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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Vault Dweller any chance you'll write the codex review

would be just like old times

maybe Darth Roxor can write the negative review, and you can write the medium-positive review, and the traditional ranting, weirdo, poorly written overly optimistic review could be penned by BruceVC


Jul 11, 2019
Romances are non-issue because they can be ignored. Any retard who cries about this shit outs themselves as degenerate that wants to participate in their chosen degenerate version of romance. The only exception is if someone criticises the concept of romance in RPG:s, this is based and encouraged.

You can't ignore combat systems, like making fundamental changes to how multiclassing work. Especially if higher difficulties are balanced around them.

Who do you actually know that has ever said they play RPG just for Romance? I have heard that allegation before but I find it hard to believe considering Romance is an optional and small part of the overall components of any RPG

PeopLe like me enjoy Romance but its definitely not the main reason we play RPG

No, thats not accurate. Just ignore it because you dont have to participate in it

It can be done, I promise you. You can choose what Romance arcs you want to initiate. It surprises me some people seem to think you MUST be part of every possible Romance option. I have never played any RPG like that

It's surprising that with a new CRPG with turn based combat, choices and consequences and reactivity coming out people focus on the adjacent content that you will never see unless you engage with it.

My theory is that the BG3-haters are closeted bearfuckers who secretly fear that they will not be able to suppress their unnatural urges if given the opportunity to act on them.

That leads to them to lashing out against the game, like all those closeted homos in the Repuiblican party and the evangelical churches lash out against faggotry.

See all these quotes? Every single one of them is going to get their asses fucked by a bear in a videogame. They are all bonafied zoophiliacs. They defend this, because they like it. It's because they agree that this should be part of gaming going forward. They are more than happy to spend their time and possibly money to achieve this level of degenerecy and to let companies know that this is what they want. They can pretend they will set the game to the hardest difficulty and "not choose the options" to get fucked by a bear, and "not choose the option" to jerk off some black dude so his spells don't fizzle. But they will be voting for this as GoTY, posting about its combat, while they have their dick in their hand, working on their 5th playthrough (on story mode difficulty), just to make sure they didn't miss out on any further scenes involving animals.
I dont agree with this post because your premise is wrong and that makes the rest of the post wrong. I dont how how many more times it can be explained before you understand what most of us think about the bear sex scene but I will try one more time

Your premise is "Every single one of them is going to get their asses fucked by a bear in a videogame ". Thats wrong, I am not going to initiate the bear scene or the gay Vampire scene but I might have them in my party because of combat effectiveness and side-quests. I havent decided yet and only will when I play BG3

And the reason I wont initiate either of those Romance options is because they not my preference,
I only Romance women in RPG
I understand, they are not easy to get along with in real life
Got a great wife no need for pixel boobs.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
btw Roguey when will you do your conclusion on bg3's commercial success/failure

a true codex autist will not trust anyone but you to carry out this essential task and pronounce your judgment
There is no official disclosure on the amount of money that has been budgeted by Larian to develop and produce BG3.

Based on my understanding (and assumptions) from what i have seen previously with other games i think that BG3 would have a $100 mil + budget easily.

It is public knowledge that Larian have (they have confirmed this) over 300 staff working across 6 international studios.

Say if we only say 4 years of development 300 staff on say an average of $70,000 per year is $21,000,000 and times by four this is $84,000,000. Then you have other development costs plus after release care of the game will easily add up to 100 mil +.

At this point it's been six years, so it'd be closer to a $130 million production budget. Steamdb estimates sales are already 1-3 million so after Valve's cut they've recouped anywhere from 48-144 million already. As for marketing budget, who knows? It doesn't seem like they've spent 100 million on marketing.


Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I thought Todd was going to save gaming. Doesn't look so good now, does it?

