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Cain on Games - Tim Cain's new YouTube channel

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
Some hasbeen game developer who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about now, and it's questionable if he ever did. This cunt is relevant? Give it a fucking rest.
He's going to be perpetually relevant because of Fallout, same way GabeN is relevant despite not having done anything of note in a long time, and not having done anything actually good since 1998.

Good games are created largely by accident; I don't think Tim has any unique skills and his post-Fallout career is mostly questionable at best, and Fallout itself was - like most good creative works - probably the result of a unique combination of factors and a massive amount of good luck which coalesced to produce something greater than any of the people working on it were capable of doing individually. But Fallout's enough of an achievement that it rightly secures Tim's place in history. He's only made one superb game... but that's still one more superb game than most game devs make. If the creator of Fallout speaks, I'll still listen.

Having said that, I have stopped watching his YT vids on the grounds that I hate hearing him be ludicrously wrong about shit constantly.

If you read the history of Fallout's creation, you will discover that Tim was the spiritus movens of the entire enterprise, which is what it is only thanks to other people (for example, often forgotten Boyarsky or disliked Fargo). He mainly dealt with the engine, and the rest was minor contributions to everything, such as a few less important quests.


Sep 28, 2014
He's going to be perpetually relevant because of Fallout, same way GabeN is relevant despite not having done anything of note in a long time, and not having done anything actually good since 1998.
His game (Fallout) will be perpetually relevant. His opinions on random bullshit have never been relevant. A lot of his opinions on games are even harmful. Never meet your heroes.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
If you read the history of Fallout's creation, you will discover that Tim was the spiritus movens of the entire enterprise, which is what it is only thanks to other people (for example, often forgotten Boyarsky or disliked Fargo). He mainly dealt with the engine, and the rest was minor contributions to everything, such as a few less important quests.
The impression I got is that he had the final say on any and all creative decisions, and can thus receive at least some credit for its consistency and high level of quality (something the other Fallout games lack IMO).

Funnily enough, though, the only example I can give of that is him cutting the Warrens, which I actually think was a big mistake because it would have been one of the coolest areas in the game. But still. Tim! Great guy.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
He's going to be perpetually relevant because of Fallout, same way GabeN is relevant despite not having done anything of note in a long time, and not having done anything actually good since 1998.
His game (Fallout) will be perpetually relevant. His opinions on random bullshit have never been relevant. A lot of his opinions on games are even harmful. Never meet your heroes.

This isn't always true, but whenever we talk about people like Tim - never choose a gay as your hero. Never.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
If you read the history of Fallout's creation, you will discover that Tim was the spiritus movens of the entire enterprise, which is what it is only thanks to other people (for example, often forgotten Boyarsky or disliked Fargo). He mainly dealt with the engine, and the rest was minor contributions to everything, such as a few less important quests.
The impression I got is that he had the final say on any and all creative decisions, and can thus receive at least some credit for its consistency and high level of quality (something the other Fallout games lack IMO).

Funnily enough, though, the only example I can give of that is him cutting the Warrens, which I actually think was a big mistake because it would have been one of the coolest areas in the game. But still. Tim! Great guy.

I think Tim had, at that time, the ability to bring out certain positive things in people. These things weren't necessarily in him, but he evoked them from his associates.


Jan 26, 2014
Tim is a great programmer and designer, I think more accomplished than 99.9% on this forum (or earth), including me.
Sure I disagree with him on the Fallout show, but so fucking what.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
I think Tim had, at that time, the ability to bring out certain positive things in people. These things weren't necessarily in him, but he evoked them from his associates.
Maybe. I get the impression he was a really solid project lead with a clear vision (something he's seemingly not really managed to replicate in any subsequent project).

I've seen him give a talk on the history of the game and Fallout does seem to have been largely his creation. I'm sure most of what makes it so great came from elsewhere (Scott Campbell is, some say, the unsung hero) but Tim was the one who set out to make a GURPS-based cRPG, came up with the retrofuturism stuff, came up with the "three ways to solve any quest" concept, identified key sources of aesthetic inspiration like City of Lost Children, and ultimately was responsible for what did and didn't get approved for the game.

In one of his YT vids he was talking about how insanely hard it was to get people to do things at Obsidian while making TOW because everyone acted like babies (him writing people's names next to assignments on a whiteboard was seen as hostile or something, and people threatened to leave when he made a daily goal list), so from that I assume that he was doing a lot of effective organising and directing with Fallout.


Apr 18, 2007
Funnily enough, though, the only example I can give of that is him cutting the Warrens, which I actually think was a big mistake because it would have been one of the coolest areas in the game.

Are you talking about Fallout here or Bloodlines? Because Tim only said that the Bloodlines Warrens are too long, and pretty everybody who played Bloodlines agrees with him on that!

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
I think Tim had, at that time, the ability to bring out certain positive things in people. These things weren't necessarily in him, but he evoked them from his associates.
Maybe. I get the impression he was a really solid project lead with a clear vision (something he's seemingly not really managed to replicate in any subsequent project).

