Mareus You're being incredibly disingenuous. KotOR recycles the OT
down to the very visual motifs. Compare the Leviathan and the stock Star Destroyer (Victory-class?), the Ebon Hawk to the Millenium Falcon, the principal villain being further dehumanized by his machine conversion. I'm sure we could dig more similarities the designers created to evoke a sort of "Star Wars feeling."
Nice e
quivocation fallacy there, son. Athelas said that almost every
plot element from the OT was recycled into Kotor. You are talking about visual motives. While I will grant you that there is obvious similarity between various ships, buildings, uniforms, etc... none of those things translate into plot elements. If you think otherwise, I will just call you a retard and move on.
Athelas made the following argument:
...Kotor does that by recycling almost every plot element from the original trilogy (although primarily a New Hope)...
Kotor is about a group of Republic allies flying around in a stolen freighter ship trying to prevent a space station with planet-destroying capability from taking over the galaxy, punctured by a second-act plot twist about the identity of the protagonist. If this sounds familiar, it's because it's a summary of the OT as well.
This is obviously fallacious, becasue if you reduce enough of the plot, you will come to some astounding similarities between things that have nothing in common. I gave the following example:
- Planescape Torment is about a guy who every once in a while loses his memory so he reads tattoo hints on his body in order to get to the bottom of a mystery that stretches out over a long period of time... -> obviously recycling almost every plot element from Memento. (Yes, I know Memento was released around the same time, but it is irrelevant for the argument. The point is that if you reduce the plot enough, you can make two completely different things sound the same).
Notice how I avoided to mention very important differences, like the fact that the guy from PST cannot die, while the guy in Memento is just a regular human who cannot form longterm memory. I didn't mention setting difference, I didn't mention the difference between villains, etc. The point was, that Athelas was doing the same thing when he didn't mention the difference between Luke and Revan. He didn't mention Revan's loss of memory, his fall to the dark side and redemption. He didn't mention characters like Bastilla that have completely unique force abilities. He didn't mention important differences like the fact that OT is focused much more on the family drama between the Skywalkers, while Revan's quest is much more focused on the discovery of the Star Forge... And I could go on.
One retard went: Memento was released 1 year later! Check mate! -> Wow... congratulations, son! You are an idiot!
The other retard went explaining to me all the plot elements I intentionally obfuscated in order to show just what Athelas was doing.
And now Ninjatard is trying to prove the game recycled almost every plot element from OT by pointing out some similiarities between character design, ship design and what not. Wow... just wow...
The funny thing is that Force Awakens is actually recycling every plot element from OT (especially NH). So if we were talking about that pos, I would agree with you guys. But, Kotor is enough of its own thing that it can stand on its own two legs. Nobody is denying some small similarities, but to say it is recycling almost every plot element , now that right there is not just disingenuous - its retarded.