poster in the entire thread.Treat the Krasno elevator guard to cigarettes
It's cargo cult. The developers that did that in previous games probably wanted to make the game more immersive. The thought is that if you can't control the team members in the battle it's because they are autonomous. But at the end of the day it's just not worth it. The tatical aspect must come first.This lack of control was hands down the biggest unambiguous and unquestionable flaw of the original Fallouts (and Arcanum, to boot), and it frankly weirds me the fuck out that someone would try to replicate it.
Is there any reason to bump any weapon skill to more than 100? Does stealh helps in encounters in any way? I wasted a ton of SPs in this skill. You can earn much more money with barther doing less repetitive shit. Stealh is worthless.Once you hit Survival 130 - you can evade both human and monster encounters at 99% rate. That eliminated a lot of the early game dangers and lets you clean content at your own pace.
Is there any reason to bump any weapon skill to more than 100? Does stealh helps in encounters in any way? I wasted a ton of SPs in this skill. You can earn much more money with barther doing less repetitive shit. Stealh is worthless.Once you hit Survival 130 - you can evade both human and monster encounters at 99% rate. That eliminated a lot of the early game dangers and lets you clean content at your own pace.
You can always alt f4.
Also are speech checke randomised?i swear i managed to convince the moonsiners to accept dan the man protection with 90 in speech in one playthrough and in the next i needed 100.
You can always alt f4.
Also are speech checke randomised?i swear i managed to convince the moonsiners to accept dan the man protection with 90 in speech in one playthrough and in the next i needed 100.
new patch came out?game downloaded 60mbs.
how much dex should i have for burst build?guess 10 will be a waste since i wont be able to burst twice per round anyways.
though until i get an assault rifle i will be using pistols and an extra attack will be usefull....
actually the best perks for burst builds are the ones that give armor,the automatic perks are not worth it (maybe the last one).
You don't really need armor in this case - just the knockdown resist is sufficient. Then follow it up with good defensive gear. Treat the Krasno elevator guard to cigarettes for a nice DT7 armor and AK rifle and you're set. You can even Aimed shot/3-shot burst which makes it more versatile than the ammo hungry RPD.
actually the best perks for burst builds are the ones that give armor,the automatic perks are not worth it (maybe the last one).
You don't really need armor in this case - just the knockdown resist is sufficient. Then follow it up with good defensive gear. Treat the Krasno elevator guard to cigarettes for a nice DT7 armor and AK rifle and you're set. You can even Aimed shot/3-shot burst which makes it more versatile than the ammo hungry RPD.
DT7 armor?
What stats on it?
i dunno. Stikl wear that green kevlar thing. I heard a rumor of a power armor, too bad they seeem to be just fallout reference instead of a hint of it existing in the world so far.Usual armor. Nothing better exists in game?
Is there any reason to bump any weapon skill to more than 100? Does stealh helps in encounters in any way? I wasted a ton of SPs in this skill. You can earn much more money with barther doing less repetitive shit. Stealh is worthless.Once you hit Survival 130 - you can evade both human and monster encounters at 99% rate. That eliminated a lot of the early game dangers and lets you clean content at your own pace.
Stealth is really useful in combat (it's a god tier skill, along with speechcraft). It lets you come closer to enemies without them seeing you, or evading them if they surrounded you, because they literally can't see you 2m away when it's maxed out.
I was going to get the dog, but for some reason its master survived the encounter.Did not think this could happen.
Stealth is really useful in combat (it's a god tier skill, along with speechcraft). It lets you come closer to enemies without them seeing you, or evading them if they surrounded you, because they literally can't see you 2m away when it's maxed out.
Ah so stealth is just permanently "on" and works non stop, reducing the aggro radius of enemies?