I've seen him give a talk on the history of the game and Fallout does seem to have been largely his creation. I'm sure most of what makes it so great came from elsewhere (Scott Campbell is, some say, the unsung hero) but Tim was the one who set out to make a GURPS-based cRPG, came up with the retrofuturism stuff, came up with the "three ways to solve any quest" concept, identified key sources of aesthetic inspiration like City of Lost Children, and ultimately was responsible for what did and didn't get approved for the game.

In one of his YT vids he was talking about how insanely hard it was to get people to do things at Obsidian while making TOW because everyone acted like babies (him writing people's names next to assignments on a whiteboard was seen as hostile or something, and people threatened to leave when he made a daily goal list), so from that I assume that he was doing a lot of effective organising and directing with Fallout.

I think his charm worked perfectly at the turn of the century, with people born in the 1970s. But as he got older his market awareness flew away and his former colleagues were replaced by millennials, he completely lost the ability to manage people and, as a result, create games. if that's the case, I don't wonder why he's so secretly bitter. He is still of production age and already retired.

He wants to feel needed again.


Dec 9, 2018
Lower Wolffuckery
I think Tim had, at that time, the ability to bring out certain positive things in people. These things weren't necessarily in him, but he evoked them from his associates.
Maybe. I get the impression he was a really solid project lead with a clear vision (something he's seemingly not really managed to replicate in any subsequent project).

I've seen him give a talk on the history of the game and Fallout does seem to have been largely his creation. I'm sure most of what makes it so great came from elsewhere (Scott Campbell is, some say, the unsung hero) but Tim was the one who set out to make a GURPS-based cRPG, came up with the retrofuturism stuff, came up with the "three ways to solve any quest" concept, identified key sources of aesthetic inspiration like City of Lost Children, and ultimately was responsible for what did and didn't get approved for the game.

In one of his YT vids he was talking about how insanely hard it was to get people to do things at Obsidian while making TOW because everyone acted like babies (him writing people's names next to assignments on a whiteboard was seen as hostile or something, and people threatened to leave when he made a daily goal list), so from that I assume that he was doing a lot of effective organising and directing with Fallout.

I think his charm worked perfectly at the turn of the century, with people born in the 1970s. But as he got older his market awareness flew away and his former colleagues were replaced by millennials, he completely lost the ability to manage people and, as a result, create games. if that's the case, I don't wonder why he's so secretly bitter. He is still of production age and already retired.

He wants to feel needed again.
That might be true.
On the other hand, if you see Kanban board as microaggression, maybe development isn't job for you.


Mar 28, 2018
Frankly I want more games like KoTOR. RTwP works surprisingly well in third person


Jan 4, 2019
I would not say The Outer Worlds is significantly better written.
Maybe it doesn't, but it had a massive PR boost from raiding the Fallout 76 debacle and the "from the creators of Fallout!" PR stunt.


Sep 6, 2022
Frankly I want more games like KoTOR. RTwP works surprisingly well in third person
Both KOTOR 1 and 2 were turn based, though it may seem realtime.
I guess it's "realtime" due to the animations that play out during combat, like dodging an attack or power attacking an enemy.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
That might be true.
On the other hand, if you see Kanban board as microaggression, maybe development isn't job for you.

In general, people who do not understand the importance of hierarchy, time and tasks at work should not be hired at all. Working with someone like that is torture. So Cain's regrets are partially understandable.


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
If you read the history of Fallout's creation, you will discover that Tim was the spiritus movens of the entire enterprise, which is what it is only thanks to other people (for example, often forgotten Boyarsky or disliked Fargo). He mainly dealt with the engine, and the rest was minor contributions to everything, such as a few less important quests.
Please, fellow keyboard warrior, tell me more about how lazy and insignificant Tim Cain is. While you're at it, tell me what you've contributed to the world besides giving your parents depression.


Jul 17, 2013
Frankly I want more games like KoTOR. RTwP works surprisingly well in third person
Both KOTOR 1 and 2 were turn based, though it may seem realtime.
I guess it's "realtime" due to the animations that play out during combat, like dodging an attack or power attacking an enemy.
They're round-based with pause, like the IE games.
Real RTwP has never been tried.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
If you read the history of Fallout's creation, you will discover that Tim was the spiritus movens of the entire enterprise, which is what it is only thanks to other people (for example, often forgotten Boyarsky or disliked Fargo). He mainly dealt with the engine, and the rest was minor contributions to everything, such as a few less important quests.
Please, fellow keyboard warrior, tell me more about how lazy and insignificant Tim Cain is. While you're at it, tell me what you've contributed to the world besides giving your parents depression.

Dear Nano,

Why are you asking me to prove things I don't believe?

I didn't write that "Cain is irrelevant", just that he has lost a lot of it.

I didn't say he was "lazy", just "sidelined".

Bisous et bien à vous,

Ton La vie sexuelle


Mar 28, 2018
Frankly I want more games like KoTOR. RTwP works surprisingly well in third person
Both KOTOR 1 and 2 were turn based, though it may seem realtime.
I guess it's "realtime" due to the animations that play out during combat, like dodging an attack or power attacking an enemy.
They're round-based with pause, like the IE games.
real time turn based with pause

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