Don't worry though, Larian's going to pick up the ball that Bethesda dropped and hit a home run. Gaming will be saved, you'll see.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Justin Bieber sells a lot of albums.
Yeah, he does. And people who say he's a failure are stupid and wrong. He's clearly succeeding at moving his product, and many people like it.
"But the people are retarded."
The people determine if a product is successful, by consooooming or not consoooooming. So if you will appeal to success, you appeal to the masses.
And this is why Capitalism is wrong: it messes with my hobby! :argh:


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
btw Roguey when will you do your conclusion on bg3's commercial success/failure

a true codex autist will not trust anyone but you to carry out this essential task and pronounce your judgment
There is no official disclosure on the amount of money that has been budgeted by Larian to develop and produce BG3.

Based on my understanding (and assumptions) from what i have seen previously with other games i think that BG3 would have a $100 mil + budget easily.

It is public knowledge that Larian have (they have confirmed this) over 300 staff working across 6 international studios.

Say if we only say 4 years of development 300 staff on say an average of $70,000 per year is $21,000,000 and times by four this is $84,000,000. Then you have other development costs plus after release care of the game will easily add up to 100 mil +.

At this point it's been six years, so it'd be closer to a $130 million production budget. Steamdb estimates sales are already 1-3 million so after Valve's cut they've recouped anywhere from 48-144 million already. As for marketing budget, who knows? It doesn't seem like they've spent 100 million on marketing.
Best selling western rpg is Skyrim with 30 million plus sales, it cost 85 million to make, 15 million to market.

It's interesting how many western RPGs have managed to push beyond 20 million sales. All of them very action and accessibility focused.

Borderlands 2 with 22 million.

Diablo 3 with 30 million

Witcher 3 with 30 million.

BG3 is an entirely different beast in terms of mass market appeal, but then again, it seems to have captured the zeitgeist, if briefly (before Starfield hits).

I think that if it manages 10 million sales, it will be beyond Larians wildest dreams.


Feb 16, 2021

Wyll not only has a new story, but also a new voice actor. I repeatedly complained that the old voice actor sucks at conveying any emotions, so it's good that he was replaced.


May 1, 2023
It is silly and goofy and a lot of you were successfully sidetracked by that ursine nonsense, when the issue is much more insidious. It's one thing to have dumb shit like romances to add appeal to the overweight female gamer market, but there are no masculine characters to be seen at all. Only a rainbow assortment of lame and goofy weirdos. Where are the dwarves? Remember when Legolas was the feminine pretty boy of the fantasy world? Legolas looks like Tank Abbot in comparison to everyone in BG3. Same thing with happened with Pathfinder, even the dwarf in that game was a giant homo with a short beard and styled hair - what's going on with our rpgs?


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block

sorry but the more degeneracy you insert into games, the more people are gonna talk about it

so u cant blame the people for commenting on it


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
The more I think about the free respec, I don't get a good line of thought about it. Seems like they want this game play almost like DoS where by end game you become a really weird amalgamation of spells and skills without much identity.

they want the "I WIN" button

same thing happened with Pillars when Josh tried to please everybody

accessiblity ruins gameplay


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I didn't want to interrupt while this guy is having a public meltdown, but here's an interview with Swen Vincke about the future of the studio:

(I didn't read it yet so I can't give you a summary).
I hope they get shut down and lose everything. It's the fate Larian deserves.

back in the day Larian was a C-tier developer

I remember reading the old gaming mags with friends and laughing at stuff like Divine Divnity because there was SO MUCH BETTER stuff out there

now all the old talent is gone, and Larian is getting some exposure because there is no competition

thats really all there is


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Larian have beaten the game that we thought couldn't be beaten. They found the way to make turn-based that sells. Fulfilling the dreams of generations of Codexers.

What? The dream of Codexers is "turn-based thats good" and not "turn-based that sells"

That is maybe YOUR dream because you are a shill with poor gaming standards

"game sells" Wow. Who gives a shit? Skyrim sells too
Last edited:


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
These apologetic takes (t-t-they will make a t-ton of money) mean literally nothing. Say something about quality or gameplay

What Larian managed to do is ressurect the old degenerate Bioware-style dating simulators

and yeah infinitron is right in that none thought it was possible, but here we are

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